"I said it doesn't hurt." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "You didn't use much effort."

Victory did not require much effort, but victory only required a small amount of strength, which was not something An Zhiyuan could bear, even if An Zhiyuan was no longer an ordinary person.

Shengli put his palm on Zhiyuan's waist and rubbed it lightly.

Shengli's palm was very delicate, and it was quite comfortable to rub. An Zhiyuan, who had been in pain for a while, really didn't hurt after being massaged like this.

"Does it still hurt?" Shengli asked in a low voice, it seems that she blamed herself, although she was joking, An Zhiyuan said: "I said it doesn't hurt, don't be so self-blame, Did you do anything wrong?"

An Zhiyuan put his arms around Shengli's waist, and said in a low voice: "What I like is the Shengli who likes to play around with me, not the Shengli who becomes cautious in front of me because of little things."

Shengli blushed slightly, "Who is messing around with you..."

"You." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, then lowered his head and kissed Victory's red lips.

Shengli, who was attacked by surprise, was stunned for a moment, and after recovering, he gently pushed An Zhiyuan's chest, but An Zhiyuan didn't let go, because if Shengli really didn't want him to kiss her, she would use a little force, her strength, He didn't want to push him away at all, it was just a half-push, half-push, An Zhiyuan didn't have any reason to let go of her, but wantonly enjoying the small mouth of Victory, after a symbolic push of Victory, he didn't move, and simply hugged her from behind. Rubbing An Zhiyuan's waist, he responded enthusiastically.

"Tsk tsk..." Kewei and Guanghui stood not far away and looked at the situation here, Kewei clicked his lips, "Sister Guanghui, look at the two of them, they are clearly in love with adultery."

"Hot for adultery?" Guanghui blushed slightly, "How can you use this word to describe the two of them..."

It's a derogatory term no matter what, although it's okay for friends to joke about it...but one is their future admiral, and the other is their sister...

"Isn't it hot?" Kewei said, "An... the commander said at the beginning that he was pursuing sister, you, and then sister Shengli ran to have an affair with the commander, and then went in front of her. .. Sister, have I told you? Sister Victory's final thoughts?"

"No... any final thoughts?" Guanghui was a little confused.

"She wants to have a bridal chamber with the Commander on the day you and the Commander get married..." Ke Wei said this, his face was also reddish.

Guanghui looked at Kewei, then at Shengli who was kissing An Zhiyuan in the distance, he couldn't laugh or cry...

"Has the victory become strange... Victory didn't seem to be like this before..." Guanghui said.

"It should be said that since I met the commander, it has become strange, sister Shengli..." Kewei thought for a while and said.

Then Kewei seemed to think of something, and asked, "Sister, do you hate such a victory sister?"

"Hate? What's so annoying, she's my sister, she's just a little helpless..." Guanghui said with a smile, and it wasn't a big deal at all. If Victory wants to be in front of him, he should be in front of him, it doesn't matter Yes, the relationship between the ship's wife and the commander is different from that of ordinary men and women, and it is not monogamous. Although some honest commanders may only marry one ship's wife for a lifetime, the ship's wife is too easy to control her own command. The officer has a good impression, which is a kind of harm to the other ship girls. Guanghui has already made preparations and made the commander. No, for An Zhiyuan, they should call the admiral, she has already done it. The fact that the admiral likes her is not the only one.

It's a good thing that the younger sisters don't dislike An Zhiyuan, they joined the tutelary mansion together with him, and they won't be separated in the future. Of course, Shengli's interest is indeed a bit... But Guanghui won't hate Shengli just because of such a trivial matter, If she likes it... let her like it.

Hearing this, I blinked my eyes, so it turns out that you don't hate my sister...then...if I do the same, won't you hate it too?

Hmm... Kewei suddenly began to understand Sister Shengli's thoughts... It seems that it is indeed a little exciting.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The three Guanghui sisters left after dinner. On the way back, um...it should be said that it was at sea. Kewei and Shengli were relatively close. She asked in a low voice, "Sister Shengli, what kind of experience is it like to kiss?"

Hearing the words, Shengli turned his head to look at Kewei, a little confused, "Why are you asking this?"

"I want to know, so I asked." Kewei said calmly.

"...You asked me why, and I haven't kissed before." Shengli turned his head and looked in front of him, and said.

"..." The corners of Kewei's mouth rose slightly, who are you kidding, Sister Guanghui and I watched you and An Zhiyuan cuddling and nibbling for nearly five minutes this afternoon, and we knew it was not the first time we kissed, you Haven't kissed yet, what about cheating ghosts?

Guanghui, who was walking in the front, also had a slightly weird expression. Obviously, what Shengli said was in the ears of the two of them, so it was nonsense. Both of them saw with their own eyes how close Shengli and An Zhiyuan were in the afternoon. .

"What's the matter with your expression?" Shengli noticed Kewei's subtle expression, raised his brows, and said.

Guanghui turned his head to look at Kewei, and wanted to remind her that it would be better not to expose your sister Shengli, lest she become angry, but Kewei had already said it.

"Then what are you doing with Commander An Zhiyuan this afternoon? Eating chocolate bars?" Kewei said with a smile.

After hearing the words, Shengli paused, and then stared into Kewei's eyes. Kewei was not timid, and looked directly at Shengli. She was not guilty. She should be guilty. She was stared at by them this afternoon, but now she said no. kissed.

"Have you seen it?" Victory asked.

"I see, I also saw that you kissed the commander for more than five minutes." Ke Wei said, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth smiled a little playfully.

"Oh, see it when you see it." Shengli's face was still slightly flushed, but obviously she would not show timidity, isn't it just a kiss, what's the big deal.

"So I want to ask you, what does it feel like to kiss? Saliva exchange? Tongue licking? Don't you feel sick?" Although Kewei ruthlessly exposed Victory, he did not make fun of Victory. Sister, maybe I will get angry later.

Shengli blushed when he heard the words, and gave an awesome look, "You won't try to find An Zhiyuan by yourself?"

"No, it hasn't reached that level yet. He and I are not as good at 'playing' as Sister Shengli and Commander are sneaking around." There was something in Kewei's words, she looked sideways at Shengli, her tone was a little subtle and ambiguous .

Guanghui's ears turned red when he heard the words, "Awesome..."

I can't let Kewei continue talking, it won't be good if Victory is really angry...

"Did Sister Guanghui see it in the afternoon?" Shengli asked with a ruddy face as he turned his head to look at Guanghui in front of him.

"Well... I saw it." Guanghui didn't hide it, she saw it when she saw it, there was no need to say she didn't see it, not to mention that Kewei had already said it out, although she could get rid of the suspicion by saying a few words, but she didn't That is necessary.

Shengli pursed her lips, not knowing what to say, her face was a little hot, because she said just now that she had never kissed her mouth, but Sister Guanghui and Kewei saw that she kissed An Zhiyuan... It's all to blame An Zhiyuan... It's all because he hugged her and kissed him forcefully, that's why Sister Guanghui and Kewei saw it... It's all his fault!

If An Zhiyuan found out, he might spread his hands. I didn't see you refuse when I kissed you, did you?Although you did push him on the surface, not only did that kind of push not mean rejection, but it felt like refusal and welcome.

"Hey, hey, sister Shengli, answer my question, what kind of experience is it like to kiss?" Kewei smiled and pulled Shengli, obviously not giving up until he got the answer.

Shengli's face was flushed, now she can't be as calm as before, she gave a terrible look, "I said, if you want to know, try it yourself, don't say anything that doesn't matter, then wait, I won't I told you."

"Tell me, Sister Shengli, please~" Kewei hugged Shengli's arm, shook it lightly, and said in a coquettish tone.

This appearance has never been shown in front of An Zhiyuan. Of course, Shengli knows very well that this is just Kewei's appearance, and Kewei likes to pretend to be obedient.

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