To be honest, I didn't expect that he took out the ring so smoothly... An Zhiyuan could feel that Kewei didn't want to withdraw his hand. He wanted to withdraw his hand just now, but he was just pretending...

An Zhiyuan raised his head and looked at Kewei, seeing her blushing and pouting, she shifted her eyes to the sea, refused to look at him, but let herself hold her hand.

Putting the dreadful and warm palm on his own, An Zhiyuan gently wrapped the ring around his dreadful ring finger.

I didn't expect... Among the three sisters, the first one I married was not brilliant or victorious, but fearsome?

Guanghui definitely didn't expect it, after all, she thought that the first one might be victory, and victory certainly didn't expect it either, as she told An Zhiyuan that if the first one to marry was Sister Guanghui, An Zhiyuan himself didn't expect...

He thought his relationship with the awesome wasn't quite there yet...

When Jiang Wanqiu said this, An Zhiyuan was actually just playing around or giving it a try...But unexpectedly, Kewei didn't run away, but put on a show of resistance, and let himself "look" Do it."

An Zhiyuan put the platinum ring on Kewei, and tightened it. This is my wife, and she will have it for the rest of her life, and she cannot escape.

Feel the warm touch on the ring finger... Of course the ring itself has no temperature, the temperature is from An Zhiyuan's body temperature...

Putting on the ring... from today... is his wedding ship?Terrible's face turned redder and redder.

But An Zhiyuan just remembered that he has not proposed yet after giving the ring, it seems that he has skipped the threshold, let's start all over again...

Of course, An Zhiyuan didn't take off the ring, that would be too stupid.

An Zhiyuan knelt down on one knee, raised his formidable hand, and said with a smile: "Awesome, will you marry me?"

The sound was not low, and many people on the deck heard it, and the commanders immediately started booing.

Because with their eyesight, of course it can be seen that Kewei's face is full of shyness and happiness.

"Marry him, marry him!"

Jiang Wanqiu whistled, "Marry him, marry him!"

"Don't make a fuss... I have already put on the ring, why don't I marry you..." Kewei said in a low voice, his face getting redder and redder by the people around him.

There were too many people around, An Zhiyuan couldn't hear clearly, "Ah? What did you say?"

Kewei bit his lip, and stepped on An Zhiyuan's toes, causing An Zhiyuan to grin his teeth in a strange expression.

"I said! I am willing to marry you!"

"Oh, good! Wife!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Kiss one! Kiss one!" Of course, the commanders continued to boo, married the ship's wife, why don't you kiss?

Of course An Zhiyuan wants to kiss, and his own wife definitely wants to kiss, to put a seal on his marriage, and from today onwards, she will be mine.

Kewei blushed, she chose to close her eyes, obviously, she was probably already mentally prepared.

An Zhiyuan hugged Kewei, and the fragrance of Kewei's body rushed over his face. He lowered his head gently and whispered in Kewei's ear, "I want to stamp your little mouth. From today on, you She's the daughter-in-law of the An family, she's my marriage partner and wife, An Zhiyuan."

Kewei's eyelids trembled slightly, as if he couldn't help but want to open them, but when he heard everyone around him shouting "kiss each other", Kewei was so ashamed that he couldn't open his eyes...

Of course, An Zhiyuan wasn't asking for Kewei's consent. Kewei had already agreed when he put on the ring for her, so naturally, there was no need to ask for Kewei's consent now.

An Zhiyuan lowered his head and kissed the terrible mouth...

An Zhiyuan and Shengli kissed before, and they were seen by Guanghui and Kewei at the time, and An Zhiyuan and Guanghui also kissed, but Shengli and Kewei probably didn't know about it...

But in fact, before putting the ring on Kewei, An Zhiyuan hadn't had any very intimate behaviors with Kewei, such as holding hands is relatively rare, it's good, skip the kiss on the face, and kiss directly on the mouth.

The warm touch came from his lips, An Zhiyuan didn't go any further, the tongue kiss seemed a bit seductive, it wasn't suitable for doing it in front of so many people, An Zhiyuan couldn't bear his wife being stared at by so many people.

An Zhiyuan raised his head, only to find that Kewei's eyes were opened, and there was some disappointment in his eyes. He probably thought that An Zhiyuan would stick his tongue in. After all, she had been nervous for a long time. An Zhiyuan was a little amused, and said: " Let's go back to the room and kiss slowly later, just stamp it now."

"Who wants to go back to your room and kiss slowly..." Kewei blushed.

Heh, not only do I want to go back to your room and kiss slowly, but I also want to treat you to drink milk, and let you know what sex between men and women... a man and a woman match, and work is not tiring.

"Okay, okay, let's break up..." Jiang Wanqiu knows how to be a man, seeing that An Zhiyuan was whispering to Kewei, and took the initiative to disperse the crowd with a smile. Everyone saw that the good thing was over, and saw that After joining the seals to drive people away, I took my girl to review the past and learn about the new. Seeing other couples confessing, these are basically the commanders who took the wedding ship out and took their own ship wife to have romance.

After driving away all the onlookers, Jiang Wanqiu leaned close to London's ear and said something with a smile. London blushed and shook his head, then Jiang Wanqiu greeted An Zhiyuan, "Hey, An Zhiyuan, we I won't bother you to continue your romance, and besides, don't like to toss so much, don't collapse the bed."

An Zhiyuan looked at Kewei subconsciously, he definitely couldn't collapse the bed by himself, but if he added Kewei, maybe he could...

"What are you looking at me for?" Kewei was so shy after hearing this, but seeing that An Zhiyuan turned his head to look at him, he stretched out his hand and twisted An Zhiyuan's waist hard, making An Zhiyuan's face And the muscles couldn't help trembling, "No, it's nothing..."

This girl is really capable... An Zhiyuan took a deep breath, but it doesn't matter, how hard you are pinching my waist now, I will find my place later...

After Jiang Wanqiu finished speaking, she took London down with her.

There were still some people on the deck, An Zhiyuan rubbed the part that was pinched by Kewei just now, and said: "You said that Guanghui and Shengli knew that the first one I married was actually you, would you be surprised?"

"I will think... Sister Guanghui probably thinks that Sister Shengli is the first marriage ship, and then she is the second, and I must be the last one. If she wins, she and Sister Guanghui will switch places. I am both. The youngest." After seeing that the people watching the fun had almost left, he breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"Sneak away." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "I didn't expect to be reasonable..."

"...Don't you have a bad mood when you say such things now?" Kewei raised his head, and glanced at An Zhiyuan.

"I really didn't expect it, so I feel very pleasantly surprised." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, he stretched out his arms to put his arms around Kewei's waist, and then directly hugged her up.

"Ah..." Kewei was taken aback by An Zhiyuan's sudden intimacy, but after reacting, he closed his eyes shyly, isn't he usually very strong, why is he like a hedgehog when he's shy ?An Zhiyuan looked at the awesome pink cheeks, and couldn't help but want to take a bite of them.

"Don't pick me up so suddenly..." Kewei opened his eyes, pouted, and said.

She looks so cute when she looks small. I heard from Shengli that if you get acquainted with her and get along well with her, Kewei will become very obedient, or are you pretending to be obedient?It doesn't matter, if you keep pretending, doesn't that mean you are very good?

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