And if you are not brave enough, either you pray that the girl you like actually likes you, and she is more brave, or your story may not make any progress, and it may be a little green.

An Zhiyuan and Shengli are relatively proactive, so their stories are of course exciting enough, with a little H.

After buying the tickets for the Ferris wheel, An Zhiyuan and Shengli went on the Ferris wheel together. Both of them knew the legend about the Ferris wheel better, otherwise, An Zhiyuan would not have asked Shengli to build the Ferris wheel with him.

As for Shengli, he clearly understood and was still willing to come over. This had actually acquiesced to An Zhiyuan's further request to a certain extent.

There is a legend about the Ferris wheel, but it is really just a legend. Its credibility is doubtful, but it is a beautiful legend after all, so everyone often believes in it.

The legend goes like this: Lovers who ride the Ferris wheel together will eventually break up, but when the Ferris wheel reaches the highest point, if they kiss their lovers, they will go on forever...

Between An Zhiyuan and Shengli, are they lovers...

It's hard to say, but they are definitely not friends. Both of them know this well, and they are not the relationship between the ship's mother and the commander (mutually). After all, Shengli has not yet joined An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion.

Although they are not friends, it is obvious that the two of them want to develop their relationship into a relationship of lovers, whether it is An Zhiyuan or Victory, they all think so.

Otherwise, Shengli would not have come here with An Zhiyuan after knowing the legend of the ferris wheel, and after An Zhiyuan said that it meant she agreed to join his command.

More than friends, lovers are full, but there is no title of lovers yet.

Shengli looked at the scenery outside the window with a reddish face. Although he had made preparations from the beginning, he was still a little nervous at this moment.

Naturally, the two of them will not do nothing. Victory knows that if they do nothing, they will end up breaking up, but obviously this is not the ending they want to pursue. What they want is the latter. If they kiss their lover , will go on forever...


If he really kissed, wouldn't that be equivalent to joining his command?Isn't that the same as becoming his ship's wife?

Will it be too fast?

Are you being too active?

What if he doesn't cherish me so much in the future?

Shengli's face became more and more red, and he became more and more nervous, and his thoughts began to become chaotic...

There have actually been a lot of intimacy between Shengli and An Zhiyuan, a lot, except for the first date, which is just the beginning...

But it's obviously the first time for such an extreme physical contact...

The pod of the Ferris wheel is getting higher and higher, and it has reached half the height. At this time, it can already be said to be able to overlook the entire Yala town.

Neither of them spoke. Victory was because of nervousness, her face was a little rosy, while An Zhiyuan was waiting for a good opportunity.

Time passed bit by bit... Shengli's breathing gradually became heavier, she raised her head and looked at An Zhiyuan, seeing An Zhiyuan staring at her intently, Shengli quickly turned her head to look at the scenery outside.

But the scenery outside is not as beautiful as Shengli's blushing cheeks, at least An Zhiyuan thinks so...

She is [-] times more beautiful than the scenery outside, because her scenery will belong to him in the future, an exclusive scenery that only he can see.

The Ferris wheel has turned to nearly three-eighths of the distance, and the time to reach the top is not long, almost.

An Zhiyuan shouted softly, "Victory."

"Hmm!" Shengli turned her head to look, her face was still ruddy, obviously, her behavior of trying to divert her attention by looking at the scenery outside didn't work, she was still very nervous.

"Are you nervous?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile after seeing Victory.

"No, no tension..."

Really?That's not what your tone of voice tells me...

However, it's useless for you to be nervous now. An Zhiyuan will not do nothing. Although the legend is just a legend, if you really don't do it, it will be a blow to the victory of knowing the legend. After all Both of them knew that breaking up would end without making memories, and kissing would last until the end.

An Zhiyuan grasped the palm of Victory, then pulled it over, and held it in his palm with both hands, "Victory..."


"I like you..."

"..." Shengli blushed and turned his head to look out the window, without answering, but An Zhiyuan didn't need her verbal answer anymore, the corners of her slightly raised mouth had already answered for her.

"Are you willing to join my tutelary mansion... oh, the headquarters?" An Zhiyuan was actually a little nervous, and he was wrong, although it was not wrong.

This question is too important, Shengli didn't want An Zhiyuan to guess his answer, she decided to tell him.


Why did he look like he was proposed, Shengli blushed slightly, obviously he didn't take out the wedding ring...

But this answer, in fact, has been decided a long time ago, after the first date.

An Zhiyuan slightly moved his head closer to Sheng Sheng's face.

Shengli closed his eyes, but his eyelashes were trembling. Obviously, he couldn't help but want to open his eyes and look at the situation in front of him, but he might feel too ashamed and dare not look at it.

slowly slowly...

The ferris wheel turned to the highest point, and An Zhiyuan's lips were also attached to the cherry lips of victory.

Lips touching lips doesn't feel much in itself, but under the blessing of various emotions, both of them feel that this feeling is very wonderful...

Like getting an electric shock?Or something else?

The two of them didn't go any further, An Zhiyuan didn't do that, and Shengli didn't have that kind of plan, the two of them just kissed their lips...

After a while, An Zhiyuan let go of Shengli, then looked at Shengli with a smile, and said, "From today onwards, you are my ship, and I have marked it."

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