Alas, An Zhiyuan's office, thinking of the girls feels a bit uncomfortable...

Well, for Chinese New Year, we must get together and have fun, and then this year, everyone is separated...

I don't know how they celebrate the new year... An Zhiyuan lay on the table, feeling a little irritable.

In the past two days, I have received some messages, all from the girls, saying that the New Year is coming soon, wishing a happy New Year in advance, because there are too many people, and the girls don’t want to put all the New Year’s wishes in one letter It was mailed in the letter, so there was such a situation.

When An Zhiyuan received one, he replied one. How I wish all the girls would be by my side and celebrate the new year together...

Here, although An Zhiyuan is not here, everyone still has to celebrate the New Year.

Lexington and the others are decorating the company. Anyway, it is also a legal holiday. Of course, they are not at work. Everyone is preparing for the New Year.

Missouri is preparing red envelopes for everyone. The admiral used to do this job, but now that the admiral is away, it’s her turn. After all, Lexington is a little busy. Lexington is taking the lead in organizing everyone to prepare for the New Year’s party. Record a video for the admiral and send it over.

"Is 2000 enough?" Missouri asked, sitting next to Wisconsin.

"It should be enough, after all, the company doesn't spend much money..." Wisconsin said: "And everyone has less time to go out."

"How much did the admiral pack before?" Missouri asked after thinking about it.

"5000, don't you remember?" said Wisconsin.

"Hey, I keep all the red envelopes he gave me. I haven't opened them. They feel bulging. Is there so much? Then my 2000 envelopes will seem too small. If the admiral is not here, we will squeeze them Something like that..." Missouri asked, rubbing her chin.

"The main reason is that there is too much, so we can only leave it to rot..." Wisconsin said, "Everyone's actions in the company are free. Except for necessary purchases, our individual words don't spend money. money."

The company has everything, including food, clothing, and housing, so it really doesn't cost much.

"Let's leave it to rot, so it won't be..." Missouri said with a smile: "It's better to pack 5000, the admiral is not here, and the rules of the town guard cannot be changed."

"Whatever you want, you have money anyway." Wisconsin said, she is the company's financial accountant, and she knows exactly how much money the company has.

"You don't need to write the congratulations. Everyone has said happy new year to the admiral through Yubari's device." Missouri said: "And then..."

"You can't give anything else." New Jersey walked into the room, heard Missouri's words, and repeated.

"What is it?" Missouri asked.

"When giving red envelopes, the admiral will kiss you." New Jersey said with a smile: "Can't you give this?"

"I can kiss you too." Missouri narrowed her eyes, "I don't mind."

Everyone is the Admiral's wife, and many of them have met each other honestly in bed. Missouri is not shy, she is Missouri.

"Can it be the same? The admiral's kiss and your kiss." New Jersey looked at Missouri disdainfully.

Missouri didn't mind, she chuckled, "That's right..."

It is true that she cannot replace the admiral, "Well, after all, it is not perfect if the admiral is not here."

New Jersey made it to the bedside, swayed his legs lightly, and said, "How could it be perfect...I'm sure I won't be able to be with the admiral this year. I don't know if we can spend the New Year together next year."

"Yubari said it's okay. She said that if she gave her another ten months at most, she should be able to develop CD-free transmission. I don't know if it's true." Wisconsin interjected.

"That's still feels a bit out of line, and even if next year's Spring Festival can pass, we have to stay here for other festivals." New Jersey put his hands behind his head, lay down on the bed, and looked at the ceiling , the eyes are a little silly.

"You told me before that you didn't want the admiral." Missouri reached out and touched New Jersey's stomach, and said with a smirk.

"Don't make trouble..." New Jersey patted Missouri's hand away, blushing slightly, "I'm his mother-in-law, I don't want who he thinks of..."

"Tough mouth." Missouri teased.

Wisconsin on the side covered her mouth and chuckled. Among the four Iowa-class sisters, only the second sister in New Jersey was wrong, and it can't be said that her mouth was wrong, she just kept saying that she was tricked into coming to the town guard by them. To cover up my shyness, but, in fact, everyone knows that she actually likes the admiral so much, even if she really has the intention of being tricked into coming here, it doesn't look like she is unhappy, on the contrary. Thinking about Admiral all day long.

Missouri took out a freshly wrapped big red envelope, then lay beside New Jersey, stuffed the red envelope into New Jersey's collar, and then patted New Jersey's chest with a smile, duangduangduang's, very elastic, "Big red envelope oh , tonight, never die!"

"Go, go! I want to tell the admiral, you want to wear a hat, can you touch my body? It belongs to the admiral, and only the admiral can touch it." New Jersey turned around and didn't take out the red envelope , so to speak.

"It's okay, I'm the admiral's wife, and you're also the admiral's wife. He won't mind if his wife and his wife get together and wear a hat for him." Missouri smiled strangely.

Wisconsin stood aside and couldn't stand it any longer. She laughed and scolded: "You two, don't forget that apart from being the admiral's wife, married ship, and wife, don't forget that you are also sister ships. Do you really want Lily?"

Missouri sat up straight, and said with a smile, "Why, you want to come too?"

"Go, go, don't pull me, I'm not a lesbian." Wisconsin showed a disgusted expression.

Missouri chuckled, of course she wouldn't do anything with the second sister in New Jersey, but, thinking that she would tease them like this if the supervisor was there before, it was inevitable that she would be a little lonely.

Missing you again, Admiral... Are you thinking of us?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I miss you." Signed, Missouri, An Zhiyuan bit his lip, this Missouri, although the words are short, but they are terribly worried.

I know you miss me, I miss you too, I miss you so much, when will you come over... An Zhiyuan was silent for a while.

An Zhiyuan shook his head, although he couldn't see them now, he believed that Yubari would not let him or them wait too long.

The decoration of the tutelary mansion is almost done, and I bought some snacks that are often eaten during the Chinese New Year, such as dried sweet potatoes and banana chips. An Zhiyuan also asked the head maid, Belfast, to help Xiaozhai and the others buy a lot of fireworks. , although you can let Tangyu play with her exclusive fireworks, but that thing is too exciting, it's not good to scare anyone... so let's play with ordinary fireworks.

An Zhiyuan remembered when he was a child playing with firecrackers in the countryside... When his grandparents were still alive, everyone had to go back to their hometown for the New Year. An Zhiyuan still remembered that when he was a child, he would go to the latrines with a few friends...

Of course, Xiao Zhai and the others are definitely not as vulgar as they are, but they can be used to fry fish...

But if it's used to fry fish, it's better to use depth charges...

However, after thinking about it, the power is great, but if Xi Li were to use the depth charges, all the fish would be killed, so that would not be a waste.

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