"How do you know?" Shengli quickly passed An Zhiyuan, and then stood in front of him.

Seungri is wearing a slightly weird-looking outfit today, but it's really nice.

The upper part of the shirt seems to have been cut off, only reaching the southern hemisphere, and the top of the chest is the bottoming shirt inside, so that the victorious chest looks very prominent.

Although compared to the two sisters, Shengli is actually a little weaker, Guanghui is greater than Shengli, and even her younger sister is more fearsome than her.

However, the victory is also a D-level, a big one.

The long golden hair is bundled into a hairstyle that looks full of classic taste, looking like a blonde goddess, with a rather conspicuous wreath on her hair.

This kind of dress makes her turn heads super high, like a beautiful elf who has come to live in a modern city.

Victory is really good-looking. It is obvious that she spent a little time on her clothes today, which made her attractive a lot.

"I can feel it." An Zhiyuan said softly: "Besides, instead of sending you and your sister the same bouquet, it's better to send something else."

"For example?" Shengli approached An Zhiyuan with small steps, and stood in front of An Zhiyuan. There was only a distance of five centimeters between their faces, and the heat from the other's breath could directly hit the other's face. The distance of five centimeters meant that Victory's chest was against An Zhiyuan.

"There's no need to say anything." An Zhiyuan said: "The most important thing is when you give a gift, what kind of mood do you use to give the gift? It's best if the gift can represent your heart at the moment. I can't say what is the most suitable thing. .”

Shengli smiled and said: "Hehe, I think so too. Compared with the item itself, the kind of intention should be more important. It seems that you are quite good at talking."

Victory’s expression looks a little happy, and today he secretly came out to date An Zhiyuan, it’s an affair, behind his sister’s back, Guanghui, and brother-in-law An Zhiyuan, Shengli really loves this feeling, especially, every moment She would always remind herself that elder sister Guanghui is the official palace of her brother-in-law An Zhiyuan, and she is the sister-in-law of her brother-in-law An Zhiyuan...


Of course, it's obviously not up to her whether her sister is in the palace or not. It depends on whether Lexington will give way, but Lexington will obviously not give up. In addition, the position of her sister-in-law... . Saratoga should and will not give way.

But in fact, for An Zhiyuan, there is no feeling of cheating at all...

Because sneaking around with my sister-in-law is already a habit, and there is no way to bring any excitement.

After all, due to the strange habits of his wife Lexington and his sister-in-law Saratoga, An Zhiyuan has experienced the situation of sneaking around with his sister-in-law while his wife is watching the battle not far away (peeping or standing directly on the side), This kind of excitement of dating my sister-in-law is really not much, it's just a happier date with Shengli.

"Shengli, do you want to go to the amusement park?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"Amusement park? Is it the haunted house from last time? Forget it..." Hearing about the amusement park, Shengli subconsciously thought of that super scary haunted house, and immediately retreated.

"You don't have to go to a haunted house to play in an amusement park..." An Zhiyuan said with a smile when he heard the words, Shengli is indeed timid, An Zhiyuan still remembers her cute appearance.

"Where are we going? It feels like the amusement park is not very fun, the excitement is too exciting, and the others feel like children's play." Shengli said in a low voice.

"How about doing a Ferris wheel?" An Zhiyuan said.

Ferris wheel...

Speaking of which, when he and An Zhiyuan went on a date for the first time, when they came out of the haunted house, Shengli noticed that An Zhiyuan had looked at the Ferris wheel and seemed to be planning to take her there, but the two of them at that time Obviously not as close as it is now.

That date was the starting point of the transformation of the relationship between the two of them. Of course, Shengli remembered every detail of that date very clearly.

Now, through many dates and countless online chats, the relationship between the two has already surpassed the relationship at that time by far too much.

This time...

"Okay." Victory said with a smile, she put her hands behind her back, "Where is the Ferris wheel, do you know what the Ferris wheel represents?"

"Of course." An Zhiyuan nodded, and then said, "You know what it means, right?"

"Who knows..." Shengli smiled and didn't say an answer, but her performance was almost equivalent to telling An Zhiyuan that she knew what the Ferris wheel represented.

That being the case, she also agreed...

So what it means is very clear.

An Zhiyuan smiled brightly, "Then I'll tell you later."

"Can't tell now?" Seungri asked.

"I'll talk about it after we go up, lest you go back on your word." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Idiot, I won't regret it." Shengli turned around and stood beside An Zhiyuan.

It's a bit intimate. In this case, An Zhiyuan looked at Shengli and saw her looking forward with a smile on her lips. She was obviously in a good mood. He said, "On behalf of you, you are willing to join my headquarters. Are you willing?"

"Hehe... who knows." Victory still said with a smile.

"Then are you going?" An Zhiyuan asked again.

"Go, why not go." Victory said.

Heh, he said that it means Shengli is willing to join his headquarters, and Shengli also said that he wants to go, but who knows about her, it is obviously just an excuse for embarrassment, An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand to hold Shengli's hand , "Then, let's go together."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The feeling of holding hands, victory is not the first experience.

The first time she met was not An Zhiyuan, but sister Guanghui, pointing to holding hands.

But the first time he held hands with the opposite sex, or the first time he held hands with a human being, was undoubtedly An Zhiyuan.

Of course, this is not the first time the two have held hands.

After all, Shengli has dated An Zhiyuan many times, and the progress is much faster than An Zhiyuan and Guanghui. The man has a lover and the woman is interested, and Shengli is a relatively active person, so the progress of the two will not be slow.

This world has always been like this, as long as you are brave enough, the story between you and your favorite girl will be exciting enough, even with a little H.

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