-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan's journey of distributing red envelopes is not over yet.

After sending out red envelopes to the three little guys, An Zhiyuan looked for the lucky girl who was alone in the tutelary mansion, and gave her red envelopes.

Wandering around, An Zhiyuan found Fortress Ji who was alone.

"Pachina!" An Zhiyuan called out to Fortress Ji.

Saiji held a cardboard box in her arms and seemed to be going to the kitchen. Hearing An Zhiyuan's voice, Saiji looked over and stopped, "What's wrong? Admiral?"

"Come here." An Zhiyuan waved to her and said with a smile.

Fortress Ji paused and hesitated, "You don't want me to do that kind of thing in broad daylight in the tutelary mansion, do you...? Hey, I have something to do now...Let's talk about it at night."

An Zhiyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What are you thinking, come here quickly."

Saiji curled her lips, thinking that I don't know you yet?

But An Zhiyuan yelled twice, Fortress Ji finally came to An Zhiyuan's side with the cardboard box in her arms.

"What is this?" An Zhiyuan looked at the cardboard box in Fortress Ji's arms and asked strangely.

"These are the ingredients from the warehouse, and they will be used by Fusang later." Said Saiji, "It seems to be some kind of fish, right? Sigh... I don't like fish very much, and I was tired of eating it at sea before." ..."

It's not that the deep sea doesn't eat. They also have a feeling of fullness. Of course, it's not necessary to eat, but eating can make people feel happy...

In the past, the chefs of the deep-sea flagship were supply sauce and 401 sauce, both of which were deep-sea supply ships, but 401 sauce was Yamato's exclusive supply ship, heh, both of them were overtaken by An Zhiyuan. In the past, he often let those female hooligans Come to grab the fat times, Yamato is always angry but wants to avenge the supply sauce and 401 sauce. Of course, the ending is a disastrous failure. There is no way, there are too many of them...

However, now...if the admiral goes to the supply sauce and 401 sauce, and directly asks for their original flavor, just the one he is wearing now, it is estimated that the supply sauce and 401 will be given to him...

Speaking of which, the admiral has a very perverted place, that is, he likes to take off during foreplay... um, and smell it...

Admiral's strange XP.

Ah... think too far.

"Really..." An Zhiyuan heard the words and took a look, it was some cod, well... He usually doesn't care when cooking, because although he can cook, but it's very ordinary, cooking with girls In comparison, the difference is too far, so I don't think about cooking, it's not his turn to cook.

"Hmm...Happy New Year, Pachina." An Zhiyuan shook his head, then said with a smile.

"...Happy New Year, Admiral." Hearing this, Fortress Ji softened her expression.

"This is a red envelope." An Zhiyuan took out the red envelope, handed it to Fortress Ji, and said with a smile: "Well...Although it's not much, it's only one thousand yuan, but you can buy some things."

Fortress Ji didn't refuse, but she was holding the box and it was difficult to take it, An Zhiyuan helped her put it on her body, An Zhiyuan circled around Pachina, his expression became serious.

Today is the Spring Festival, and Sai Ji is quite formal in her dress. She is wearing a cheongsam, so... there is no pocket to put the red envelope, so where to put the red envelope has become a problem.

"What are you doing? Give it to me?" The box is not heavy, and Sai Ji can hold it with one hand. She stretched out her hand, but found that An Zhiyuan didn't seem to intend to give the red envelope to herself. Sai Ji was a little strange.

"Oh, it's so troublesome for you to hold it in your hand." An Zhiyuan frowned, and said with a smile: "I'll put it on for you."

Seeing the strange smile on the admiral's face, Fortress Ji gave him a coquettish look, and her face turned rosy. She knew that her admiral must be playing something weird again.

"Where do you want to put it?" Fortress Ji asked softly.

"Put it somewhere close enough to your body." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

He observed it for a while, and found that it was not good to put it on the chest, and it could not be stuffed in. Cheongsams are basically high-necked. Although there is a special space for the admiral in the shape of a heart on the front of Fortress Ji, it is not very beautiful to put it against the chest. A square protrudes from the cheongsam, which is not good-looking.

But Saiji now has bare legs and no stockings, so it won't work if she gets stuck on the edge of the stockings...

Hmm... An Zhiyuan thought about all kinds of possibilities, and put it in a place where he won't be found...

Ah, it seems only there.

An Zhiyuan walked around behind Saiji Ji, lifted the skirt of Saiji's cheongsam, and gently lifted it up.

Saiji blushed slightly, "Admiral, what are you going to do... I've said it all, I'll wait until night to do that kind of thing..."

Really, why are you in such a hurry...

"It's not that kind of thing..." An Zhiyuan said, the bifurcation point of Fortress Ji's cheongsam is at the waist, this kind of seductive cheongsam is just convenient for him... No, it should be said, it is for him to fortify It's really convenient for Ji Cai to wear this seductive cheongsam...

After An Zhiyuan lifted the cheongsam of Fortress Saiji, he stuck the red envelope on a certain underwear, then put down the cheongsam, smiled slightly, "Yes, perfect..."

Of course Saiji could sense where the admiral put the red envelope, she turned her head and gave An Zhiyuan a coquettish look, "Admiral, you always play tricks like this..."

"Don't you like it?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"It's not that I don't like it...it's just that I put it here..." Fortress Ji bit her red lips, her eyes were moist, and she looked very lustful.

"What's wrong with putting it here?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

To be reasonable, if you ignore what An Zhiyuan did just now, it's really hard to see what he did just from his expression, after all the admiral is as thick-skinned as a city wall.

"...as long as you're happy..." Saiji said in a low voice, blushing and lowering her head in the end.

As long as it can make the admiral happy, she doesn't mind the admiral doing more excessive things to her, she is willing.

Alas... I used to think that those female bandits were so single-minded about An Zhiyuan that it was outrageous, but after joining the tutelary mansion, Fortress Ji suddenly felt that when he became the most important person, it turned out that this is nothing more than a normal thing. ..

"If you don't like it...I'll take it out." An Zhiyuan said, hearing what she said, An Zhiyuan thought she didn't like it very much.

"No need, just put it there..." Fortress Ji shook her head, and she said with a rosy face, "Because I put it there, I can clearly feel it, the admiral's heart..."

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, as expected of you, Saiji, you are even more seductive than the Duke of York.

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