"Let's go..." However, Kewei didn't want to refuse...

Then An Zhiyuan and Kewei walked out.

In the corridor, some commanders and their wives could be seen in the same uniform as An Zhiyuan.

Most of them are male commanders, and the number of female commanders is relatively small. There are very few girls who come to evaluate the commanders... because the outside world generally thinks that the relationship between the commander and the ship's wife is a couple or husband and wife. Relationship, all the girls who have no interest in lily have given up their plans to become commanders, but in fact... it doesn't matter if they are not lily, the ship girl is an ideal creature, even if it is just a relationship between friends, as long as you care about her It is also enough, of course, of course, the deeper feelings are better.

After seeing An Zhiyuan, many commanders greeted him with smiles, and An Zhiyuan also smiled.

Speaking of which, he is quite well-known among these commanders, is he the strongest command after all?

"You're really a celebrity." Kewei couldn't help but said, at least a dozen commanders greeted An Zhiyuan just because they walked this distance.

"After all, it has been on the ranking list for so long, so it is natural to be famous..." An Zhiyuan said with some shame: "Although I don't really want to be too famous, I like to keep a low profile."

"Low-key? You can't be hooked on being low-key." Kewei thought for a while and said, "With a headquarters like that, it's impossible to keep a low profile."

"Then when did you join such a headquarters?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"Oh, when you touch my heart." Ke Wei looked at An Zhiyuan, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, although it was not a smile, but it could make people feel that she was in a good mood.

"Huh? Haven't I been able to impress you yet?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"If it's that easy...well, I was moved a little bit, but it's still not enough..." Kewei wanted to say that he wasn't moved at all, but after thinking about it, he changed his mind.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan and Kewei came to the deck all the way. There are many commanders and ship girls here, many of which are ship girls that An Zhiyuan has never seen before. Speaking of which, he hasn't taken the time to take a good look at the ship girl illustration book.. .

Many commanders on the deck also knew An Zhiyuan, and many of them greeted An Zhiyuan warmly. After all, An Zhiyuan had a very good reputation in the industry, and An Zhiyuan didn't know why... Although he had never posted a boat... At least I haven't posted it in front of them, but I'm still a European after all. Africans and Europeans have natural conflicts, which can't be resolved by showing the boat or not...

As far as human beings have a very simple idea, why do I not have what other people have, just thinking about it, it is easy to have some feelings of jealousy, but it seems that none of these commanders have such feelings, or they cover up It's nice not showing it?

Hmm... But the character and conduct of the commander is already the best among human beings, so you can't use the thinking of ordinary people to think about their thoughts.

An Zhiyuan saw Jiang Wanqiu in the crowd, she was very conspicuous.

It's not because of her outstanding appearance. Although her appearance is indeed very high, not worse than the ship's wife, but after all, there are all ship's girls here. How can her appearance be conspicuous? The reason for her conspicuousness is because... Except for her own ship girl, that is, London, there is no one standing within five meters around her, can this not be conspicuous?

An Zhiyuan snickered inwardly, after all, she was an old seal, and she was worried about her drying the boat, but in fact, Jiang Wanqiu didn't plan to dry the boat this time, she had discussed with An Zhiyuan about drying the boat before, but she actually asked An Zhiyuan to come To dry the boat, she brought a London, but she couldn't dry the boat.

According to her words, she was tired of being a seal, so she wanted to be a good person.

"give me a chance."

"How can I give you a chance?"

"I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person."

Oh, what's the use of saying this to me?Are you going to tell those who have been exposed?An Zhiyuan smiled.

An Zhiyuan walked up with fear, "Jiang Wanqiu."

Jiang Wanqiu turned her head and saw An Zhiyuan and Kewei, she smiled at Kewei, and nodded, London beside her also bowed politely to them.

"Have you made arrangements?" Jiang Wanqiu asked.

"Are you referring to the room?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"That's right, there are so many of you, there are three rooms, I only have one room, and I will sleep with my London at night." Jiang Wanqiu said with a smile.

London blushed slightly, obviously still a little shy about his commander saying such words.

"That's great." An Zhiyuan said.

"Heh, don't act like you're envious of me, you guys don't sing every night?" Jiang Wanqiu's mouth twitched.

"I sleep in a room alone." An Zhiyuan said.

"But you can let other people go to your room, or you go to other people's room? Isn't it? Awesome?" Jiang Wanqiu rolled her eyes and said.

Kewei remembered the days on the yacht, blushed a bit, and nodded.

"Speaking of which, An Zhiyuan hasn't given you rings yet?" Jiang Wanqiu said with a smile, "Wow, shit finger."

An Zhiyuan also rolled his eyes when he heard the words, shit, I also want to give them rings and marry them, but the good feelings haven't arrived yet...

"Yes, yes, Shitfinger," Kewei immediately nodded, agreeing with Jiang Wanqiu's statement.

An Zhiyuan looked at Kewei, "I'll give you the ring right now, do you dare to wear it?"

Hehe, I have three rings on me. They were originally prepared for you. I plan to bring you back to the tutelary mansion during this trip. Heh heh, I didn’t expect that, right?awesome.

"You can wear it if you dare to give it to me." Kewei couldn't believe that An Zhiyuan carried the ring with him, so he laughed and said.

An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand to hold Kewei's head, lifted it up, then looked at Kewei, and said with a smile: "Are you sure?"

"Pretend, don't talk so much, just put a ring on me if you have the ability." Kewei blushed slightly when he saw him, and then said, she still didn't believe that An Zhiyuan could directly take out the ring.

"Hurry up, don't talk so much nonsense, I'm still waiting." Jiang Wanqiu said with a smile.

London also looked at An Zhiyuan and Ke Ke with a smile.

An Zhiyuan fumbled in his pocket, took out a gift box, and then said with a smile: "It's too late to repent now, awesome~"

Seeing that An Zhiyuan really took out a jewelry box, his fearful expression was a little flustered, and he subconsciously withdrew his hand, but An Zhiyuan grabbed it firmly, hating him to death.

"No, you can't go back on your word." An Zhiyuan opened the jewelry box with one hand, then took out the ring, and stuffed the jewelry box back into his pocket. Under the sunlight, the platinum diamond ring was particularly conspicuous. Raised a fearsome hand, lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand...

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