Before Victory turned back, his face turned red, sister? !

Shengli turned around in a panic, and was about to explain, but she thought about it, and it seemed that there was nothing to explain... Kewei should have told Sister Guanghui everything she should have said to Sister Guanghui... Sister should be I know the relationship between myself and An Zhiyuan, but I didn't say it out...

An Zhiyuan stood up, nodded, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's have a New Year's Eve dinner together."

Shengli's face turned red, but fortunately, she quickly adjusted her mentality. After all, she is someone who likes to cheat on her sister. If she has a bad mentality, she can play this perverted game, right?

"I heard that your commanders will have some activities during the Spring Festival, but it was canceled because of that." Guanghui suddenly remembered something, "What do you usually do during the Spring Festival?"

Spring Festival activities?An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know, I only became a commander this year, so I don't really understand their previous rules."

"Ha...but didn't you have a very strong headquarters a long time ago?" Shengli asked.

"My previous one was called the tutelary mansion, and I did have a very strong tutelary mansion..." An Zhiyuan said, he felt that it was almost time for a high-speed and glorious victory.

"Do you remember that I said that I have a lot of things about a full-fledged ship girl?" An Zhiyuan asked.

Both Guanghui and Shengli nodded, "I was still very surprised at that time, where did you get so many full-fledged ship girls..."

For high-skilled ship girls like Glorious Victory and Terrible, they understand very well how hard it is to reach the peak of full training. Suddenly there are many full-skilled ship girls. They simply can't understand the glory at that time, and Xiao Zhai also said at the time that it would take a few days to reach full training speed, making Guang Hui and the others even more full? ? ?

"Actually, I come from another world." An Zhiyuan said, "Well...the thing is like this..."

An Zhiyuan told the two that he used to be the admiral of the R world, and then suddenly returned to reality one day, and then the girls suddenly came to reality to look for him one day, and then suddenly traveled here with Xiao Zhai one day. personal.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Then you...will you go back?" Shengli asked after being silent for a while.

"Go back? Maybe I will go back, but I may spend more time here." An Zhiyuan said: "Living here is more comfortable, but my parents are still there, so I should go back. .. Then again, you guys accepted it pretty quickly."

"What's not to accept, our ship girls are also a kind of fantasy life." Shengli said: " you want to leave, you won't leave us, right?"

"How is it possible, don't I plan to settle here, even if I don't plan to stay here, I will take you away." An Zhiyuan said.

How could he leave his wife behind when he left.

"..." Guanghui looked at An Zhiyuan, then said softly, "I believe in you."

"Of course you have to believe me." An Zhiyuan said: "I really want to leave, how could I leave my wife behind, it's impossible, unless I encounter some irresistible factors, otherwise, I will never Will leave my ship girl behind."

An Zhiyuan is an admiral, but also a commander, whether it is an admiral or a commander, An Zhiyuan has all the qualities that should be possessed.

No matter what, An Zhiyuan will not abandon his ship's mother, that is the most contemptible thing for a commander and admiral, because even those commanders and admirals who have betrayed human beings have never betrayed their own ship. Mother, I will not abandon my own mother-in-law.

Who would want to leave these silly girls behind?They see you as your everything and everything about you as right.

An Zhiyuan would not do that, nor would he be able to do it.

" are a commander, I should trust you..." Shengli said apologetically, she shouldn't doubt the character of a commander, just like a commander never doubts the character of a ship girl Same.

"Usually in this kind of situation, I will impose a small punishment on my wife." An Zhiyuan didn't care too much, but said with a smile.

"What... punishment?" Seeing An Zhiyuan's strange smile, Shengli asked tentatively.

" will know after you really join my tutelary mansion." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, it's better not to say it now, lest it scare you away...

"Huh?" Shengli looked at An Zhiyuan hesitantly, Guanghui shook his head, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, don't stay so long, everyone is waiting for us to have the New Year's Eve dinner."

An Zhiyuan nodded, "Let's go, let's eat the New Year's Eve dinner."

The three came to the restaurant, and everyone was ready to wait for the three of them.

Of course, the seat at the top table was reserved for Commander An Zhiyuan, although the admiral always left the top table empty and crowded around other girls during meals.

But Chinese New Year still has to look like Chinese New Year, An Zhiyuan sat on the table, and lightly rang the bell, "It's almost time for dinner, are you hungry?"

Xiao Zhai lay on the dining table, and became excited when he heard this, "Is it finally time to eat?"

"Okay, everyone use your chopsticks." An Zhiyuan looked amused when he saw Xiao Zhai's pitiful appearance, "Xiao Zhai, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Yes, the admiral and sister Guanghui haven't come back, I'm so hungry." Xiao Zhai nodded quickly.

An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Then you don't let your sister Fusang secretly treat you."

Hearing this, Fusang looked at Xiao Zhai with a smile.

"But everyone wants to get together for a reunion dinner, how can I have a small stove..." Xiao Zhai whispered.

An Zhiyuan waved to Xiao Zhai, "Xiao Zhai, come quickly."

Xiao Zhai walked obediently to An Zhiyuan's side with the bowls and chopsticks, then An Zhiyuan picked her up and put her on his lap, "What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat one..." Xiao Zhai pointed to a certain dish, and An Zhiyuan personally fed it to Xiao Zhai with his chopsticks.

Xiao Zhai blinked, and ate the food that An Zhiyuan fed himself. After swallowing, he kissed An Zhiyuan's face with his greasy mouth, "I like the admiral the most!"

"Oh, your mouth is so oily... Xiao Zhai is so naughty..." An Zhiyuan couldn't laugh or cry, he pulled a piece of paper to wipe off the oil stains on his face, it looked like Xiao Zhai, but the little guy obviously didn't think so. With a smile, he followed An Zhiyuan's example and picked up a chopstick and fed it to An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan opened his mouth wide, and ate the food that Xiao Zhai fed him, then pinched Xiao Zhai's little face, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhai is so good..."

"You said just now that he was really naughty, tsk." Enterprise rolled his eyes at An Zhiyuan, "The face changes so quickly."

Fusang smiled and said, "Who made the admiral spoil Xiao Zhai so much? Xiao Zhai is indeed very obedient."

Small house, small house, the admiral's thoughtful body armor.

"Xiao Zhai is so cute, of course I don't love it." Shengli interjected, and she looked at Xiao Zhai with a smile, as if seeing a beloved toy.

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