Forty pieces should be...enough, right?

In terms of air control, there should be no problem with the company, after all, she is equipped with stealth fighter jets, and there are a lot of them, but they rarely fly all of them.

Of course, it is not necessarily possible to control all the flying. Even if it is an enterprise, if it really wants to fly all of them, it may not necessarily be busy. Generally, one squadron is flying one squadron at a time.

Even if it is more difficult to use one mind and two purposes, it is very good for a full-fledged ship girl to use one mind and three purposes. An enterprise can operate up to four squadrons of carrier-based aircraft at the same time. This is already the limit. Don’t forget, these stealth carrier-based aircraft Compared with those World War II carrier-based aircraft, it is more difficult to control.

Of course, if the Sirens attack, Jiang Wanqiu and the academy office will definitely not watch the show, so air control should be enough. The office has a lot of high-level aircraft carriers, and the three glorious sisters are also high-level aircraft carriers.

Jiang Wanqiu's tutelary mansion also has a highly skilled aircraft carrier, so air dominance shouldn't be a problem.

The same is true for anti-submarine. Apart from Tang, Jiang Wanqiu also has a lot of light cruisers and destroyers, and many of them are highly skilled, so there seems to be no need to worry too much.

Although Jiang Wanqiu is often exposed by An Zhiyuan, but compared to other commanders, Jiang Wanqiu's luck is very good, and among the known commanders, the strength of the headquarters is very high, otherwise, he would not wait It's on the front lines.

In the past, there was a faint trend of the First Command, because she has her own skills in improving the training level, so the training level is improved faster than many commanders, so the strength is also rising faster.

Of course, things changed after An Zhiyuan came.

No one has compared it before. Jiang Wanqiu is about the same strength as the other commanders, maybe a little bit higher, but after An Zhiyuan came, there is no suspense about being number one. The well-known enterprise is that the number of fully trained ship girls crushes others.


Well, An Zhiyuan is a different kind after all, among normal commanders, Jiang Wanqiu is very European and very strong, An Zhiyuan is still very relieved when Jiang Wanqiu is here.

I guess she was aggrieved when she was attacked by a siren last time, right?She often attacks with a slightly lower training level, the main reason is to lower the average training level of the headquarters, so there is no way to counterattack. In addition, the real strength of the sirens was not clear before, Jiang Wanqiu gave her girl Their orders were to run when they saw sirens.

But now after learning from An Zhiyuan that the Sirens are not so invincible, Jiang Wanqiu probably wants to take revenge. An Zhiyuan can also understand her. If the one who was injured was his own ship girl, he would definitely change. Very cranky.

However, if you don't need people for bombardment, air control, and anti-submarine... then who should you let over?An Zhiyuan fell into deep thought.

Sure enough, it still depends on your preference?

People are called by strength (×) and people are called by XP (√).

Let's do it this way...Let Master Su and Odin come over.

Although they are just small supply ships, An Zhiyuan asked Yuzhang to make two very interesting things for them.

Anyone who has played Ship R knows that if you challenge Master Su and Odin five times, they will turn into Star Destroyers...


That's right, Yubari has carried out ship renovations on them. Their transformations are not the same, because both of them are still children, and they are worried that they will mess up, so their transformations are a bit strange. Under normal circumstances, they are still supply ships. , but, if you use the belt that Yubari made for the two of them... then take the cassette that was originally handed over to An Zhiyuan for safekeeping...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As we all know, a belt plus a cassette is equal to transformation.

After Master Su and Odin transformed, they became real Star Destroyers, and this was done with deep sea technology.

However, since it is not native to the deep sea, the ability to use the deep sea does have a time limit, two hours a day, so it is not just because I am afraid that Mr. Su and Odin will mess around.

Shenhai himself has not fully understood the technology of Shenhai, so Yubari did not dare to modify it randomly.

But in these two hours, Master Su and Odin can do too many things, although they really have nothing to do in that world, after all, the former enemies have become the admiral's wife, their sister, of course they You can't touch them.

After transforming, they can fly the carrier-based aircraft, and the quality of the carrier-based aircraft is the best in the tutelary mansion except for the enterprise's carrier-based aircraft, which is better than the deep-sea carrier-based aircraft. Most importantly, they Comes with anti-submarine.

And their bombardment capabilities are not inferior to the main battleships, their firepower is so fierce, they can also launch torpedoes, their air defense is extremely high, and their anti-submarine is extremely high. It is really about the same as a star destroyer.

They are very versatile, they can do almost anything that other ship girls can do, except that they cannot fire missiles.

They are classified as aircraft carriers and battleships, that is, air stations, but compared to air stations like Fuso, they are much stronger.

Of course, the most important thing is that the two little guys are very cute, and they can fish. Maybe they can catch some fish for themselves in the future.

Thinking of this, An Zhiyuan sent his thoughts to Yubari, and Yubari would only see it tomorrow.

It's good to choose Master Su and Odin, the girls don't mind having ideas, let them decide who to let come over later, An Zhiyuan will not be this villain.


Here, Saratoga, who was sending a message to An Zhiyuan, just saw his brother-in-law's reply, blinked, curled his lips, what, he didn't call himself.

Hmm... But since it's Sukhbaatar and Odin, it doesn't matter...

Saratoga handed the device to Yubari, "Yubari, brother-in-law wrote back, please take a look."

Yubari is debugging the traversal equipment, and it is at the last juncture, and it should be able to teleport in a short time. She didn't stop when she heard Saratoga's words, "It's about the question of who to let go Answer? What did the admiral say?"

"He said let me go," said Saratoga.

Yubari stopped moving when he heard this, and turned to look at Saratoga in confusion, "Really?"

"Fake, brother-in-law said to let Sukhbaatar and Odin go there." Saratoga said, "Well...what can we do with two supply ships? Fishing?"

"Don't forget, they are not pure supply ships now." Yuzhang smiled and said, "Compared to strength, you may not be stronger than them."

"Tch, as long as there are enough aircraft carriers around me, they may not be able to beat me." Saratoga curled her lips upon hearing this.

Yubari thought about it. Indeed, if there are enough aircraft carriers, Saratoga's strength can increase infinitely. It can even use World War II aircraft to achieve the effect of modern stealth carrier-based aircraft. At that time, what is dropped is not a bomb. Yes, that's Big Ivan.

"But then again? Do you want to transform it?" Yubari asked, "Make you a kind of enterprise too? Huh?"

"Me? Forget it... I guess I won't be with my brother-in-law until very late..." Saratoga sighed. After all, as the eldest wife, the elder sister has to stay at home, and as her younger sister, of course she can't run away. I miss my brother-in-law very much, but now that I have found my brother-in-law, I have to bear with it.

"I came to my brother-in-law very late, I guess I won't need to fight at that time..." Saratoga continued: "Now you are in a hurry to finish the time travel. Everyone is waiting to see brother-in-law."

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