"Hehe, yes." Yuzhang smiled, "Now the matter of time travel is important."

"If Sukhbaatar and Odin want to go there, why don't you bring them the card?" Saratoga asked, "I remember that after my brother-in-law left, you seemed to put away the card."

"Well, I put it away. If they want to go there, I must give it to them. Otherwise, they might use this power to mess around. In fact, it doesn't matter if they mess around. I'm worried that they don't count their time. After the transformation is over, they still have time." Exposed to the enemy." Yuzhang said with some headaches: "I was really worried about their sabotage before, but in the face of real enemies, I am a little worried about their safety."

"There's nothing to worry about. Isn't the company over there? There are also tang fish? There are so many people looking after it, what will happen?" Saratoga was a little disapproving when he heard the words.

"Well... the two little guys still listen to the admiral, and the transformation cassette should be kept by the admiral, otherwise it might cause some trouble for the admiral." Yubari said: "Then, Saratoga , please help me talk to Sukhbaatar and Odin."

"Well, well, anyway, I have nothing to do now." Saratoga nodded.

Saratoga went to inform Sukhbaatar and Odin who were fishing by the artificial pond.

"I caught 16 fish, how about you?" Sukhbaatar turned his head and asked Odin beside him, Odin lowered his head and counted the fish in the bucket beside him, "It seems that there are 23 fish, I am more than you what a shame."

"There are 23? Huh, so fast?" Sukhbaatar was also a little surprised.

"It's no big deal if I'm faster than you when catching this kind of ordinary fish. If you're catching submarines, you're better." Odin whispered.

"Why are you always so humble? Excessive modesty is pride, this is what the admiral said." Sukhbaatar said in a preaching tone, but because the voice sounded relatively small, it would only make people feel cute That's all.

Saratoga came over and picked up the two little guys from behind.



Both Sukhbaatar and Odin were taken aback. They turned their heads and saw that it was Saratoga.

"Sister Saratoga, don't let us down, my fishing rod was almost scared off..." Sukhbaatar pouted and said.

Odin blinked, but said nothing.

"Hee hee, Sukhbaatar, Odin, do you want to find your brother-in-law...ah, Admiral?" Saratoga asked with a smile.

"Think!" Sukhbaatar said immediately without any hesitation, and Odin nodded quickly.

"Then let the two of you guys pass through this time travel?" Saratoga said with a smile: "I will go to your sister Yubari to get your cassette later. If you go over, you must listen carefully. Admiral's words!"

Sukhbaatar was so excited that he gave up his fishing rod, "I know!"

PS: Please refresh if you don't see the picture.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Early in the morning, An Zhiyuan was waiting in his office, going to the window to have a look from time to time.

Belfast, who was helping An Zhiyuan clean the room, saw An Zhiyuan's actions, and felt a little strange, "Master, is anyone here today?"

Because An Zhiyuan went to the window to look around from time to time, Belfast naturally thought that maybe the master had an appointment with someone today, and then, there were some important things.

"Hmm..." An Zhiyuan nodded, it is true that someone is coming, is it an appointment?Forget it, after all, I let them come here...

I don't know if the two little guys will encounter any problems...

An Zhiyuan was a little anxious...

"If the master is in such a hurry, would you like me to greet the guests?" Belfast asked softly when he saw that An Zhiyuan was frowning, and seemed a little anxious.

"Huh? No need, you can't pick it up either. It's from over there, my former ship's wife, two little guys." An Zhiyuan said with a smile when he heard the words, but the worry between his brows did not disappear.

it should be no problem...

Belfast heard something strange, "If that's the case, why is the admiral so worried?"

Wasn't it good to time travel before?There seems to be no accident?Belfast was a little confused.

"Because the two of them are little guys, I'm worried that something will happen to them." An Zhiyuan frowned, took a deep breath, and said.

I have never traveled through Belfast, and I don't know if there is any risk in it, and I don't know what to say when I hear it.

According to common sense, nothing should happen, but Belfast can also understand the master's concerns. It seems that the two children are usually naughty.

Saying that, An Zhiyuan swayed to the window again, looked down, but still didn't see Master Su and Odin... um...

Belfast walked to An Zhiyuan and stretched out his hand, put his hand on An Zhiyuan's shoulder, helped An Zhiyuan pinch his shoulder, and said softly: "Since they are assured to let the two of them come over there, there must be a complete guarantee." , Master doesn’t need to worry so much.”

Although it was a little irresponsible to say so, Belfast still couldn't bear to see the anxious look of the master.

An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand and patted the back of Belfast's hand, and smiled helplessly, "I know too...but I just...tsk..."

He also knew that there would be no problems, but even if he knew, he still couldn't help being a little worried.

Mr. Su was a bit naughty, Odin was better, but Odin always listened to Mr. Su, if Mr. Su really wanted to mess around, Odin probably would follow suit.

An Zhiyuan squeezed his brows, let out a sigh of relief, and in the blink of an eye, he found that there were two more little guys on the square outside the Guardian Mansion.

"Huh?" An Zhiyuan took a closer look, and immediately felt relieved, "It seems that my worry is really unnecessary..."

"They're here?" Belfast tilted his head, looked down from An Zhiyuan's arm, and saw two little guys looking around there, two cute little guys, so small, they are destroyers ?

"Let's go down." An Zhiyuan turned around, grabbed Belfast's hand and walked downstairs.


"Where's the admiral?" Sukhbaatar looked around, but he didn't see his admiral.

"It seems that it is not far away..." Odin looked around, "I can feel the admiral, very close."

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