Imagine a well-behaved but sensual fearsome nestling in your arms, saying something to please you, An Zhiyuan touched his chin, who would refuse?At least An Zhiyuan couldn't refuse at all.

"It stands to reason that when giving a ring, one should date first and then propose. We proposed directly, and we haven't dated yet. Let's go, let's go on a date on the boat." An Zhiyuan put down his fear, and said with a smile.

This is not to skip the process, but to change the order. There must be all the processes that should be there. They are all wives, so of course they must be treated equally.

Although there is no casino on the ship, there are a lot of entertainment facilities. Of course, basically no one goes to the swimming pool on the ship, only the commander. In front of people, but in addition to the swimming pool, there are also bowling alleys and so on, so you can also go to have fun.

Speaking of which, if you play bowling with a formidable figure, will you really not lose your center of gravity and fall?And the brilliance too...

To be reasonable, it’s awesome that this is E+, it’s very big, what does it mean to look horizontally as a ridge and sideways as a peak? It's scary how unreasonable it is to have such a big breast.

Of course, Kewei's figure is very good with such a chest, and Kewei also belongs to the plump type, which makes people feel irresistible.

When Guanghui and Shengli know that their first marriage is awesome, their expressions will become very funny, right?An Zhiyuan snickered in his heart, especially Shengli. Although Shengli asked him to marry Guanghui first, he actually guessed that he would marry her first, right?An Zhiyuan did indeed intend to do so... Well, but who made it so scary to kill him halfway?

I'm sorry, Shengli, you can only be a sister-in-law.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When they came back at night, neither Guanghui nor Victory knew that Dreadful had become a wedding ship.

An Zhiyuan held Kewei's hand and walked back with a smile. He and Kewei played on the boat all day, making up the date before the marriage proposal. Yes, of course there is no need to ask again.

Shengli watched An Zhiyuan and Kewei come back holding hands, with a slightly weird expression on his face, "Oh, your relationship has improved..."

That's right, it's so good that we can have sex together, An Zhiyuan chuckled inwardly, his face turned red in fear, she originally wanted to let go before entering the room with An Zhiyuan, but An Zhiyuan held on tightly Let go, it seems to be tight to her, of course, it's a frightening mother, An Zhiyuan's strength is definitely not comparable to hers, it is still very easy to break free.

Look at the way he tried hard not to let himself break free...Since he doesn't want to let go, just let him go...

But I feel very shy when Sister Shengli saw it and said it...

"Where did the two of you go on a date? You don't come back for lunch?" Guanghui said with a smile.

During lunch, Guanghui called Kewei and asked her to go back to have lunch with An Zhiyuan. Although the ship was already sailing, there was still a signal.

The terrible result is that the mobile phone is turned off?I don't know what she was doing with An Zhiyuan, and she needed to turn off her phone, so Guanghui didn't make a second call or call An Zhiyuan, both of them were adults, so of course they knew they needed to eat when they were hungry, Maybe calling in the past would disturb their date, Guanghui didn't do that.

But really, that's just because the dreaded phone is out of battery.

However, she was indeed doing something with An Zhiyuan.

Normally, An Zhiyuan and Terrible's intimate contacts can be counted on one hand, so while dating, they make up for each other.

Walking, walking, hugging to the corner to kiss, or An Zhiyuan walking with Kewei on his back while looking at the sea, holding his hands next to his body and teaching Kewei how to throw a bowling ball, An Zhiyuan still has a good way of playing ball, it’s a pity , if Kewei knows how to play ball, An Zhiyuan will definitely pretend that he can't, let Kewei teach himself, teach him by hand, and stick to his body, so it's easy to learn, right?right?

However, in order to make up for what was lacking before, it was indeed a bit like a estrus, and An Zhiyuan himself felt a little embarrassed.

"It's just... Ordinarily, we went shopping together..." Kewei whispered with a ruddy face.

Shengli frowned, noticing that something was wrong with Kewei, Kewei was a little abnormal today, why was his face blushing all the time?Is it because he has been holding hands with An Zhiyuan?

But why are they both holding hands after entering the room for so long?Interlocking fingers?

Wait a minute... on the fearful finger... that is the ring finger, there seems to be something on the ring finger, Shengli took a closer look, then walked up, grabbing the hands of An Zhiyuan and the fearful.

An Zhiyuan is the admiral, his fingers don't touch Yang Chunshui, and his skin is fairer, but it can't be compared with Ke Wei, the whiter finger is obviously Wei Wei, and the platinum ring is worn on the ring finger of Ke Wei. ..

"..." Shengli raised her head and looked at An Zhiyuan, seeing that he was smiling, with a normal expression and confidence, she then looked at Kewei's obviously guilty expression.

Then Shengli looked down at An Zhiyuan and Kewei who were still holding hands together, as if reluctant to let go of the same hands, looking at the somewhat dazzling platinum ring.

Victory was silent.

Of course, this ring can only be given by An Zhiyuan, and Kewei will not accept it if it is given by others, but if An Zhiyuan gives it, it means that An Zhiyuan gave Kewei ring, and Kewei is An Zhiyuan's wedding ship Well, naturally speaking, Kewei can be regarded as joining An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion and becoming An Zhiyuan's ship wife.

All this happened so suddenly, Shengli didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

She was happy because she just thought that after the relationship between Kewei and An Zhiyuan got better, the three of them could join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion?

Sadly, her sister-in-law plan seems to have come to nothing, and she was taken to the front by Kewei... Victory bit his lip, and then thought, being a sister-in-law is the same... Victory comforted himself.

"What's the matter?" Guanghui also came up, and then also saw the ring on Kewei's finger, and was also taken aback, looking at Kewei and An Zhiyuan in surprise, the relationship between these two people is too fast, right?Advance by leaps and bounds?

But Shengli... Guanghui turned his head to look at Shengli, and found that she pursed her lips, put down An Zhiyuan and Kewei's hands, and said, " are An Zhiyuan's wedding ship?"

Kewei also found that the victory mood was not right, but this fact cannot be adulterated with water, so Kewei nodded, and said with a ruddy face: "He... gave the ring, so...."

"Hehe..." Shengli smiled a bit reluctantly, he didn't know if it was because his sister-in-law's plan to have an affair fell through, or because... he felt a little bit tasteful...

An Zhiyuan said: "Why are you smiling, you are also my wife, hold out your hand."

An Zhiyuan let go of his dreadful hand, and then touched in his pocket. Seeing the victory, his heart beat faster, his face flushed, and his eyes unconsciously moved to An Zhiyuan's pocket.

He won't play a prank or something, let himself think that he is really holding a ring, but in the end he took a tricky prop or something... Shengli thought to herself, but she still couldn't help stretching out her hand, palm facing down ...

If you want to play a prank on me, I will ignore you in this life...

But Shengli guessed wrong, An Zhiyuan took out the jewelry box, gently opened it, the platinum ring inside looked very dazzling under the light, Shengli breathed hard, his face was rosy, he couldn't help looking elsewhere, but couldn't help it. Turning her head around, she wanted to watch An Zhiyuan put the ring on her ring finger...

Although there was no proposal, no kneeling, no romantic feeling at all...but if An Zhiyuan wanted to put a ring on himself... Shengli thought, he would not refuse.

Then, An Zhiyuan took out the ring, held her hand, and put the ring on lightly.

Guanghui blushed, "That... that..."

Shengli's expression froze, and he turned his head to look at An Zhiyuan who was smiling and whispering in Guanghui's ear...

Kewei has a weird expression, An Zhiyuan can't tell that Sister Shengli has been waiting for his ring for a long time... put it on for Sister Guanghui, probably Sister Guanghui wants to (wipe his neck)...

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