"Admiral, look, this is Sister Meow!" Xiao Zhai pulled An Zhiyuan with a hand full of sand grains, then pointed to the Bismarck she drew with her fingers on the beach, and asked triumphantly: "Admiral, Do you think I look alike?"

"Like, very similar." An Zhiyuan took a closer look, a little surprised, although he knew that Jian Niang was a fast learner, but Xiao Zhai's painting skills are already so good?

Bismarck on the beach bit his little finger, his eyes were blurred, and he looked disheveled...

Wait, isn't this Bismarck a little strange? An Zhiyuan's first impression just now was on Bismarck's face. Now that he has a closer look, he finds that there seems to be something wrong with this Bismarck. Bismarck is biting her left hand, but what is her right hand doing? Woolen cloth?

An Zhiyuan looked carefully, and after confirming that he was not mistaken, Mo Mo looked at Xiao Zhai, "You drew this?"

"Well! I drew it, does it look like it? Admiral!" Xiao Zhai said with her hands on her hips, smiling, not caring that the sand got on her clothes, well, anyway, just pat it lightly and it's over, the sand on the seashore It's all clean, no mud.

"Do you know what your cat sister is doing?" An Zhiyuan couldn't help asking.

"I know, I'm just saying...Admiral, I'm a bit too shy to say it..." Xiao Zhai's face suddenly turned red.

Are you blushing now?Don't you blush when you draw it?

An Zhiyuan sighed, he rubbed Xiao Zhai's head, "You, you were all brought down by Bei Zhai..."

"That's right...it was that dead house who brought me down..." Xiao Zhai nodded and said immediately.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xiao Zhai has completely failed in his studies, and he can actually draw Bismarck's books...

My God, Bei Zhai has taught Xiao Zhai something, after Bei Zhai comes over, I must educate her well, it's too much, my pure Xiao Zhai has obviously become like this.

Thinking of Xiao Zhai's innocent smile, but using his fingers to draw a picture of Bismarck himself on the beach, An Zhiyuan sighed, look what you have done!

What a heinous crime.

Alas, my pure little house is gone forever.

However, fortunately, I still have little Washington and little Rodney, and the three little ones have not been completely polluted.

Speaking of which, let little Washington and little Rodney come over next time, they are also friends of Xiao Zhai.

The commander was a little nervous about the humanoid siren, and the human society was not at peace. It was almost the Chinese New Year, and there was a sudden infectious disease. When An Zhiyuan visited Polaris, he found that many people were discussing this issue.

It is said that I still don't understand how it is spread, let everyone pay attention, you must wear a mask when you go out...

But for the commander, there is no big problem. First of all, the commander seldom has contact with ordinary people. The ingredients for the headquarters come from the local academy office. They are special food provided by the human government and have to go through many layers of inspection. And in the end, it was delivered by the ship's mother.

Jianniang is immune to all diseases, unless it is the kind of special medicine for Jianniang made by Yubari, but humans can't make that kind of stuff.

But it’s actually not a big problem, it’s just that the speed of transmission is a bit fast, which seems to worry many people, after all, it’s an infectious disease.

An Zhiyuan's physical fitness is very good, his resistance and immunity are very strong, he rarely gets sick, and he basically never goes out, so he is unlikely to get sick.

Most of the commanders are nerds, either nerds or nerds, but the degrees of nerds are different.

After all, for a commander, being in the headquarters is work, but in fact work is fishing.

Although the commander is the soul of a command, in fact 99% of the things are done by the ship girl.

Then An Zhiyuan received a message from Jiang Wanqiu.

"Have you heard about the recent infectious disease?" Jiang Wanqiu said.

"I heard, why, are you worried too?" An Zhiyuan replied.

"It's not very worrying, and there are masks in the headquarters, and the girls won't get sick, so I use them alone." Jiang Wanqiu said: "But it's better to be careful, and you should pay attention to it yourself. Infected, otherwise I will chat with you at that time, and I will be infected by you later."

An Zhiyuan almost laughed out loud when he heard the words, "Cyber ​​virus? Can it still spread through the Internet?"

"I mean we met." Jiang Wanqiu said: "Tsk, there are infectious diseases in my hometown. I also said to go back after the year to see. Now my girls won't let me go back."

"Is it so serious?" An Zhiyuan said: "We don't need to worry, we just need to stay in the headquarters honestly, and it doesn't seem to be a particularly serious illness."

"That's what I said, but it sounds a little scary." Jiang Wanqiu said, "Okay, now that you know, I won't be bothered to talk about it. Just be careful, don't get infected."

In fact, thinking about it carefully, it's a little strange that Jiang Wanqiu has so few friends.

Although he is a seal, but if you get a little closer, you will find that the other party is a very good friend... Well, I can't guess, is it so hurtful to be exposed to the sun?

Maybe, after all, he is a seal, and he doesn't quite understand the feelings of people who are exposed to the sun.

Infectious disease... An Zhiyuan didn't go out very much in the first place, but after this incident, he became even more homebound. However, the three of them would still go out if they usually dated Guanghui Shengli. After all, you can't date someone directly Call it home, that one is not called dating, that one is called about P...

However, Guanghui's victory is awesome. They seem to have noticed the situation of the infectious disease. Guanghui sent a message to An Zhiyuan not to go out for the next two days. When the time comes, they will come directly to the headquarters to find him, so as not to cause any surprises outside trouble.

Since Guanghui himself said so, An Zhiyuan did not refuse. After all, his tutelary mansion is well-equipped. Although it is indeed very small compared to Yala Town, it has everything it should have.

Now that Saiji and Dede-chan have come, Saiji has even opened up the theaters, as long as there is no one to go to the movies, and it can’t be said that no one is there. If it is an animated movie, Kotaku will pull Xili And go to the movies with Tangyu.

There are also Japanese food stores and so on. When Hood is at home, he can even sell flowers.

These things are provided by the college office. Of course, if they are not necessities of life, it will cost money to get them provided by the college office. After all, although the college is rich, there are many ship girls who do not attack in the college itself. , There may also be a situation where the capital turnover is not enough, and these commanders are all paid salaries, and they provide everything. This salary is not white hair.

In the past, An Zhiyuan’s company was well-equipped with all internal organs. Except for the office space, the other office buildings were all living areas, commercial areas and entertainment areas. There were movie theaters, swimming pools, restaurants, and KTVs. There are all kinds of things, and since the customers are only these girls and An Zhiyuan, many facilities can be handled by one person. This independent ecosystem is really good, and one can be built directly in the town guard's mansion. In a small society, you don't even need to contact the outside world at all except to get goods.

We can do the same here in the future, and the number of people in the town guard mansion will be more than before. In the future, An Zhiyuan will build a fishing boat. When there are six or seven hundred people, the town guard mansion will really become a small society. , and it's that kind, only An Zhiyuan is a man, and the other girls all like An Zhiyuan's small society.

So, it is good to be an admiral, and it is fortunate that I am playing the ship girl game. If I play some Honkai 3, Shen Ji, etc., even if the characters in the game are really summoned, I guess it will be too late. It's useless, maybe it won't even pick you up.

After all, your existence in the game itself is dispensable. People have their own CP. Even if they travel through time, they will not live with you. Instead, they should find a way to go back.

It's better for the girls, treat you as the sky, as everything to them, and treat the place where you are as their home...

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