Why did you suddenly ask this question? It's very strange, sister, shouldn't it be said that you are used to it?

Why did you suddenly ask this question... Shengli put his hands behind his back, but it's not something that his sister can't know, after all, he went on a date with An Zhiyuan, just because of a little bit in his heart It's a strange idea, so I don't want to tell my sister for the time being...

However, Shengli suddenly felt that it would be more interesting if his sister knew about it but did not expose it... Shengli pinched his fingers, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, but what should I do? Let her not talk about it?Just keep this relationship?

By the way, let Kewei reveal it to my sister?Victory thought about it and made a decision.

But how do I deal with my sister now...

"Sister, why are you so curious about this matter?" Shengli asked softly.

"I'm just curious, Shengli, if you don't like An Zhiyuan, you don't need to force it." Guanghui said.

Shengli frowned when he heard the words, and then relaxed his brows again, hehe, from what he said, could it be that my sister misunderstood that she was actually dating someone else?

Shengli chuckled in his heart, sister, An Zhiyuan and I have already walked in front of you, there is nothing else you need to worry about, you just need to worry about your own affairs.

"Why did sister say that?" Shengli didn't seem to know what Guanghui meant by saying that.

"Can you tell me where you go out frequently?" Guanghui said.

"This is my privacy, sister." Shengli said with a smile, obviously he couldn't tell his sister as her identity, if he told his sister, it would not have that taste at all, nor would he have that kind of excitement.

Guanghui sighed, if Shengli didn't want to say it, she obviously wouldn't press him.

However, if the three sisters really can't get along, I'm afraid they will really fall apart.

Brilliant would like to ask for awesome opinion...

At night, Guanghui found Kewei, and then talked to her about victory.

Kewei looked at Guanghui with a strange face, "Sister, don't you feel it yet?"

"What do you feel?" Guanghui looked at Kewei in confusion, not knowing what Kewei was talking about.

"It's what Sister Shengli is doing, I thought you could see a little bit..." Kewei said, "Sister Shengli...she..."

Kewei hesitated to speak.

"What happened to Victory?" Guanghui asked.

"It's Sister Shengli, what is she going out for? Sister, you really don't know, Sister Shengli is actually going on a date with An Zhiyuan, right?" Kewei said while holding his forehead.

Guanghui opened his mouth when he heard the words, and blinked, "What you said...is it true?"

"Otherwise? Otherwise, what do you think Elder Sister Shengli can do when she goes out?" Kewei said helplessly, "Don't think you didn't show it in front of you, but the relationship between Sister Shengli and An Zhiyuan is actually stronger than that between you and An Zhiyuan. The relationship is even better…”

Guanghui looked at Kewei in surprise when he heard the words, and then carefully thought about the things between Shengli and An Zhiyuan... It seems that it is indeed possible that it is like what Kewei said...

Shengli is not familiar with Jiang Wanqiu, the other commander of the Solomon Islands, really unfamiliar, so even if Shengli doesn't like An Zhiyuan, he will not go to Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters, because the two can only barely agree degree of awareness.

What Guanghui was worried about before was that Shengli fell in love with some ordinary person...?

Although this is an unlikely event, Seungri's suspicious behavior makes Guanghui really think too much...

After all, as a ship girl, and you don't like the two commanders of the Solomon Islands, you still go out every day... It is said to go for a walk, but what is it actually...

But if the other party is An Zhiyuan, it is completely suitable...

If according to what Kewei said, the relationship between Shengli and An Zhiyuan is closer than the relationship between himself and An Zhiyuan, judging from the frequency of her running out, it seems to prove it.

But why?

Shengli and An Zhiyuan's date, why did Shengli hide it from himself?So is An Zhiyuan, it's not impossible to say...

"Why did Shengli hide it from me?" Because he was very confused, Guanghui asked...

Kewei opened her mouth, wanting to speak out her thoughts for Sister Shengli...it's too strange...

But, let's say it, after all, my sister has been misunderstanding it is not a solution...

"Actually, it's like this..." Kewei thought for a while, and said, "That...the reason why Sister Shengli doesn't want you to know about her relationship with An Zhiyuan is..."

"She thinks you are the main palace, so at most she can be regarded as An Zhiyuan's sister-in-law..." Ke Wei said.

"But does this have anything to do with her concealing the relationship between her and An Zhiyuan? I told her all about it and encouraged her to do so." Guanghui said strangely, she was supporting Shengli and An Zhiyuan's words , and awesomeness, as long as the two of them really like An Zhiyuan.

"Well...the reason why Sister Shengli didn't tell you is because...she thinks it's exciting to date An Zhiyuan as a sister-in-law, and she also enjoys this...rather...strange...relationship ..." Kewei blushed slightly.

Guanghui paused when he heard that, looked at Kewei, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows...

"Because it's very exciting, so I don't want to tell you... She... enjoys the feeling of having an affair..." Kewei is really ashamed, why does Sister Shengli have to tell her about her eccentricity? My sister thinks she also has this kind of eccentricity...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just when life was going on in an orderly manner, a document from Bilan College broke An Zhiyuan's leisurely daily life.

The ship girl affiliated with Bilan Academy had an exchange of fire with the humanoid siren, and suffered a loss, and was beaten in the middle.

This message is not long, but it contains a lot of content. This shows that the humanoid siren is now a real enemy...

This news has spread on Polaris. Obviously, everyone has heard about the human-shaped siren during this period of time. Many people don't know what will happen after the human-shaped siren and the ship girl stand opposite to humans. ..

The problem now is that even the academy doesn't know the opponent's strength. Although there was an exchange of fire, they were shot down as soon as they came up, so the team that was chasing the siren armor at that time chose to return directly. In the case of the opponent's strength, they were also given a blow, and they did not take the risk to confirm the opponent's combat effectiveness.

Details about the conflict were then also sent by the academy to each of the commanders.

It seems to be because the college has a formation chasing the destroyer equipped with sirens that sneaked into the sea. When an aircraft carrier in the formation launched a carrier-based aircraft and was about to sink the opponent directly, the aircraft was completely washed out by the anti-aircraft guns, and then the humanoid The Siren appeared and fired directly at the formation, damaging a heavy cruiser in the formation, and then the formation retreated immediately.

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