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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

During the Spring Festival, you should eat dumplings.

Speaking of which, Shangri-La went back, lost, eating dumplings, Shangri-La is at the dumpling level, when will my dumplings with thin skin and big stuffing come over?Hmm... It's not bad to build a ship B's dumplings. Dumplings are not as delicious as dumplings and fun as sister-in-law. Eating dumplings made by sister-in-law, playing with sister-in-law who makes dumplings, eating dumplings and playing with sister-in-law... Cough cough. ..

An Zhiyuan had tried before.

Of course the dumplings refer to the Essex on R’s side. They are really good dumplings with thin skin and big stuffing. For sister-in-law, of course it is Yixian. Yixian’s temperament is very suitable for being a sister-in-law, because there is a tear on her face Mole, so Yixian seems to have a melancholy temperament, the best candidate for a sister-in-law, of course, his wife is his sister-in-law, and he can only say humorous words.

Yixian is not here, there is no sister-in-law, and there are no dumplings with thin skin and big stuffing, but there are Fusang, and there are dumplings made of Fusang.

Everyone makes dumplings together. Making dumplings is a technical job and has little to do with cooking skills. Fusang can just make the dumpling filling and seasonings.

An Zhiyuan can make dumplings, and he can't do anything... Although the girls seem to be happy to see him can do nothing...

Even Bismarck expected him to do nothing but push him to exercise and teach her to fight.

Although hoping that he can do nothing and not doing anything are two different things, but to a certain extent, they also overlap. Everyone does not want An Zhiyuan to do it himself. He will still take the initiative to do some of the things he knows how to do, so everyone hopes that he will not do anything, so that he can enjoy their services honestly.

But they hope that it doesn't mean that An Zhiyuan really doesn't know how to do it. He went to learn from Yixian and pestered Yatsen for a while, and Yatsen agreed. Just sit and play and wait for the food to be served" as an excuse for not wanting to teach An Zhiyuan, but under An Zhiyuan's pestering, he still agreed to teach An Zhiyuan how to make dumplings.

I can't say how skilled it is, but it's not unfamiliar.

"I didn't expect you to be able to make dumplings?" Kewei was a little surprised. According to her understanding, An Zhiyuan should belong to the kind of existence in his tutelary mansion, like a complete boss who doesn't care about anything, just enjoy it. commander.

"...I feel shocked because of such a trivial matter, it really hurts." An Zhiyuan said helplessly after hearing the words and looking at him fearfully.

Making dumplings, even if you haven’t learned it before, you can learn it after a while. I really have to be so surprised... It’s like being shocked by an adult who can write one, two, three.. .This is not a matter of course, the shock feeling full of ridicule.

"...I didn't mean to ridicule you..." Kewei Wenyan paused, then whispered.

"...I know..." An Zhiyuan nodded, but although you didn't mean it that way, what you said was really ironic... But it's okay, An Zhiyuan has a thick skin and eats the soft food of girls , I am used to it, and I don’t care what others think of it.

Guanghui usually cooks at home. Of course, Guanghui can also make dumplings, and his movements are very skillful. Compared with An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan is like a half-baked guy. Of course, Guanghui is still not as good as Fusang. Fusang's hands seem to be making dumplings Just like the assembly line of the company, pick up the dumplings, scoop a spoonful of dumpling filling, and then wrap them into dumplings. The whole process only takes five seconds, one dumpling in five seconds, super fast.

An Zhiyuan and Guanghui originally helped out, but Fusang made most of the dumplings by himself...

She's so strong, she's worthy of being my beautiful cook.

For lunch, I ate dumplings made by Fusang, mixed with some dumplings made by Anzhiyuan and Guanghui. It's kind of... how should I put it, it looks a little subtle

The taste is not surprising, after all, they are all filled with the same dumpling, but thanks to this, the dumplings made by An Zhiyuan look special, the girls seem to be particularly interested in the dumplings made by An Zhiyuan, cooking dumplings When I was in bed, I asked Fusang to bring some dumplings made by An Zhiyuan himself in his bowl.

You like the dumplings made by the admiral, right?An Zhiyuan thought to himself, he seems to have packed around thirty of them, two for each person is about the same...

Unexpectedly, Fusang actually distributed them evenly in the end, and put two dumplings made by An Zhiyuan in each person's bowl.

Admiral's special love dumplings?Although An Zhiyuan didn't mean that, he just made the dumplings out of help, but seeing the girls looking so happy, he didn't intend to explain it, as long as they were happy.

"Admiral, ah~" Belfast sat next to An Zhiyuan, smiled and picked up a dumpling dipped in a little seasoning and fed it to An Zhiyuan. An Zhiyuan didn't refuse, why did he refuse? He opened his mouth and ate Bell Fast fed the dumplings.

"Huh... so meaty, you guys." Sitting next to him, seeing the two being so intimate, he clasped his arms around his shoulders and said.

"Then you haven't seen anything more disgusting..." Sitting next to her was Enterprise, who looked at her and said.

Then Shengli saw Belfast ate a dumpling by himself, chewed a couple of mouthfuls, and then kissed An Zhiyuan...

"Hey...she's not feeding An Zhiyuan with her mouth, is she?" Shengli blinked, opened his mouth wide, and finally asked.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" The enterprise blushed slightly, and these two people also did not care about the presence of outsiders...well, but strictly speaking, they are not outsiders... These three people will definitely be abducted by the admiral to the tutelary mansion It's coming, it's impossible to run away.

Guanghui's face was rosy, and he didn't dare to look at Belfast and An Zhiyuan, but although Kewei blushed, he stared at these two people fiercely.

Then he stared at Belfast and An Zhiyuan for the entire meal, because Belfast used this method to serve An Zhiyuan to finish the entire meal.

After the victory, I kept sighing, this is simply extravagant... This doesn't look like a commander guarding one side, but like the extravagant emperor of the Sangong and Six Courtyards in the old days...

But after thinking that they would also join this place in the future, Shengli's face turned rosy again, and he... probably wouldn't reject An Zhiyuan, would he?Hey, it's all because of An Zhiyuan, it has nothing to do with her, even if she really wants to do this in the future, it will be "forced" by An Zhiyuan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shengli noticed that An Zhiyuan basically distributed dog food anytime and anywhere. Of course, maybe others had no idea of ​​giving out dog food at all, but she just happened to be there as a light bulb.

Regarding An Zhiyuan's behavior in the port area, Shengli felt that after he joined his tutelary mansion, he must correct the atmosphere, it was too...so what...

"I realized that you like watching my other girls get intimate?" An Zhiyuan walked over with a strange expression on his face.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Shengli smiled slightly, but he clenched his fist and waved it lightly in front of An Zhiyuan, but this could not threaten An Zhiyuan, although she could punch herself Flat, but she can do it?So An Zhiyuan said the same: "I said, do you like to see me getting intimate with other ship girls? You are a bit perverted."

Seeing that An Zhiyuan was not only not afraid, but even continued to tease himself, Shengli ground his silver teeth, grabbed An Zhiyuan's hand, and bit the back of his hand. Of course, it didn't take much effort. If he tried too hard, An Zhiyuan's hand would be gone. .

This little strength didn't even hurt An Zhiyuan, but let's cooperate with Shengli, An Zhiyuan grinned, as if he was in pain.

"Don't pretend to me, I know you don't hurt." Shengli let go of An Zhiyuan, rolled his eyes and said, "Who is interested in you being intimate with other ship girls? I'm not a pervert."

"That's for sure." An Zhiyuan chuckled, maybe you like to watch your sisters "play" with me, and then you are by yourself... so what, like a virtuous wife, although Very serious, but has such a habit.

"Where's the habit?" Shengli twisted An Zhiyuan's waist, An Zhiyuan's expression was weird, this time it really hurt... Although he didn't use any force, the feeling of his skin being twisted was not good.

"Oh, does it hurt?" Shengli actually felt a little distressed, but he held back and couldn't let An Zhiyuan see it, otherwise he would have jumped on her head.

"It doesn't hurt." An Zhiyuan shook his head, his expression returned to normal.

Shengli looked at An Zhiyuan, then lifted An Zhiyuan's clothes, and saw that his skin was reddened from being pinched, obviously some excessive force...

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Shengli said quickly, "I..."

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