However, in fact, An Zhiyuan has also made appointments with Guanghui many times, and he has gone to almost all the places in the town, which makes An Zhiyuan a little confused, this place is too small, and there are too few places to play.

Not a good place for a date...

After An Zhiyuan made an appointment with Guanghui, he almost went through a process, and it was already afternoon...

An Zhiyuan is a little anxious, Guanghui always looks so unhurried, if she notices that An Zhiyuan is looking at her, she will smile at him, and then just walk by his side like this, it doesn't feel too much.. Ambiguous emotions, An Zhiyuan felt the same way before, this is actually very bad, after all, if you can't feel ambiguous feelings on a date, is this a date or a friend hanging out?

An Zhiyuan looked at Guanghui's hand, gritted his teeth, and acted boldly. If the bold and the timid starve to death, if you keep cowarding, I'm afraid it will take a long time. It's not that An Zhiyuan doesn't want to spend time, but he I feel that the relationship between the two should actually become closer enough, but so far, there seems to be no such trend.

An Zhiyuan took the initiative to hold Guanghui's palm, and then held it in the palm of his hand, and then observed Guanghui's reaction.

Guanghui was obviously stunned, and looked down at the two of them holding each other... No, it should be An Zhiyuan unilaterally taking the initiative to hold her hand...

Then she raised her head and looked at An Zhiyuan, seeing that An Zhiyuan was also looking at her with piercing eyes, she pursed her lips, a few red clouds gradually appeared on her fair face, she didn't break free, but she also didn't take the initiative to hold An Zhiyuan hand, but let An Zhiyuan hold her hand.

If Guanghui wants to resist, it is actually very easy. After all, Guanghui is the ship's mother, and An Zhiyuan is just an ordinary human being... Maybe it is not right to describe him as an ordinary human being, but in front of the ship's mother, An Zhiyuan was still very weak, he broke free with a light struggle, but Guanghui didn't seem to have that intention...

An Zhiyuan heaved a sigh of relief, what he said was indeed true, the bold starved to death the timid.

This is a super big progress. This is the first time that An Zhiyuan has had physical contact with Guanghui. He has never had it before. He has had close contact with Shengli, but he has not had any contact with Guanghui.

An Zhiyuan pursed his lips, feeling a little excited.

"Wait a minute, where are we going to play?" An Zhiyuan asked, even after taking the initiative to hold Guanghui's hand, he didn't look embarrassed, that's how An Zhiyuan has a thick skin.

Guanghui was afraid to turn his face towards An Zhiyuan, and whispered something, but An Zhiyuan didn't hear clearly, "What?"

"'s nothing..." Guanghui moved her eyes forward and said softly. Her powdery cheeks look so attractive, people can't help but want to take a bite. This ripe fruit has already arrived and can be picked It's time, and An Zhiyuan is on the way to pick her.

Just in time, when the two of them were shopping, they passed a flower shop, An Zhiyuan stopped, and said with a smile: "Guanghui, let's go in and have a look."

Guanghui looked at this flower shop, then at An Zhiyuan, and nodded lightly. She had already guessed what An Zhiyuan wanted to do...

There are many varieties of flowers sold in the store, and An Zhiyuan has bought many flowers, so he knows a little about flowers, or mainly their words.

An Zhiyuan wanted to send her a bouquet of roses to express his heart.

He saw that there were also blue enchantresses for sale, and felt that it matched Guanghui quite well. However, many blue roses were artificially dyed, which was not so natural, so An Zhiyuan shifted his sight to the most common and most The red rose that everyone likes, I feel that although the red rose can be used to express the thoughts in my heart at the moment, it seems that it does not match the brilliance. Of course, what the red rose represents is unreserved, passionate love, which feels too unrestrained It's not suitable for me, nor is it suitable for Guanghui.

An Zhiyuan looked at another color of roses in the store.

White Rose.

It was a kind of restrained beauty, that kind of noble, pure feeling, and that kind of warm feeling, which was very suitable for Guanghui, at least An Zhiyuan thought so.

An Zhiyuan decided to buy white roses and asked the staff to pack them for him.

Guanghui was standing beside An Zhiyuan, seeing him pick out his favorite white rose, he pursed his lips and secretly smiled, but An Zhiyuan didn't notice.

An Zhiyuan didn't know that Guanghui liked white roses beforehand, it was really just that he thought Guanghui liked them, so he could only guess right.

After packing, An Zhiyuan led Guanghui to the outside of the flower shop, coughed twice, turned around and stood in front of Guanghui, then took two steps back, bent slightly, and handed the Beautifully packaged and already beautiful white roses, "For you, radiance, do you like it?"

Guanghui didn't refuse, but stretched out his hand to take the white rose, then sniffed it lightly through his nose, and said with a smile, "You know I like white roses?"

"Huh?" An Zhiyuan was a little confused when he heard the words, but it was as long as Guanghui liked it.

"You...don't know that I actually like white roses?" Guanghui asked softly, holding the bouquet.

"I just think that White Rose matches you better." An Zhiyuan said, "It matches well in every way."

Guanghui pursed his lips, it seems that you can really guess my preferences...

Looking at the bouquet of white roses in her hand, Guanghui's eyes turned. In fact, she also felt that maybe, the relationship could go a step further. However, she was waiting for An Zhiyuan to take the initiative, because no matter what, it was An Zhiyuan who took the initiative to salvage herself. She said If you are too's not because of your pride, it's just that Guanghui wants to wait for him and take the initiative to hold his hand, just like today.

In fact, the two have known each other for a long time, and it can even be said that it is a bit long. If they only maintain the level of seeing each other as guests, it seems difficult for the relationship between the two to make progress.

However, for Jianniang, there must be an ending when there is a beginning. When she acquiesced in the relationship between An Zhiyuan and their three sisters, when she decided to stay, she had already decided to go on, even if it was very difficult at this moment. It's hard to say that she likes him as much or even loves him like his girls, but what she lacks is not feelings, but time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Guanghui's performance was a bit flat, did she really like this bouquet of roses?An Zhiyuan was a little hesitant.

However, An Zhiyuan dispelled this doubt afterwards, because when An Zhiyuan held Guanghui's palm, Guanghui also gently held An Zhiyuan's hand. The two of them are now really holding hands. The aspect holding Guanghui's hand is different.

It seems that she doesn't just like this level very much?An Zhiyuan thought with a smile.


After the date was over, An Zhiyuan sent Guanghui back to the academy office. Although Guanghui didn't need his escort, it was one thing whether he needed it or not, and another thing entirely.

Guanghui, who returned to the academy office, returned to the room of the three sisters.

Shengli is playing with his mobile phone and looks like he is typing, is he chatting with someone?

Kewei was sitting on the sofa watching TV, when the two saw Guanghui come back, Shengli quickly put away the phone, saw the bouquet of flowers in Guanghui's hand, and asked, "Is this from An Zhiyuan?" ?”

"It wasn't from him, would I accept the ones from others?" Guanghui smiled and said, "Of course it was from him. You haven't told him that I like white roses, have you?"

Kewei shook his head, when An Zhiyuan was with her, they were more talking about her own topics, but Sister Guanghui and Sister Shengli were rarely mentioned.

Shengli also shook his head. Although she often advised An Zhiyuan, Shengli did not fully reveal his sister's background to An Zhiyuan.

"That's really what he guessed..." Guanghui looked at the bouquet of white roses in her hand, and she liked it more and more. She unwrapped the bouquet and put the flowers in a vase, but, such flowers Even if it is kept well, it will be about a week at most. Maybe in the future, you can grow some roses by yourself.

An Zhiyuan's headquarters has a large area, that is, the weather in the Solomon Islands is not suitable for growing roses.

"Then is there any progress in your relationship?" Shengli put his arms around Guanghui's waist from behind, put his chin on his sister's shoulder and asked with a smile.

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