An Zhiyuan looked up at her, "What's wrong?"

"Get up, let's go backstage, do you want their autographs?" Kewei said, "Actually, I'm friends with them, let's go backstage quickly, maybe we can get autographs!"

"Ah... actually not... okay." An Zhiyuan originally wanted to say that there is no need for that, because he doesn't chase stars. Although it is true that the song sounds good, he doesn't have the idea of ​​chasing stars, but it looks awesome. With such enthusiasm, An Zhiyuan finally didn't refute her face, nodded with a smile, and followed her all the way to the backstage.

The security personnel of the accompanying Polaris Band seemed to be formidable, and they let them pass all the way. Wow, Bilan Academy actually arranged so many ship girls to be bodyguards for the Polaris Band...

But think about it, Polaris has earned a lot of money for the academy even if they don’t hold a concert. Every time they go on sale, they will rush to buy them until the website system crashes. It can be seen how much traffic they have on them. They are simply blue. The money printing machine of the college.

After a while, Kewei led An Zhiyuan to find the Polaris band members who were backstage. The concert was very easy for them. Their physical strength would not be a problem if they sang and danced on stage for two or three days Don't say it's just six hours from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon...

Speaking of which, after listening to their songs, I didn't even eat lunch, and I felt a little hungry.

"Fearful!" It should be Chicheng's ship lady who greeted with a smile after seeing the fearful, "I thought you didn't come to see us anymore."

They obviously know that Dreadful is now stationed in the Solomon Islands.

But Sheffield noticed An Zhiyuan beside Kewei, and was a little surprised.

If the Polaris band is very famous in the human world, then An Zhiyuan has almost the same status as them in the world of commanders and ship girls. He is a super celebrity and the commander with the most powerful command in the world. He has long heard that This An Zhiyuan is pursuing to salvage Sister Guanghui and the others, this is... Already started?

"You..." Chicheng also noticed An Zhiyuan who seemed to be somewhat intimate with Kewei.

"Hmm... that, hello, I'm An Zhiyuan." An Zhiyuan blinked and introduced himself, what should I do, he wants to fish for a boat again...

The joke that was secretly circulated in the circle of commanders is well said. The most important thing for a commander is not to guard a piece of sea area, but to plant the seeds of hope in the body of every ship girl...

Cough, cough, just joking, but, as an admiral, a commander, one should meet one and love one... oh no, see one and get one... It seems to be the same, anyway, this is the spirit correct.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Polaris signed An Zhiyuan, and then An Zhiyuan and Kewei left together. Although they were not very tired after the concert, they still have a lot of things to deal with now, and Kewei can't disturb them for too long , their real leisure time is only during the month of the new year, and the next ten months will be spent busy and traveling around the world.

I really got my autograph, I went to the backstage to get it directly, really...

"You said I sold this signature, how much can I sell it for?" An Zhiyuan looked at the postcard with five names written on it, and asked Kewei with a smile.

"I don't know, it should be able to sell for a sky-high price, after all, they rarely sign." Kewei said: "Do you really want to sell?"

The formidable eyes were full of contempt.

"Just kidding, don't look at me like that." An Zhiyuan blinked and said with a smile, "I just want to know the price of this autograph."

"Seriously, it's very expensive, at least 99% of the people in the world can't afford it." Kewei said, "Don't underestimate their popularity."

"Thanks to you, I got it. Thank you, awesome." An Zhiyuan looked at the postcard with five signatures and said.

"You don't need to thank me, they are my friends anyway." Kewei shook his head, "Do you like their music?"

"I like it, it sounds very good." An Zhiyuan nodded, it reminded him of his hometown of Alaska and Guam, the two of them often held concerts in the town guard's mansion, most of the people would go, most of the people who didn't go were just lazy Dogs, like Bei Zhai.

"Actually, there are still many classic songs that haven't been sung in this concert. You can find them and listen to them when you go home." Kewei seems to be very happy to recommend the songs of An Zhiyuan and Amway Polaris to him. Song, but An Zhiyuan couldn't remember all of it, his mind was a little confused, and he only remembered part of it.

"Well... Forget it, actually there is no need to recommend it, you can just search by singer, every song is good." Kewei thought for a while and said again.

"Okay." An Zhiyuan nodded with a smile.

As far as the Polaris sang at the concert, most of them are inspirational songs, a small part are love songs, and not bitter love songs, most of them are confession songs, and some seem to mention some natural Disaster, maybe it is a song created for the endgame caused by some natural disasters that have happened in the past.

It's a very positive band, no wonder so many people like it, not only the songs are nice, but also very meaningful.

However, back to the topic, this time I came out to have a good contact with Kewei, but it seems that the concert took away the limelight.

An Zhiyuan pursed his lips, put away his signature, coughed twice and asked, "It's still early, shall we have some afternoon tea?"

He didn't eat lunch at noon, An Zhiyuan was a little hungry, but he was afraid that it was a British ship, he liked to drink tea, although he nodded, he didn't object.

Apparently, compared to the time when I just ate them in the morning, I am much more enthusiastic towards An Zhiyuan. Before that, I always treated An Zhiyuan with indifference...


An Zhiyuan and Kewei found a dessert shop in the town of Kea. This dessert shop is not run by a ship girl like Bilan College, but by humans. After ordering some desserts and black tea, An Zhiyuan Reaching far and dreadfully seated.

An Zhiyuan talked about the fact that the big raid had reached the middle and late stages, and asked about the terrible plan after the big sweep was over.

"After it's over? Will I go back... I don't know, let's see what Sister Guanghui and Sister Shengli think, I just follow them." Kewei Wenyan thought for a while and said.

It's too obvious to change your mouth, is it because you want to go back?An Zhiyuan's index finger drew circles on the table.

In fact, An Zhiyuan guessed wrong. In fact, Kewei thinks that staying here is pretty good, but he doesn't want to live in the college office. Although the college office is relatively remote, you can see a lot of things when you go out. Humans, although An Zhiyuan is also a human (?), but he is a commander after all, other human beings are...unpleasant, in short, Kewei doesn't like to get too close to those human beings, no matter they are good people, Or bad guy, don't want to.

But far away from human society, there are undoubtedly only two places in the Solomon Islands, one is Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters, and the other is An Zhiyuan's headquarters. Now sister Guanghui and sister Shengli seem to be unclear about An Zhiyuan, Terrible, naturally it is impossible to go to Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters....

To say that I like An Zhiyuan, I don't like it much, but this kind of feeling can be cultivated slowly...

The main reason is that Sister Guanghui and Sister Shengli may both want to stay here. Even if she wants to go back, the two sisters will go back with her, but her body may go back, but her heart may not go back, especially Sister Shengli... Tsk, Shengli My sister has gone out with An Zhiyuan several times behind my back, and I don’t know why, it’s strange that Sister Shengli wants to hide it from Sister Guanghui... Obviously, Sister Guanghui is supportive and happy to see the relationship between Sister Shengli and An Zhiyuan Developed.

Maybe it's because Sister Shengli has some strange hobbies...

Well, anyway, Kewei didn't tell Sister Guanghui, and turned a blind eye to Sister Shengli's secret date with An Zhiyuan.

If this continues, Sister Shengli will become An Zhiyuan sooner or later.

The fall of Sister Guanghui is probably only a matter of time. The most important thing is that these two people will stay. Then she can either choose to contact An Zhiyuan, or leave alone...Forget it, join the headquarters and join the headquarters. It's not something to peel off, it's not necessary.

Then contact An Zhiyuan.

"What about you, have you ever thought of staying?" An Zhiyuan asked, "Actually, the Solomon Islands are pretty good, aren't they?"

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