Kewei picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said, "Actually, to me, it's pretty much the same. You don't need to bother to let me stay, because most likely I will stay."

"As long as the two sisters have this intention, I will definitely stay. I know that you want to get in touch with me more. After all, although you said that this is to salvage the sister, we all know that you must have the idea of ​​three people. We came together, so I have already prepared for it. With the current state of Sister Shengli and you, even if she did not join your command in the end, she will not join other command in the future..." Kewei said: " Hey, can you make me like you?"

An Zhiyuan paused for a moment, then said with a chuckle: "I will try my best."

Hundredth Chapter 16 The sweep is over

After An Zhiyuan went back, he talked to Shengli about this matter, Shengli smiled and said, "I can guess the expression on her face when she said this... Well, alas, it was really time for me to come forward and give it to you directly. I refuse to die. In this way, our three sisters will not be stuck here. I give you a letter of approval. I want to stay. I express this attitude. It depends on what Sister Guanghui thinks. Sister Guanghui should also stay. It's time for the three of us to stay, and it's time for you to move forward. To be reasonable, I have already walked in front of Sister Guanghui. Although this is not bad, the progress between you and Sister Guanghui is too slow, right? Let me tell you , it's time for some ambiguous and romantic date."

An Zhiyuan heard that, it's so difficult... How could it be so simple as you said, if Guanghui were my wife, she would have romanticized her in bed long ago, this is not my wife, and I am really embarrassed when she becomes My mother-in-law did too many intimate acts with her before.

However, An Zhiyuan was relieved to have stabilized the three sisters.

In this way, he can feel relieved, otherwise the three sisters would always be in a state of leaving, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

A few days later, the sweep came to an end. All the ship girl needed to do was to maintain the current defense line, while Shangri-La was preparing to formally break into the depths of the Pacific Ocean to find the existence of the Siren headquarters.

The formation this time does not need to be too large, but we must ensure that the combat power is sufficient. However, we cannot take away all the people with strong combat power. After all, the Solomon Islands still have to maintain the defense line. If all the combat power is taken away, the defense line cannot be maintained. It's not so good to be a siren stealing home. In addition to all the full training in the Solomon Islands, Shangri-La also asked Jiang Wanqiu to take pictures of a few high-skilled ship girls and transferred a few high-skilled girls from the academy office. Du Jianniang came out to fight together.

Among them are the Three Glorious Sisters. They are considered to be very powerful in Bilan Academy. They are relatively well-known when they are fully trained. , the gap is so large that it is incomprehensible.

In this way, a special formation with Shangri-La as the flagship and An Zhiyuan's tutelary fort as the main output was formed.

This attack has been decided since the start of the sweep, so there is no question of whether to accept it or not. An Zhiyuan just reminded everyone to pay attention to safety.

"Enterprise, you can observe the situation on the battlefield. As soon as there is a situation beyond your control, you can immediately ask Shangri-La to command everyone to retreat. In addition, if necessary, you can let the Tangerine use missiles." An Zhiyuan said: "Everything is in order." The priority is to ensure everyone’s safety. Let me tell you, if any of you are injured, I will tie you up, blindfold you, put on earmuffs, and throw them into a small black room to play with small toys all day. ,Did you hear me."

Of course Tang Yu was not present when he said this, otherwise it would be bad to hear...

Enterprise rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, admiral, I won't let everyone get hurt."

The others also nodded, indicating that they heard it, just how many people looked full of anticipation...

After the arrangements are made, everyone will go to Yala. They will officially set off from Yala to the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Although An Zhiyuan knows everyone's strength and has confidence in their strength, he still has a little bit of worry , after all, there is still a humanoid siren whose strength is not yet known.

After Shangri-La led the team to assemble in Yala, they formally attacked and marched to the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

In any case, this operation faced certain risks. It was only because of the existence of the company that this rather risky attack took place. Without the presence of An Zhiyuan's company, Shangri-La would not have taken this risk.

The existence of the enterprise can be said to be the umbrella of the entire fleet, and the other ships of An Zhiyuan are the central force to ensure that they can effectively strike after encountering the enemy. It won’t exist, the sweep will stop after advancing to a certain level, and then everyone will return to Bilan Academy, so that the siren can almost stop for a while, and the siren will not appear in the offshore area for about a month , so that everyone can have a good year. The big sweep is about to end, which means that the Spring Festival is coming, and human society is preparing for the new year. Naturally, these sirens can't be allowed to appear in the offshore at an inopportune time to make a surprise attack or something .

Speaking of which, although Tangyu is a submarine, it can run at a speed of 29 knots underwater, which is too scary. She is a submarine... Sure enough, the ship girl of An Zhiyuan's family can't use common sense to describe it , but also thanks to this gift, you don't have to wait for the tang fish, the tang fish is lurking in the water anytime and anywhere.

After Shangri-La met with the fleet of ships maintaining the front line, they began to break into the depths of the Pacific Ocean. From then on, the company launched carrier-based aircraft to conduct reconnaissance and search for the Siren fleet on the sea. After passing through these fleets, they broke in here not to clean up the fleet here, but to explore the existence of the Siren headquarters. Of course, there is no need to conflict with these Siren armors. They must be able to fight, although at this level, Some of the remaining Siren armors are very powerful Siren armors, but after all, there are companies, but I am afraid that in a fight, the opponent will shake people, and then Didi beats people and shakes a big push of Siren armors It's not easy to deal with. Although the company's combat power is strong enough, but after the ammunition runs out, I'm afraid I can only fight with bare hands. The company doesn't have any advantages in hand-to-hand combat. Her strength lies in her ship equipment and carrier aircraft.

Since these places have not been visited for a long time, Shangri-La is still drawing nautical maps according to the description of the company. Because these places have lost contact for a long time, it is possible that something has changed, so the latest information is needed to get them back in the future. Plans were made in the local area, and the carrier-based planes of Guanghui and their aircraft carriers were searching around to ensure that no enemy was sneaking close to them, and everyone else remained vigilant, and they sailed to the depths of the Pacific Ocean at the highest speed.

Compared with the battleship, the ship has many advantages. One of them is that the boiler does not need to be considered when sailing. The maximum speed can be as high as the speed. There is no need to worry about burning out the boiler. As long as the fuel pipe is enough, the ship can even use Sail the world at top speed for a week without issue.

Of course the company has enough fuel, nuclear power, just kidding, so even if other people run out of fuel, the company can still carry them (X).

17th Chapter [-] Rewards

"I found an archipelago ahead." The enterprise's carrier-based aircraft inquired about the situation ahead, "It seems that there are a lot of siren soldiers stationed there, I dare not let the carrier-based aircraft fly too close, it may be discovered, should we near?"

"The islands in front... According to the map of the old world, it should be the Marshall Islands. Are there many siren soldiers stationed there?" Shangri-La frowned upon hearing this, "Could it be the headquarters of the Sirens?"

"No, it shouldn't be." Enterprise said, she controlled the carrier-based aircraft to circle around several islands, and found that although there were quite a few Siren fleets stationed, if it was the headquarters of the Sirens, it shouldn't be That's just so much siren.

"The number is too small. Given the number of sirens still in the Pacific Ocean, it is impossible for the headquarters to have such siren armor." The enterprise said, "I'm afraid this is not the headquarters of the sirens, and I have not found any humanoid sirens." Ren's existence."

According to their imagination, humanoid sirens should haunt the siren headquarters, but the company did not observe humanoid sirens.

"In that case, let's move on." Shangri-La said, "Find a route and don't disturb the siren soldiers stationed here."

Afterwards, the group continued to rush to the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

But it wasn't until they were nearly halfway through their fuel that they found nothing at sea that might be the siren's headquarters.

Shangri-la frowned, "Could it be that the headquarters of these siren soldiers is in the water?"

If that's the case, it means that only submarines can destroy the Siren's headquarters, but where are there so many submarines...

"Isn't it in the Pacific Ocean..." Enterprise said, she had searched most of the places with carrier-based aircraft, and found that the Siren soldiers had occupied many small islands, but she did not find any place suspected of being the Siren headquarters, nor Discovering the existence of human-shaped sirens is confusing. It should be said that the siren headquarters will be somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. After removing the distance advanced by each area, the rest of the sea area, the company basically uses warships. The carrier plane scouted it, but found nothing possible.

"Now there are two possibilities. One is that the headquarters of the Sirens is on the bottom of the sea, and the other is that it is not in the Pacific Ocean. But if it is not in the Pacific Ocean, it does not make sense." Shangri-La frowned, because if the Sirens' headquarters is not in In the case of the Pacific, why are the siren armor in the Pacific stronger and more numerous than the larger siren armor in other places?Why is this?


Shangri-La remembered a piece of news that has been circulating in the circle, saying that the headquarters of the Siren military equipment may be in New Zealand, but if it is New Zealand, why would the Siren put its main force in the Pacific Ocean instead of near Australia? What about the ocean...

It's confusing.

"However, this time I have gained a lot." Shangri-La said: "I have drawn a new Pacific navigation map. When the big raid next year, I can use this information to make some special combat deployments. Let's go, everyone, return to the voyage. !"

Originally, the reason why Shangri-La prepared such a strong formation was that they were worried about special circumstances and that there might be a battle after the siren headquarters was discovered, so they formed such a formation, but they did not expect it to be completely useless... Because there's no fighting at all... well, that's fine, at least not getting hurt.

Shangri-la took them out for a stroll, and they didn't consume anything except fuel, and then returned to the college office, but it was obviously too wasteful to come back like this, after all, they were transferred from Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters. The young ship girls, transferred a lot of ship girls from An Zhiyuan's headquarters, these are not free, no matter what, let them go out to bomb a circle, especially enterprises, so after returning to the academy office, Shangri-la didn't let them go back, but after replenishing the fuel, they attacked again, returned to the front line, and gathered the nearby siren soldiers with the girls on the front line. After the Renbing uniforms were almost cleaned up, Shangri-La asked everyone to go back to the college office for supplies before letting them go home.

Afterwards, Shangri-La sent a message to Dean Washington, informing her of the news and results of the operation, and then Chief Dean Washington began to issue orders, and after a day or two of rest, everyone set off to return to Blue Academy.

So far, this year's big sweep is completely over.

Of course, before leaving, Jiang Wanqiu and An Zhiyuan had to be rewarded. They couldn't go whoring for nothing. Although she wanted to go whoring for nothing, after all, she had promised them beforehand.

What Jiang Wanqiu wanted was more construction cores, while what An Zhiyuan wanted was a large amount of resources. This time, the academy office also had a lot of resources left, because considering the reason for attacking the depths of the Pacific Ocean, when they came At the time, I took a lot of resources to prepare for the next attack, but because it was too easy to complete, there were still many resources that were useless. It happened that they could be directly distributed to An Zhiyuan, and there was no need to call in resources from the headquarters. up.

There are also many building cores.

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