"You care so much?" Guanghui asked with a smile, turning his head to the side.

"Yeah, I'm very concerned." Shengli asked with a smile, "No kiss?"

"Kiss?" Guang Hui's face turned red when he heard the words, "How can it be so fast, it's just an ordinary handshake..."

"Oh? Did you just hold hands? Elder sister, the progress of your relationship with An Zhiyuan is too slow, right?" Shengli immediately lost interest when he heard that. Seeing his elder sister's appearance, he thought that there was some important progress, but in the end it was just holding each other. It's just a hand.

"You have to take your time." Guanghui said softly: "Besides, you only talk about me, what about yourself? You want to stay, why didn't I see you go on a date with him?"

Kewei stood aside and couldn't help but want to tell sister Guanghui, in fact, before you know, sister Shengli has dated An Zhiyuan many times, no, it's an affair!

Shengli smiled, "I'll wait until my sister is completely captured by An Zhiyuan."

"Why do you have to wait until then?" Guanghui asked.

Shengli smiled and said nothing, sister, I thought before you were captured by An Zhiyuan, you suddenly found out that the relationship between me and An Zhiyuan was actually closer, what would you think?

Shengli's eyes narrowed into a crescent moon, looking extremely happy.

Kewei really can't help but want to tell Sister Guanghui, you thought there was no progress between Sister Shengli and An Zhiyuan, but I guess, except for the last step, everything between the two of them has probably been done...

Of course, it's not that much. In fact, Shengli and An Zhiyuan have never kissed before. However, the two are indeed closer than An Zhiyuan and Guanghui, or in other words, they are closer to Kewei. The main reason is that An Zhiyuan can be unrestrained in front of Shengli. Tell some colorful jokes without hesitation, Shengli will not be shy, and will even pick up on him, even molesting An Zhiyuan, so my sister-in-law is indeed an angel sent by God to my brother-in-law. do not like.

But to An Zhiyuan, his wife is the ship's wife, and of course the sister-in-law is also the ship's wife, so what's the need for the ship's beauty?

An Zhiyuan has always liked my sister-in-law.jpg

Of course, for An Zhiyuan, liking his sister-in-law forever doesn't affect him liking his wife forever, it doesn't conflict, does it?

Maybe holding hands is just a little bit of progress in the eyes of Glorious Victory and Terrible, but to An Zhiyuan, this is not a little bit of progress. The ship girl allows you to hold her hand, which means that the other party has recognized you, and , I have a crush on you, not too low.

The ship girl is a very strange creature.

They have an inexplicable attachment to feelings, or cleanliness.

They will either not fall in love or join the headquarters, but if they fall in love with someone, then they will not be shaken. Generally, the relationship between the commander and the ship's wife will be cultivated to a positive result, and only a very small number will leave it alone. However, Even if that is the case, Jianniang will never fall in love with other people again, and will never change, even if there is someone who is similar to the person they liked before, their feelings will not be because of Nothing shakes.

Therefore, An Zhiyuan held Guanghui's hand. For An Zhiyuan, it was basically determined that Guanghui's commander could only be him. Even if Guanghui didn't join the tutelary mansion in the end, Guanghui would not let anyone else touch her. , and will never fall in love with anyone again.

Perhaps it satisfies the man's possessiveness to a certain extent, but the commander who really wanted to fish the ship, how could he let the ship's wife who had reached this level slip away?Generally, the unresolved situations are related to the shipwreck. There were some tragic events in the past, but now, there will be no more shipwrecks.

So it's basically a happy ending, and An Zhiyuan naturally won't let go of Guanghui, he must get it until he gets it, he has already reached this point, and he will never give up no matter what.

After returning to the tutelary mansion, everyone could see the happy expression on An Zhiyuan's face, even Xiao Zhai and Xi Li.

Xili pulled the corner of Laan Zhiyuan's clothes, "Admiral, why are you so happy?"

"Because I encountered a happy event." An Zhiyuan rubbed Xili's head and said with a smile.

Although it looks a bit seductive, Xili is really just a child mentality.

"Is it because of Sister Guanghui and the others?" Xiao Zhai, who was building a sandcastle, raised his head and asked curiously.

"Yes, maybe it won't be too long before you can see them every day in our tutelary mansion." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Xiao Zhai thought about it, and began to feel that something was wrong, because that sister Shengli liked to touch her head so much, if she really asked her to touch her head every day, she would be bald!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Speaking of which, when Fortress Sai Ji and Hood arrived a few days ago, they brought a lot of supplies to An Zhiyuan.

One is the company's nuclear fuel rods. Naturally, it is not necessary to cut apart the nuclear fuel for ship installations to replace them like aircraft carriers used to. It is super simple for companies to replace nuclear fuel rods. Just take out the old ones and replace them with new ones. Yubari has done a good job of preventing them. For the radiation device, the nuclear fuel rod will be officially disarmed after it enters the company's ship, so there is no need to worry about radiation.

Another is the ballistic missiles with conventional warheads that they sent to Tangyu. The Tangyu itself is equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads, but Yubari thinks that Tangyu may also have anti-ship missiles that require conventional warheads. Ballistic missiles, so I prepared some ballistic missiles with conventional warheads for Tangyu. After all, it is impossible to bombard the enemy with nuclear bombs, that would be too extravagant.

But one thing to say, using ballistic missiles is quite wasteful...

In modern warfare, ballistic missiles are used to fight ships...

The current Siren armor can be sunk with naval guns, including the full-scale Siren armor, so there are really not many places where ballistic missiles can be used, unless there is something beyond the full-scale Siren armor. The strength of the Siren armor.

However, that sentence is good, I can use it, but I can’t have it, I still need it, and it is also a card to ensure everyone’s safety. In addition to the enterprise, Tangyu’s ballistic missiles can also be regarded as truly protecting everyone. It's safe.

After all, if they drop the nuclear bomb too close, they will hurt themselves. Although it is said that if they are not too close to the explosion range, they will not suffer fatal injuries, but they will also suffer serious injuries. The girls feel heartbroken when An Zhiyuan is scratched It's too bad, if everyone is seriously injured and goes home, then An Zhiyuan will probably pass out directly.

Tsk, although An Zhiyuan wanted to let Fortress Saiji try to bring back a humanoid siren, but An Zhiyuan was worried that Fortress Saiji would be hurt. Although Fortress Saiji could be revived, if she was really going to be sunk, it must be it will hurt...

Speaking of which, An Zhiyuan discovered that the relationship between Dedejiang and Hood is actually good, and there is no hostility as a ship of the same class?

Well... they are all British ships, so there are indeed a lot of common topics, and it seems that it is not so strange after thinking about it.

Thinking of this, An Zhiyuan came to the living room and saw Dedechan and Hood chatting, Belfast was standing aside smiling, An Zhiyuan seemed to hear Dedechan scolding him, he chose to approach secretly , Belfast on the side found An Zhiyuan, but An Zhiyuan quickly put his index finger to his mouth, signaling Belfast to keep silent.

The head maid looked at Dedechan and Hood, then smiled, and stopped calling An Zhiyuan, and pretended that she had never seen An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan quietly stood behind Dedechan and Hood, wanting to hear what they were talking about.

If it was someone else, Jian Niang would have found out a long time ago, but An Zhiyuan is their admiral, Jian Niang trusts her admiral unconditionally, and has no defense against her admiral, so they really didn't notice An Zhiyuan's arrival , after all, An Zhiyuan did not miss a single voice.

"The admiral likes to play tricks on us. He always asks us to play this and that. Sometimes the admiral is okay, but sometimes the admiral is very perverted." Dedechan said in a low voice.

"What kind of abnormal method?" Hood asked curiously.

"Just let me wear three band-aids and walk in the town guard's mansion..." Dede sauce muttered softly, her face was red, oh, this is not the last time I asked Dede sauce to accompany her in the town guard's mansion at night Going shopping... But even though it's shopping, it's just walking around in the building. The building is full of ship girls. It doesn't matter if anyone sees it, anyway, there will be no outsiders.

Hood's eyes widened when he heard the words, it seems that the admiral is indeed a bit so...

Belfast looked at An Zhiyuan with a smile, but the meaning was unclear.

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