PS: Taitai Le has published a special episode, and you can find my author name by searching on the p website... Also, for those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, don’t you give away some rewards?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After sending red envelopes to all his girls, An Zhiyuan sent a message to the three Guanghui sisters, asking them to come and play today. The reason why he can't leave the town guard's mansion during this period is very simple.

The three glorious sisters soon came to the town guard mansion, mainly because the three sisters are not fun in the college office...

They shouldn't be too boring in the academy office...

"Happy New Year, besides, Gong Xi Fa Cai, here are the red envelopes."

The three sisters sailed directly over, and after seeing An Zhiyuan waiting at the port, Victory surpassed Guanghui, walked to the front, and said to An Zhiyuan with a smile.

"Oh, there are red envelopes." An Zhiyuan took out the red envelopes with a smile, "However, if you want to get the red envelopes, just paying New Year's greetings is not enough."

"What else should I do? Isn't it just New Year's greetings?" Shengli was startled when he heard the words, and blinked a little strangely.

"Want to get red envelopes just for New Year's greetings? There's no such simple thing." An Zhiyuan chuckled, "Come on, give me a kiss, and I'll give you red envelopes."

Guang Hui's face turned slightly red, these two people really flirted here without caring about other people's feelings...

"Hehe, is that so? Where are you kissing?" Shengli crossed his arms, looked at An Zhiyuan with a smile, and asked.

"Kiss on the face, of course, you can also kiss on the mouth if you want, I don't mind." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Shengli blushed slightly, thinking of the kiss they had on the Ferris wheel.

"I don't want to kiss." Shengli rolled his eyes and said.

I can't agree to An Zhiyuan, although it doesn't matter if I kiss her, but if she agrees and kisses her too, what will my sister and Kewei do?Doesn't that make my sister and Kewei unable to get off the stage?

Elder sister is fine, the face kiss might be done with half-pushing, but it's terrible.

"That won't work. You don't need to kiss Guanghui and the awesome red envelope, but you must." An Zhiyuan noticed that Shengli had sneaked a look at Guanghui and Shengli just now, and said with a smile.

His own thoughts were guessed, and Shengli's face turned rosy, "Kiss, I will kiss, who is afraid of others, but what if I kiss you and you don't give the red envelope? Or what if the red envelope is too small?"

"It's not small, and I will definitely give it to you. When have I ever lied to you?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"I remember you said that you are only interested in your sister." Hearing this, Victory's expression teased, "In the end, you are still interested in our two younger sisters, ha ha."

An Zhiyuan paused, "Well...that's an exception, ahem..."

Guanghui also couldn't help laughing. Indeed, when An Zhiyuan was in contact with them, he said that he only wanted to make money for Guanghui, which caused Guanghui to have a headache because of the two younger sisters, because if the younger sister didn't like An Zhiyuan, she wouldn't will force them.

Then I realized later that it was all nonsense, how could I have no idea about victory and awesomeness.

"Then you lied to me too." Shengli snorted softly, "So I don't believe you."

"Then how can you trust me..." An Zhiyuan said helplessly.

" give me the red envelope first..." Shengli blinked and said with a smile.

"Hmph, the red envelope with empty gloves is a good idea." An Zhiyuan sneered, obviously not being fooled, but he handed the glorious and terrifying red envelope to the two of them.

"Guanghui, happy new year, your red envelope." An Zhiyuan handed the red envelope to Guanghui and said with a smile.

"Thank you." Guanghui didn't refuse, because refusing would only make the two of them seem estranged, anyway, they will join the tutelary mansion in the future, so it's not too soft to take it, just return it to him when the time comes.

"If you take the red envelope, you will be my wife." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Guanghui's face turned reddish, his eyes drifted aside, and he didn't deny it.

Then, An Zhiyuan handed her the awesome red envelope, "Happy New Year, red envelope."

"Okay, I'm yours now." Kewei reached out to take the red envelope, and said quickly.

An Zhiyuan paused, "That's what you said."

"I said, look at my two older sisters, you have played with them and applauded them, can I escape?" Ke Wei looked at Sister Guanghui with a rosy face, then looked at Sister Guanghui, who was smiling with her arms folded. Looking at the victory here, he whispered.

"What do you mean playing with applause?" Shengli rolled his eyes, "Can you speak?"

Playing with applause?An Zhiyuan thought for a while, this sentence doesn't quite fit, the three of you sisters are so big, one hand is definitely not enough, you have to use two hands together.

"Anyway, I took the red envelope, and the price is that our three sisters have to join the commander's tutelary mansion." Ke Wei glanced at his mouth, "Well... I don't hate it either."

"Tsk, it's as if we sold ourselves because of red envelopes." Shengli rolled his eyes.

"Gkd, what are you talking about so much nonsense, why don't you hurry up and kiss and get the red envelope?" An Zhiyuan frowned, turned around and said to Shengli.

Shengli was a little depressed, "Why can Sister Guanghui and Kewei get red envelopes directly, and I need to kiss you?"

Because you and I have the best relationship, I also want Guanghui and Kewei to kiss me, but the relationship is not enough, it will make it more embarrassing to say it, of course, there is a possibility of real kiss, but try not to make the atmosphere embarrassing .

But you are different, we kissed on the mouth together, what's wrong with kissing again?

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, but he didn't say it out loud. Seeing that An Zhiyuan ignored him, he sighed triumphantly, "Just kiss..."

Shengli walked over, put his hands behind his back, pouted his mouth, closed his eyes, and slowly bent down and kissed An Zhiyuan's face. An Zhiyuan didn't have any intention of doing anything, and planned to give her a red envelope after the kiss, but Kewei at the side quietly leaned forward, then stretched out his hand to pinch An Zhiyuan's chin, adjusted the position of his face, and kissed An Zhiyuan's lips victoriously.

The warm touch makes people linger and forget to return. An Zhiyuan has experienced this charming taste last time, but this time he tasted it again under the circumstances of force majeure.

Shengli felt that his lips were not touching his face, so he opened his eyes in confusion, and found that he and An Zhiyuan were lip-to-mouth... She was immediately ashamed, and quickly raised her head, glaring at An Zhiyuan, "Rogue!" Ah, talking doesn’t count, does it?”

An Zhiyuan was innocent, it wasn't me, although I was happy to enjoy it, but it was fearful who pinched my chin, that's why he kissed her mouth.

But An Zhiyuan didn't intend to explain, because although it was scary, but he was really cool, man, he should take the initiative to take a little responsibility and be reasonable, can we kiss for a while?

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