-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

New Years Eve is just a few days away.

Although this year feels a little uncomfortable.

The commander and the ship's mother are threatened by humanoid sirens, and there are infectious diseases on the human side. It's really an eventful year.

However, it's the Chinese New Year, no matter what you say in the town guard's mansion, there must be some New Year's flavor.

An Zhiyuan couldn't go out, so he asked Belfast to go out and buy new year's goods.

Speaking of it, the college office doesn't give away New Year's goods, it's simply too inhumane!

There are not many things to buy.

As for the New Year’s goods, I used to celebrate the New Year there, mainly because of the decorations of the town guard’s mansion, such as Spring Festival couplets, blessings, and messy lanterns, fireworks and firecrackers, etc. Human towns do not allow them to be released, but for the commander, it’s not like that. There are too many rules, probably because you can trust the ship girl, the ship girl must be professional enough, after all, compared to fireworks, they are setting off some more dangerous naval guns or bombs and torpedoes all day long...

There are also some New Year's dishes. An Zhiyuan is from Yuqing. Generally, New Year's pigs are killed during the New Year. However, the girls have this habit after they come, because they really want to kill New Year's pigs. In order to eat, they have to kill a lot of them , I have to go to a pig farm to buy it, so I gradually lost the habit, but although I don’t kill pigs for the New Year, I still have to cook some traditional Chinese New Year dishes.

Now the chef is Fusang. Although she is a Japanese ship, she is not unfamiliar with the Spring Festival, because Yixian and the others are very busy during the Spring Festival, and occasionally ask Fusang for help. Fusang is familiar with some Chinese dishes, especially New Year dishes. I can also cook it, but of course the taste is not as good as Yixian's. After all, she is not good at it. Yixian is a professional Chinese and American cook, and Fusang is a Yamato Nadeko beauty cook.

It’s almost the Chinese New Year, and An Zhiyuan still has to prepare red envelopes for everyone in the town guard’s mansion. Needless to say, a few little guys must prepare red envelopes, but people like Hood, Dedejiang, and Enterprise also have to prepare red envelopes. Every year during the Spring Festival At that time, the red envelopes sent out by An Zhiyuan were very expensive. Although they represented a little heart, the heart was also divided into sincere and insincere, so the number of red envelopes sent by An Zhiyuan was generally relatively large. Bian paid the wages to live on, but An Zhiyuan did not wrong the girls, and still wrapped some big red envelopes for them.

The main reason is that there are fewer people now, and if there are more people, the wages paid by the academy will be a bit unbearable.

Also, as far as Belfast knows, the New Year's gift for the Spring Festival.

In fact, An Zhiyuan usually prepares this item himself, but since he can't go out now and is restricted by the girls, he can only entrust the head maid to help him buy it.

Every year, An Zhiyuan puts so much thought into the gifts for the girls that every time it comes to this kind of time, he will lose his hair.

Because you can't give the same gift every year, and more than [-] girls... the gifts to give... well, it's really a test.

But it’s okay now, there are not many people to send, Xiaozhai, Hood, Enterprise, Belfast, Tangyu, Fusang, Duke of York, Dedejiang, Fortress Ji, and the three Guanghui sisters, Jiang Wanqiu If so, would you like a gift?

If there are only so few people, the gift will not trouble An Zhiyuan.

Apart from these things, there is nothing special to buy for the New Year.

But after buying it back, there will be more things to do in the town guard mansion, and the Chinese New Year will be in a few days.

After the head maid bought everything back in the afternoon, everyone started to dress up the tutelary fort.

An Zhiyuan wanted to work with everyone, but was rejected by the head maid.

"Just stand aside and watch the admiral's words. Your work efficiency can't catch up with ours." Belfast said, An Zhiyuan was a little speechless. If she said that he worked too hard, she still had something to say, but When it comes to work efficiency, An Zhiyuan has nothing to say, his work efficiency is indeed much slower than those of the girls.

Well, then I can only stand by and touch the fish, but fortunately, it is not completely idle.

An Zhiyuan intends to ask the three Guanghui sisters to come to the group for the New Year's Eve. Anyway, they will be a family in the future, and Shengli can already be said to be a family. Of course, they can't be thrown aside for the New Year.

An Zhiyuan talked about this with the three sisters separately.

"Guanghui, it's almost the Spring Festival."

Soon, Guanghui replied to An Zhiyuan, "Yeah, so fast, it's been another year in the blink of an eye."

"How about having a New Year's Eve dinner at my tutelary mansion this year?" An Zhiyuan invited.

"...Not so good...?"

"What's wrong, I'll talk to Shengli and Kewei in person, all three of you will come over then." An Zhiyuan said.

"...Then...you go for victory..." Guanghui typed out the name of victory, and then remembered that the relationship between victory and An Zhiyuan seems to be closer than the relationship between himself and An Zhiyuan, and then the two of victory The first word was deleted, and then it was marked with fear, "You can do the work of fear, if she agrees, that's fine."

Now the relationship between the three sisters and An Zhiyuan seems to have been settled, well... from the moment the three sisters decided to stay, it has really been decided, and now it's just that some steps are missing.

It is of course very easy to tell Shengli about this matter, "Shengli, come and celebrate the New Year together."

"Okay, have you talked to my sister yet?" Shengli's reply was also quick.

"I've said it before, she said that she sees what you guys think." An Zhiyuan said, "You will definitely come over, right?"

"Hee hee hee, what will happen if I don't come?" Victory replied with a smile.

"Then I'll go to the college office and bring you here." An Zhiyuan said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to carry me in a palanquin from the office to your tutelary mansion. After all, she is also a young girl, so how can you say that you have to have some honor when you marry into your tutelary mansion?"

An Zhiyuan was a little dumbfounded, and was about to reply to her, when Shengli sent another message.

"and many more."

"It's better to forget it, it will be bad if you contract an infectious disease, forget it, this girl will come by herself, prepare my red envelope!" Shengli said.

"Don't worry, you won't lose your red envelope." An Zhiyuan smiled, and then told Kewei about this matter.

It seems that Guanghui or Shengli had told Kewei about An Zhiyuan's invitation to celebrate the New Year, but Kewei didn't refuse, and agreed easily.

After all, they are quite boring in the college office. Although there are many girls in the office, everyone now regards the three of them as An Zhiyuan's people... It's not that they are alienated, but they only use this occasionally Make fun of the three of them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It’s almost Chinese New Year here, and it’s almost Chinese New Year there, but this year when I’m not here, the girls are also very lonely...

The time in this world is about the same as that in that world.

The Chinese New Year is only a few days away here, and the same is true over there. Moreover, if you want to send a message, such as some news about the happy new year, you have to send it one day in advance. There is a delay in the transmission. If you send it today, the girls can only read it tomorrow. arrive.

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