Don't you two like Saratoga and constellations, obsessed with cheating on your brother-in-law and cuckolding your sister?

No, victory is already there, but it's awesome... also?

An Zhiyuan's expression gradually became strange.

As the person concerned, that is, the brother-in-law in the story, he is of course the one who takes advantage of the most. He kisses his wife Guanghui on the public face, and has an affair with two beautiful and lovely sisters-in-law in private. Do not refuse.

But Guanghui doesn't seem to have the habit of spying on him and his sisters like Lexington...

Guanghui looked at her two younger sisters, "You..."

"Okay, okay, sister, hold brother-in-law's hand." Shengli held Guanghui's hand with one hand, and An Zhiyuan's hand with the other, and then let the two hands hold together, "Your Happiness is also our sexual blessing."

The fearful expression is a little weird, and you may not be able to understand the meaning of these words from sister Guanghui and brother, but if you think about what sister Shengli said before, the meaning of these words is very simple. Deeper, the feeling of immorality is stronger when the brother-in-law has sex with them.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with saying that their happiness is their sexual happiness...

"Is that so..." Guanghui blushed slightly upon hearing Sheng Sheng's words, and looked at An Zhiyuan with some embarrassment.

An Zhiyuan tightened Guanghui's hand, although he didn't know what the two guys were planning, An Zhiyuan didn't care, anyway, whatever the plan was, it would benefit him in the end, so just enjoy it with peace of mind.

Guanghui's palms are very warm. An Zhiyuan remembers that most of the ship girls' palms are slightly cold, including her two younger sisters, Victory and Terrible. I don't know why Guanghui's hands are warm.

The same is true for his wife, Lexington... Maybe Guanghui can really compete with Lexington for the position of wife...?

Think about it, on one side is the wife army of ship R led by Mrs. Lexington, including the ship girl and Shen Hai, and on the other is the army of ship B wives led by Mrs. Guanghui, including the ship girl and the siren. In order to compete for him tonight The matter of where to sleep is in full swing...

So the wives of both parties proposed the same method, that is...

Half on one side, half to the admiral.

An Zhiyuan thought about it, and shuddered, no, no, that would be bad, An Zhiyuan didn't want to soak in formalin.

So in the future, we still need to promote the relationship between the wife of Ship R and the wife of Ship B, how to promote it?It's very simple. Every night, I call the wife of ship R and the wife of ship B. In this way, I have slept in the same bed, served the admiral together, and most importantly, I have seen each other's face flushed and eyes moist. The look of being unable to control oneself, in this way, the feelings will naturally come up, right?

Look at Dede-chan and Hood, the relationship between the two is so good now. At the beginning, Dede-chan always stared at Hood’s chest and pouted and sulked. Now, the two often have tea parties together, talking and laughing Laughing, the relationship is great.

In order to prevent the imagined situation from appearing in the future, we need to continue to work hard.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Thirty days have passed...

Strictly speaking, An Zhiyuan doesn't need to spend his days wandering at sea, he is a person with the concept of "home", but this time, because there are some commanders and wives on board, there is nothing missing. There is also Glorious Victory and Terrible and Dedechan and the Duke of York...

Usually, it takes more than [-] days for the ship to arrive, and it takes about one and a half months to arrive, but now it seems that it only takes more than [-] days to arrive on this super cruise ship. I heard that it will arrive soon, and there are still two or three days...

An Zhiyuan and Guanghui are blowing the evening wind on the deck...

The sea breeze blows up the shining silver bangs, looking at it from the side, it is quite beautiful, An Zhiyuan looks a little obsessed.

"Admiral, admiral." Guanghui noticed that the admiral was looking at her obsessively, making her blush slightly, and reminded him softly not to drool...

In the past, Guanghui might have been shy and avoided the admiral's sight, but after all, there was nothing to do on the ship. He went out for a walk during the day, and at night...often, only one of the three rooms would be used.

An Zhiyuan was very interested in the bed in the room at that time, because there were six people lying on it and they were still moving about on it, and the bed didn't even make a sound, so it can be seen that the quality must be quite good.

However, it is precisely because of this reason that the relationship between Guanghui and Dedechan and the Duke of York has become better, and Guanghui is not as shy as before, although he still cannot face the admiral's appreciation calmly eyes, but won't turn his head to avoid it.

"Huh? What's the matter?" An Zhiyuan came back to his senses and asked with a smile.

"Admiral...was looking at me again." Guanghui said softly, with a hint of shyness in his voice.

"Ah? It's all because of the brilliance." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Oh? Why is it me?" Guang Hui blinked and asked after hearing this.

"It's all because you're so good-looking that I can't take my eyes away." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "Do you think it's your fault?"

Guang Hui's face was flushed red, even more beautiful than the sunset that day, no wonder An Zhiyuan was greedy, Guang Hui, that was really beautiful.

The admiral is really a bunch of can reason with him, he can talk to you a lot of nonsense, and then make you think "Huh? It seems so right", so Guanghui decided not to discuss this matter with the admiral Things, what the admiral says, that's what it is.

Seeing Guanghui blushing and not speaking, An Zhiyuan took Guanghui's hand, pulled her into his arms, looked at her with a smile, "You are so beautiful, Guanghui."

Even after hearing the admiral's praise many times, Guanghui never got tired of hearing it. She looked at the admiral tenderly, and stretched out her other hand to caress An Zhiyuan's face, "No matter when, the beauty of Guanghui belongs to the admiral alone. Oh, you can do whatever you want with Kouki~"

Hearing this, An Zhiyuan let go of Guanghui's hand, put his arms around her waist, and let her face the sea, then put his chin on Guanghui's shoulder, and just hugged her like this, watching the front of her be dyed red by the setting sun, turning golden the surface of the sea, and then...surreptitiously kissed Guanghui's side cheek.

Guanghui's face was slightly red, and he turned his head to look at An Zhiyuan, his eyes were indeed filled with happiness.

There is no thrilling love story between the two, but it did take some time from realizing Guanghui became An Zhiyuan's marriage ship.

Ever since An Zhiyuan entered the glorious circle, the relationship between him and her has been getting closer, from ordinary chats, to slightly ambiguous jokes, to occasional flirting...

step by step approaching...

How can there be so many thrilling emotions, yes, there must be, but the vast majority of people, including the vast majority of commanders and ship wives, the relationship between them is as normal as An Zhiyuan and Guanghui.

Companionship is the longest confession of love, and you can still taste the sweet taste in the ordinary, isn't this love?

An Zhiyuan is a relatively free and easy person. In the beginning, he was not such a person. After staying with girls for a long time, he became like this. No matter what kind of relationship, An Zhiyuan likes it. He enjoys the time spent with girls , I like the briskness when talking to them, the joy when playing with them, the ambiguity when dating them, the meticulous care they take for me, and whether they are weird or gentle or considerate. It is another character, love is not a specific thing, so An Zhiyuan told Gascony at the beginning, so he can only talk about a concept with Gascogne.

"Is it pretty?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile: "Today, the two of us will watch the sunset together, do you think it's more romantic?"

Guanghui heard the words and said softly: "As long as I'm with the admiral, no matter what I do, I think it's very romantic."

An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Do you know a movie called Titanic?"

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