After Gaga is the constellation, the three sisters are connected together, and the message to Mia is written with the wife.

Who is Mia?Mia is the daughter of An Zhiyuan and Lexington. Strictly speaking, she is a hybrid of a human and a ship's mother, but the way and prototype of her birth is the wife's carrier-based aircraft. Not only the wife, Chicheng also has a daughter who is with An Zhiyuan. The daughter, Feng Nai, is also a hybrid of humans and ship mothers. They have the same physical fitness as ship mothers. They are also immortal and very strong, but they are smaller than their mother. After all, their mother is an aircraft carrier. Just carrier aircraft.

"Happy New Year, Zodiac, did you quarrel with Saratoga? Hehe, if you want me to say, you don't call it a quarrel, that's called flirting. I'm afraid you secretly have feelings behind my back..."

It is conceivable that my brother-in-law must have a very teasing expression when he wrote this passage... Who would flirt with that guy...

I secretly had feelings behind your back... Obviously you fantasized that I would have feelings with her... Constellation thought that the admiral would occasionally ask them to have a little lily to cheer up when sitting in that kind of thing. In some places, The admiral is indeed quite perverted...

Then came the letter from Iowa, and after Iowa came New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin, and then Akagi Kaga....

The admiral wrote everyone a message similar to a letter very seriously. Everyone was very conscious, except that after Saratoga read a little message from Lexington at the beginning, everyone did not read other people's messages. After reading the message the admiral wrote to them, they passed it on to the next person.

But it was also because of this that Sister Li didn't see An Zhiyuan's imaginary and terrifying message to the little princess. If you don't, you will definitely be criticized in the future, and you will be criticized in various meanings.

However, if the message to Sister Li is seen by others, Sister Li probably won't be able to bear it, the writing is too nasty, too sensual...

After reading the admiral's message to them, everyone is ready to celebrate the new year together.

Yuzhang said: "Do you want to put a wooden sign over there for the admiral, and treat him as accompanying us?"

This sudden remark made Lexington dumbfounded, "It's not that the admiral has passed away, what kind of sign should we put up, as long as everyone thinks about the admiral?"

Missouri heard the words, "Isn't that the same... Why do you engage in so much formalism? I think of the admiral in my heart, and it always feels weird to say that..."

Lexington thought about it, and it seemed to make sense...

Missouri raised the wine glass in his hand and said: "The destroyer, Yuyu and the heavy artillery drink by themselves. If you are caught drinking, give Helena education. Toast to the admiral, I wish him a happy new year!"

"Come on, get ready, 1, 2, 3, Admiral! Happy New Year!!!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Here, An Zhiyuan also received blessings from the girls.

The girls should have accounted for the jet lag, so An Zhiyuan received it on New Year's Eve.

I don't know how they spent New Year's Eve... An Zhiyuan shook his head, Missouri and Lexington will definitely manage well, but they will feel very lonely if they are not around.

The New Year's Eve on their side is quite lively.

He, Kotaku, Hood, Enterprise, Belfast, Fuso, and the Duke of York, as well as Tang Yu, Hood, Fortress Ji, and Xi Li, plus the three Guanghui sisters who were invited, there are 14 people in the tutelary mansion.

Although the three Guanghui sisters are considered outsiders now, strictly speaking, they are insiders, and they are the future members of the guarding mansion.

Well, there are indeed 14 people in the tutelary mansion now...


An Zhiyuan thinks about it. It seems that he has been here for more than half a year. In fact, he has not built many girls here. It seems that only the three Guanghui sisters are about to succeed in fishing boats. The girls from the former tutelary mansion of R.

For the girls on B side, Hood counts as one, Belfast counts as one, Xili counts as one, and the three Guanghui sisters add up to only six ship girls, and R has a little more ship girls. I have to step up the construction, I don't know when I can get the strengthened construction core, so that I can continue to build...

Oh, I'm so angry, I want to rush to build, and then I can't rush to strengthen the construction core, it's really numb...

"What are you doing standing there alone?" Shengli looked at An Zhiyuan who was sitting in meditation at the entrance of the hall of the town guard's mansion, walked over, patted him on the back, and asked with a smile.

"Thinking about something..." An Zhiyuan said, "Wife Shengli, when do you think we can sink or capture a humanoid siren alive?"

"Capture the humanoid siren alive? Sink it?" Shengli was stunned when he heard the words, and then blinked, "Didn't the academy tell us not to fight the humanoid siren as much as possible?"

"That's a suggestion for you, but the suggestion given to me by the dean of Shangri-La is to try to sink it or capture it alive for research." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "But I think it is very rare, it is not difficult to defeat the humanoid siren , is hard to come by."

Shengli was silent for a while, and then said: "I forgot that the ship girls in your town guard are all humanoid self-propelled star destroyers."

An Zhiyuan laughed when he heard that, "Aren't you also my wife?"

"Who is your ship's wife, don't be ashamed." Shengli crossed his arms and smiled, "I haven't joined your tutelary mansion yet."

"Wife." An Zhiyuan said with a chuckle, he didn't mind at all, if a man doesn't have a thick skin, then chasing a woman can only wait to be chased backwards.

"I'm not your wife." Victory said with a smile on his arms.

"Wife." An Zhiyuan continued to shout.

"Who is your wife?"



"Victory wife."

"...." Shengli glanced at An Zhiyuan, "Are you going to shout until I agree?"

An Zhiyuan didn't say yes or no, but continued to shout, "wife."

"'s alright, husband, husband, husband, husband..." Shengli called her husband several times in a row, and An Zhiyuan's face burst into smiles.

Guanghui who had just walked out blinked his eyes. He said that the relationship between the two of them, that is, An Zhiyuan and Shengli was better than her and An Zhiyuan. .

When did Victory start to go ahead of her?Really...Unknowingly.

"Dinner, Victory, and... Commander An..." Guanghui shouted, but was a little uncertain about what to call An Zhiyuan...

Calling her name or calling Mr. An directly seems a bit rusty, but calling Zhiyuan or something... How can a ship girl call her commander like that, it's not good... Although she is not strictly speaking, but she I also know that in fact, everyone regards the three sisters as the ship girls here.

In the end, Guanghui decided to call the commander, because all the ship girls here call An Zhiyuan the admiral, and it seems that the admiral is more intimate than the commander, and they have not yet reached this level, but they are still half of the command. By the way, this commander will not shout deviations.

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