So, did the humanoid siren fire first?

This made many commanders frown. What does this mean? Is it a desire to attack... If the humanoid siren is as powerful as the rumors, then for most commanders, encountering a humanoid siren is fatal. Yes, many headquarters do not even have the strength to deal with fully trained siren armor alone, let alone encounter these more powerful humanoid sirens.

An Zhiyuan sat in the office, looked at the documents, was silent for a while, and touched his chin.

For him, of course, there is no need to worry about the problem of not being able to win. If there is a company, even if it is just other people, if one person cannot take care of it, there are still a group of them.

But what he noticed was that according to the academy's description, it was not the humanoid siren discovered by the company that had the conflict with the academy. From the description of the firepower, this humanoid siren should be a battleship-level siren, that is to say , and other humanoid sirens.

The humanoid siren discovered by the enterprise seems to be a destroyer...

If there are as many humanoid sirens as those ordinary siren armors, then the sea area can be given up directly... But for now, the discovered humanoid sirens, except for the expelling humanoid sirens discovered by the enterprise , the only battleship-type humanoid siren that had a direct conflict with the ship's mother and showed a sense of hostility.

From today onwards, if these humanoid sirens are found, they will be treated as enemies directly. Bean Blue Academy’s suggestion to almost all other headquarters is to let the fleet retreat when encountering humanoid sirens, because no humanoid sirens will be found so far. In terms of pursuit, moreover, the humanoid sirens don't seem to intend to get close to the sea. If that's the case, if you don't provoke them, there should be no problem in the short term.

But obviously, it is impossible to really ignore this threat. The current humanoid sirens have not taken the initiative to invade the offshore area, but what about in the future?Taking the initiative to attack and clear out the humanoid sirens is the idea of ​​the senior management of Bilan Academy.

But now the humanoid siren is missing, and it is possible to appear anywhere.

The place where the incident happened was in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, and the expelling humanoid siren was found in the Western Pacific Ocean, in short, it was all in the Pacific Ocean, so I was in Anzhiyuan in the Solomon Islands, and I received a reward from the Bilan Academy, if possible , when humanoid sirens appear on the Solomon Islands side, sink them, or... capture them alive.

The sinking is to prevent the humanoid sirens from actively attacking those weaker command posts. In that case, some tragedies may happen. It would be better if they can be captured alive. The method of pretending may also be able to find the resurrection ability that allows the ship's mother to have the siren armor.

The reward is something recently researched by Bilan Academy, which has not yet been announced, to strengthen the construction core.

This is the first time An Zhiyuan has heard of this thing. Well, it was only recently researched. It’s normal if you haven’t heard of it. I heard that using this thing can’t improve the chances of a successful build. However, it seems that using this kind of core to build It is possible to build a ship girl that has been strengthened from zero training.

Bean Blue Academy has already been tested. They used the construction core to build a special ship that has never been registered in the illustration book before—the light cruiser Seattle. Her statistics are better than those of ships of the same level. Bilan Academy is planning to let Seattle focus on improving the practice level.

In addition, there is also a heavy cruiser Ron, which is also a special ship with excellent data. Therefore, the newly developed construction core, that is, the enhanced construction core, has been confirmed and can build a powerful special ship, but this thing Mass production is still not possible, and the construction consumption is ten times higher than that of ordinary construction, but the success rate seems to be a little lower than ordinary construction. Anyway, it took a lot of resources from Bilan College to build Seattle and Ron. This consumption, How can the general headquarters stand up to it?

However, since you want to entrust An Zhiyuan to do things, you need to get some good things. By the way, let An Zhiyuan help them build it for a try. Anyway, they use An Zhiyuan's resources. This idea was suggested by Shangri-La.

But not much is given. If An Zhiyuan's command sinks the Siren armor, the reward is one enhanced construction core, and if it is captured alive and handed over to Bilan Academy, it is two enhanced construction cores, and both There are no other rewards, only to strengthen the construction core, and there are no resource rewards or anything...

Only one humanoid siren was sunk?Capture only two?Isn't this too stingy?An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, thinking that if he really captured a humanoid siren alive, who would give it to you? Of course, keep it for yourself... Oh, no, do your own research.

But to strengthen the construction core... An Zhiyuan really wanted it, and originally planned to build it after this period of time, but after hearing about the existence of the enhanced construction core, An Zhiyuan suppressed this idea again, Wait a while, wait until the humanoid siren appears, if it can be sunk, get the construction core, his current resources are enough to build this special ship twice, so don't rush to build it normally.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

However, although An Zhiyuan wanted to strengthen the construction core, it was obviously not what he wanted, Bilan Academy would give it to him.

This reward won't be available until after the Humanoid Siren is sunk.

Of course, at present, it seems that he is the only one who is eligible to get it, because the current advice given by the Bilan Academy to other headquarters is to let their girls return directly when they see the humanoid siren, and try not to let their own ship girl and the humanoid siren conflict. Because it could sink the ship.

Shangri-la knew how strong An Zhiyuan's command was, so he sent this reward entrustment to An Zhiyuan.

Bilan Academy does not encourage others to take risks in order to strengthen the construction core, but the commanders of those headquarters will not take risks because of this strengthening construction core. After all, just like the ship mother values ​​their commanders, these commanders , and also attaches great importance to his own ship girl.

But now it seems that the only ones who are capable of dealing with these humanoid sirens alone are An Zhiyuan's headquarters, apart from the Bilan Academy...

Shangri-la was a little fortunate. Although An Zhiyuan's origin was very mysterious, if there was no him, only Bilan Academy would have no confidence in the face of these humanoid sirens.

Because at present, it is not clear how many humanoid sirens there are on the side of the sirens, and how strong they are compared to the full-fledged ship girls. They are not afraid that the enemy is strong, but they are afraid that they will not know how strong the enemy is.

Here, An Zhiyuan talked to the company about the bounty and the human siren.

"Recently, you should pay attention to it. There is also a thorntail. Once you encounter it, you will directly attack it and beat it to death." An Zhiyuan said, although it is not bad to capture a humanoid siren alive, but without Yubari, it is impossible to catch it alive. It doesn't make much sense, because if An Zhiyuan really wants to do something to those humanoid sirens, he will probably be crushed to death directly. Although An Zhiyuan is indeed relatively strong among humans, he is still too weak in front of the ship girl and the sirens. Let Yubari get some medicine...and...and then...

Therefore, before Yubari came, there was still no need to take risks. It might not be that easy to capture alive, and it would make the girls take risks. Therefore, the simplest thing is to sink it directly.

"No problem, but, don't you need to capture it alive?" Enterprise asked.

"No need, I can't control it." An Zhiyuan shook his head.

The enterprise paused for a moment when she heard this, she just wanted to say that she would not capture them alive and hand them over to Bilan College, does this have anything to do with whether you can control them, Admiral...?

Tsk, the admiral is thinking of some messy things again.

The humanoid siren did not attack any place. The last attack was like a stone thrown into the water. Although there were ripples, it disappeared slowly and slowly. After waiting for half a month, the humanoid siren did not attack. anywhere...

Gan, let us be so nervous, you actually touched it.


Of course, An Zhiyuan said that he was nervous, which is a bit nonsense, but the other commanders were indeed a little nervous, worried that the other party would attack the sea area they were in charge of, because if that was the case, they would have to fight. Retreat, but in the sea area they are in charge of...the headquarters and the town are behind them, where can they retreat?

Oh, there may be one less nervous, and that is Jiang Wanqiu.

Jiang Wanqiu's mentality has always been relatively good. In addition, there is a fully trained ship's mother in the headquarters, and more importantly, An Zhiyuan is next to her. If something happens, just ask for help. If you know how to beat people, just ask An Zhiyuan to bring the company over to help.

Not to mention that the personal relationship between the two is good, even if the personal relationship is not good, as a commander, An Zhiyuan will not let it go when he sees the next door being attacked. How can a commander refuse to save him? You can't be a commander anymore.

During this period of time, An Zhiyuan asked Belfast and Xili, who were relatively weak in the tutelary mansion, to go out to practice leveling. Of course, with the threat of a humanoid siren, the company and Tangyu must follow suit. Chang and Yuli are fine.

For sinking, it mainly depends on Hood, while for Belfast and Xili, you can try your best to practice.

Speaking of which, Hood is now a high-level ship girl, so fast, and she doesn't have this speed in other command posts.

Well, if you think about what you have to do in front of the door to add buffs to increase her training speed, and the reason why she has always been the main output, she is still the flagship, so it is not difficult to understand how quickly her training speed increases.

Dedechan and Fortress Ji did not attack, there is no need for them to attack, because they are all fully trained, ordinary siren armor is too weak for them, and attacking is just a waste of resources. Ren, the enterprise plus Tang can also handle it.

Tang Yu carries a lot of anti-ship ballistic missiles.

An Zhiyuan will stand on the beach and enjoy the sea breeze... It can barely be said to be enjoying, if you ignore the big sun above your head...

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