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"Admiral, what you said sounds so strange!" Xiao Zhai suddenly came out from the side, and there was a Tang fish beside her, and the two of them were holding cannons in their hands, probably they were playing with these things just now.

"What's strange?" An Zhiyuan blinked, he spoke very seriously, okay?It's really serious, An Zhiyuan really doesn't have any superfluous thoughts about these little girls, um...Thinking about the horrible Tashkent is not considered a little girl.

"It's like Uncle Xianshi is abducting ignorant Lori." Xiao Zhai said with a straight face.

An Zhiyuan paused, waved to Xiao Zhai, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhai, come here."

Xiao Zhai blinked, then hid behind Tang Yu, "No, the admiral will definitely bully me!"

"How could I bully my cutest Xiao Zhai, come here quickly." An Zhiyuan smiled unabated, but Xiao Zhai looked panicked, "Don't."

"Be obedient, come here." An Zhiyuan raised his face and waved to Xiao Zhai.

Tangyue blinked, and took the initiative to dodge to the side. Obviously, he didn't want to be Xiao Zhai's shield. Xiaozhai looked at Tangyue and stamped his feet anxiously, but seeing the admiral's serious face, he could only bite his little lip, feeling aggrieved He hurriedly walked in front of An Zhiyuan, ready to be raped.

An Zhiyuan pinched Xiao Zhai's face, but without any effort, he said "viciously", "You know I'm kidding, I'm not a lolicon."

Who would believe it, it's not Lolicon, you overthrew Veneto?

Xili blinked, and tugged at the corner of An Zhiyuan's clothes, "Admiral, admiral! Red envelope!"

"Oh, I almost forgot, hurry up and shout nicely, and I'll give you a red envelope, and you two little guys too." An Zhiyuan called Tangyu over, and asked them to shout nicely each.

Xiao Zhai took the initiative to call out, "Husband!"

An Zhiyuan's foot went limp and he almost fell, he looked at Xiao Zhai with a strange expression, "What are you shouting for..."

Xiao Zhai blushed, did not dare to repeat, and whispered, "Admiral..."

An Zhiyuan was a little bit dumbfounded, Xiao Zhai, Xiao Zhai, you can't wait for the people from the college office to arrest me and close the bureau, right... But An Zhiyuan looked at the wedding ring on Xiao Zhai's ring finger, fell into deep thought, seriously Thinking about it carefully, in fact, Xiao Zhai did not make a mistake...

Gan, An Zhiyuan felt a little hot in the face, why did he think about this question...

"The one just now doesn't count, call again..." An Zhiyuan took a deep breath and said.

Xili thought for a while, "Brother Admiral! I want a red envelope!"

"Well... no, I can't call my brother, change to something else." An Zhiyuan shook his head, adding a brother made him seem a lot rustier, maybe it was mainly because Xi Li's voice was not sticky enough, if it was really sticky, It might sound more comfortable.

"Hmm..." Xili was a little distressed, he didn't know how to shout, Xiao Zhai leaned close to Xi Li's ear, and whispered something, Xi Li looked at Xiao Zhai and blinked.

An Zhiyuan felt something was wrong, "Xiao Zhai, what did you say to Xi Li?"

"Don't tell the villainous admiral!" Xiao Zhai stuck out his tongue at An Zhiyuan and made a grimace.

Most of the time Xiao Zhai is well-behaved, but occasionally he is as naughty as today, An Zhiyuan pinched Xiao Zhai's nose and let out a "vicious" breath.

Xili thought for a while, and then said softly in her mother tongue: "Oni! Red envelope!"

Xili is a Japanese ship, so of course he can speak Japanese. It's outrageous that O'Neill is so pure, and he yelled it in such a cute and cute tone.

Xi Li was very happy when he received the red envelope. He couldn't wait to open the red envelope, counted the money inside, then asked An Zhiyuan to bend down, and slapped him hard on the face, "Thank you, Admiral! Thank you O'Neill!"

An Zhiyuan smiled, stood up straight, and rubbed Xili's head, "It's just as long as you like it."

"Admiral, where is mine?" Xiao Zhai looked at it with hot eyes, and quickly pulled the thorn fish up together and hated red envelopes together. Xiao Zhai is still very upright and has not forgotten his friends. Of course, An Zhiyuan will not forget the thorn fish either. Tail fish.

"I'll give you something nice to say." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, he knew that this shouldn't be a problem for Xiao Zhai, Xi Li's O'Neill must have been taught by Xiao Zhai.

Xiao Zhai let go of Tang Yu's hand, put his arms around An Zhiyuan's waist, and said coquettishly: "Admiral, admiral! Good admiral, I like admiral the most, admiral, give me a red envelope!"

Gan, can you stop being so direct, isn't this saying "I like you, please give me money"?

"No, Xiao Nizi is not sincere at all." An Zhiyuan had a straight face, obviously not planning to let Xiao Zhai take away the red envelope so easily.

Xiao Zhai curled his lips, "Tch..."

"You're so stupid." An Zhiyuan flicked Xiao Zhai's forehead, and taught him a lesson.

Xiao Zhai covered his head aggrievedly, showing a pained expression, "Admiral bullying..."

An Zhiyuan's strength is of course under control, but to be honest, even if he tried his best to touch Xiao Zhai's forehead, Xiao Zhai would not feel any pain.

"Hurry up, say something nice to me." An Zhiyuan obviously didn't like this, and said with a smile.

Xiao Zhai snorted softly, then coughed, cleaned up his expression, and pretended to be cute: "Dad, Dad, Happy New Year, give me a red envelope!"

dad?This is really a wonderful and bone-debilitating vocabulary...Xiao Zhai still shouted very sweetly, this...well, you pass the test...

An Zhiyuan took out the red envelope and handed it to Xiao Zhai, "Happy New Year."

Xiao Zhai accepted the red envelope with a smile, then stuck out his tongue at An Zhiyuan, "The admiral is so perverted, he likes me to call you daddy! You must be against Mia and Feng Nao..."

"Beat you?!" An Zhiyuan said "viciously", the little girl was making such a joke.

Xiao Zhai let out a snort, took his red envelope and walked away cheerfully, leaving behind Tangyu who hadn't received the red envelope yet.

"Tangyu..." Before An Zhiyuan finished speaking, Tangyu jumped on An Zhiyuan's body, and kissed An Zhiyuan directly on the face, "Admiral, red envelope!"

An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that the stinging fish is the smartest. In fact, he doesn't need to shout anything nice. As long as the admiral is happy, he will definitely give the red envelope, Tangy fish I can see very clearly.

"Here, Happy New Year, Tang." An Zhiyuan rubbed Tang's blond hair, and said with a smile, "Use this money to buy some toys."

Tang Yu nodded vigorously, then looked down at his red envelope, "Thank you, Admiral..."

"Hehe..." An Zhiyuan smiled softly, um... the time with them was always so happy...

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