And the room is big enough, it can be said that it is a mobile city with everything on it, even a football field, several swimming pools, golf courses, bowling alleys, and many things, but there is no such thing as gambling. , although it is usually open to the general public, but there is no casino, because the company behind this ship seems to be Beacon Academy, Beacon Academy is not only a part of the money given by the human government every year, but also runs a company to make money, especially cruise ships This one, because first of all, if other companies want to do the business of ocean cruises, they will first face a problem. They must need a ship girl to protect the cruise ship, and then they must submit an application to the Blue Academy, so that they can get permission and then pay. Hiring a ship girl to protect the cruise ship, but the most important problem is that this is competing with Bilan College for business. The cruise ship of Bilan College has basically met the market demand. If it involves this industry, it is stealing other people's business.

Moreover, Bean Blue Academy only monopolizes the high-end cruise line, and has not set foot in ordinary passenger transport, and high-end cruise ships are very expensive, so many of them give up this piece by themselves.

If there is only Bilan College in this area, the composition of Bilan College is all ship girls, so most of the cruise ships do not have casinos. Bilan College does not prohibit gambling, but it is not recommended. Bilan College also has a special one for gambling. The super-large cruise ship is about the same size as this one. It is specially used for gambling, and commanders are allowed to board the ship, but there are restrictions on what the commander can gamble, and there are no restrictions on ordinary people. Moreover, they will never spend thousands of dollars, and they are not allowed to go out. Qian, all the staff above are ship girls. Of course, there are no glamorous benefits, and no one who goes up dares to take advantage of ship girls. They might be thrown into the sea. The law is very biased towards ship girls. That ship The boat is quite famous, and many people gamble on it.

But other cruise lines don't have casinos.

Speaking of which, there are still a small number of commanders who like to gamble. Commanders usually gamble on ships. It’s not that they use ships as chips, which is a shit commander, but that they gamble with resources and construction cores, and they can’t see if they can’t ship.

Speaking of which, there are still three construction cores in An Zhiyuan's Guarding Mansion. When he left this time, An Zhiyuan took two of them with him, and planned to build them after he arrived at Bilan College.

When the time comes, all the commanders from all over the world will be there. Once the building is delivered, it will be called drying the boat. An Zhiyuan laughed. Didn't they all say that they are not seals?

After arriving at the room assigned to them, An Zhiyuan took a look. There were three rooms in total, all of the same size and scale. The cruise ship had a luxury suite on the first floor, but it was not open. After all, it was not a ticket bought, but provided by the academy for free. tickets, so there is no distinction among commanders, and there are not so many luxury suites, so they can simply live in ordinary suites together.

So everyone is allocated ordinary suites.

However, even ordinary suites are not very ordinary. Each room is [-] to [-] square meters. This kind of super cruise ship has a very large interior space, but because of this, maintenance costs and escort costs are very high. Ordinary companies are I can't afford it, but I don't need an escort team for this trip. After all, there are commanders and their wives on it. There are more than a thousand wives out of more than [-] people, and all of them are escorted by combat wives. , it’s not that many of them are ship girls who have no combat effectiveness like Bilan Academy, so the super fleet is also free.

Although none of the full-fledged warships were taken out except An Zhiyuan, almost all of them were high-skilled warships, and their combat effectiveness was still very objective. With so many warships, it would cost more than a thousand for one person to fire a cannon. Who can stand it, let alone torpedoes, if you want to attack by air, it is even more impossible, not to mention the aircraft carriers on board, but the barrage of anti-aircraft guns of these ship girls on board, what kind of carrier-based aircraft can break into it? Come in?Come in and explode.

Therefore, the safety of travel must not be considered. Under the complete suppression of the number, the Siren can't make any waves. What needs to be careful is the local headquarters, so everyone tries to keep the strongest combat power in the port area.

But An Zhiyuan has an intuition, he feels that those sirens will definitely not trouble other headquarters, they will definitely ask for his tutelary fort, a man's intuition is sometimes very good...

It shouldn't be a problem...Although before An Zhiyuan left, the company kept saying not to worry, but there are still some worries...

Enterprise, Tangyu, Master Su, Odin, and some other full-fledged ship girls, there will be no problem....

This kind of combat power is not enough, and the siren is too strong, too strong, if it is really so strong, then all the headquarters are in danger...

Then I can only go to kidnap the sirens and come back and train them to be wives.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Dedejiang and Guanghui came back, they almost started to divide the rooms. An Zhiyuan and the others allocated three rooms.

Brilliance, Victory, and Terrible asked for a room, and the three of them shared a room. After all, the room was so big, and Dedechan shared a room with the Duke of York. Although they both wanted to live directly in An Zhiyuan's room, But there can't be a room that is empty, although it is estimated that the room will be empty in the end, it is also possible that his room is empty.

Anyway, it’s the same, there will always be one room vacant. Of course, judging from the current progress, it is still very difficult to empty two of the three rooms. Well, this journey is to accomplish this goal.

After the room was arranged, An Zhiyuan left the room and went to find the three Guanghui sisters.

Although one foot of the three of them stepped into the tutelary fort... It doesn't seem right to say that, the victory belongs to the head and the foot, and the buttocks are still outside, being pulled by the brilliance and the fearsome, so there are three people drag in together...

Knocking on the room of the three Guanghui sisters, An Zhiyuan waited outside the door for a while, and after a while, Kewei opened the door, "Hey, it's the commander, come in."

With that said, Kewei opened the door.

An Zhiyuan walked in and found that Guang Hui and Sheng Sheng were making bed sheets or something.

The bed sheets and quilts are brand new, to take care of the ship’s obsession with cleanliness, this kind of close-fitting furniture can’t be used by humans, so every room has new sheets and quilts, but it’s because it’s hastily prepared , so they didn't make any pavements, and they had to do it by themselves, no matter it was a trivial matter for the ship's mother.

"Why are you here?" Shengli asked after seeing An Zhiyuan: "Could it be that you want us to spread the quilt for you? I'll do it for you later."

Sister-in-law is quite diligent, An Zhiyuan smiled and shook his head, "I'll just do it myself later, I'm here to play with you."

"Hey? You won't be with Hood and the Duke of York anymore?" Shengli asked with a teasing smile when he heard the words.

In the past two days, An Zhiyuan has been fooling around with two people when he has free time. He was bumped into by Guanghui last time, because he blocked the sound before, so he couldn't hear it, and then he bumped into him. Dede-chan... Well, Guanghui didn't remember the details clearly. It's a bit outrageous considering the super-high memory of the ship's mother. In short, Guanghui made a big blush. However, An Zhiyuan is old after all, so he can still chat with Guanghui very normally the next day, but Guanghui can't do it anymore. When he sees An Zhiyuan or Dedejiang, he blushes unceasingly.

No, Guanghui blushed again when she heard Victory's words, she bit her lip...

"I want to accompany you too." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Who are we to you? Do you still want to accompany us?" Kewei asked.

An Zhiyuan wanted to talk about his wife, but after thinking about it, it wasn't very good, after all, he didn't give a wedding ring, although in his eyes there was no difference between the three of them and his wife.

"It's my ship's wife." An Zhiyuan said.

Shengli tilted her head when she heard the words, she thought that An Zhiyuan would say something more nasty, but she didn't expect it to be so ordinary, it was really disappointing.

"I thought you would say that we are your wife or something." Kewei said.

An Zhiyuan paused, shit, you can read minds? !

The ship girl of ship B can feel what the other party is thinking about, whether she is friendly or hostile to herself, and cannot directly read the mind like the ship girl of R, so it is terrible to be unable to read minds.. .

Shengli laughed when she heard the words. Now that she had said all about the awesomeness, she also said: "Yeah, I thought you would say that we are your wife or something..."

"You are indeed my wives." An Zhiyuan nodded, "Glorious, victorious, awesome, all of them are my unmarried wives."

Guanghui's face was ruddy, she was not as perverse as her two younger sisters, how could she not blush when she heard this, but her good impression had also arrived, so besides being shy, she didn't feel anything wrong after hearing this.

Of the three of them, Kewei should have the lowest favorability, no, now An Zhiyuan can't figure out how Kewei has the lowest affection for him, it seems to be the lowest, but judging from her various performances, it seems that she is not low, ah?As for what she just said, does it seem like she can say it when her favorability is low?

"Who is your wife?" Kewei raised his chin, puffed out his chest, and hummed.

Um?Could it be that your thinking is wrong?Is it awesome that you just said those words just out of a joke?

"You are all my wives." An Zhiyuan said, "It's awesome, why don't you come to the boat with me?"

Guanghui was blushed by the words between them, wishing they would leave sooner, so he also said: "Awesome, go and hang out with the commander."

Shengli was snickering there, and she also knew that they were only a short distance away from joining An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, so she pretended to say, "Go, go."

To these two sisters who betrayed their sisters, I don't even know what to say...

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