Guanghui shook his head, indicating that he didn't know the movie, but he knew something about the Titanic, a huge cruise ship that claimed to be unsinkable but sank on its maiden voyage.

An Zhiyuan asked: "Do you want to hear the story of this movie? It's a very romantic story."

"Speak, Admiral." Guanghui nodded and said softly.

An Zhiyuan would occasionally watch this movie with the girls. In the past, Omaha was in charge of the townhouse theater, and she attached great importance to the quality of movies. Therefore, in her theater, the movies she saw were definitely very good. Good movies, including some old movies, such as Titanic.

Omaha always plays this movie every once in a while, and every time I bring the girls to enjoy it, it feels different.

There are also some other love movies, all selected by Omaha, but once again Omaha accidentally played the wrong video, and I don’t know where she got it. Anyway, An Zhiyuan made her legs weak in the end. Oma Ha didn't say it, it was the video of An Zhiyuan and Chicheng when they were together...

Although strictly speaking it is considered a love movie, it’s okay for adults to watch it, and it was even seen by Shi Destroyer...

Those are the past...

Hearing An Zhiyuan's babbling about the story of the Titanic, Guanghui was a little moved after hearing it, but then said in a low voice: "Admiral... When we are on the ship, is it a little unlucky to tell this story?"

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, it's a little...

"It'll be fine, by the way, do you want to experience Rose's feeling?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

As soon as Guanghui nodded, he heard an alarm on the ship, saying that there were siren soldiers approaching...

"Admiral..." Guanghui looked at An Zhiyuan and smiled, as if he was saying, let's not set the flag...

An Zhiyuan felt a little helpless, well, there are bound to be some surprises in life...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course, the Siren armor was quickly resolved, not to mention the Siren armor, even if it was a Siren, so what?

There are more than a thousand ships on this ship, even if they are all destroyers, just throwing torpedoes is enough to kill the Sirens, let alone everything, such as aircraft carriers, battle cruisers, heavy cruisers and light cruisers, destroyers and submarines , has everything.

Only this kind of brainless siren armor will find it and get beaten.

In this way, after another two days, they finally arrived at Bilan College.

When getting off the boat, An Zhiyuan saw Jiang Wanqiu, and he led the girls over, "Jiang Wanqiu, London."

"Ah, it's you, what's the matter?" Hearing An Zhiyuan's voice, Jiang Wanqiu also came to London and said hello to the others.

"Where have you been running these days? Why haven't I seen you?" An Zhiyuan asked strangely.

"Stay in the room and study massage with London. Not to mention, London's skills are not bad, and I have learned a lot." Jiang Wanqiu said with a smile: "Do you want to try my skills?"

"Commander...!" London became a little impatient when he heard this. How could he allow his own commander to let other men take advantage of it?

"Hee hee, I'm just joking, so nervous." Jiang Wanqiu held London's hand with a smile, and said to An Zhiyuan: "See you later, I'm going to continue practicing with my London... "

"Commander...don't say such things in front of other people, you're very shy..." London blushed.

Looking at the backs of the two, An Zhiyuan touched his chin, are you studying massage?It was the kind of massage oil poured on it, and then... An Zhiyuan remembered the massage methods he had seen in some educational films before, wow, it was quite a fun time, huh?Play in the room every day?Tsk tsk tsk, go down.

But speaking of it, Jiang Wanqiu isn't a lily, is she?An Zhiyuan and Jiang Wanqiu talked about this topic before when they were chatting. Jiang Wanqiu said that the relationship between her and her girls is like that kind of super best girlfriends.

There are tens of thousands of commanders, and the relationship with the ship's wife is not the same. Some commanders only regard themselves and the ship's mother as subordinates and keep a distance. If this is the case, their ship's wife will also abide by this relationship. Even if you still have a good feeling in your heart, you won't say it.

There are also those like Jiang Wanqiu who are friends or girlfriends.

Of course, there are more of them like An Zhiyuan, who take the ship's mother as their wife, and there are both male and female commanders.

Forget it... He doesn't need to worry about Jiang Wanqiu's relationship with her mother-in-law.

After getting off the cruise ship, An Zhiyuan and the three Guanghui sisters were separated for a short time, and the meeting was held the day after tomorrow. Although there is no rush for the meeting today, Shangri-La asked An Zhiyuan to go to her place first, and Guanghui and the others went back to their previous residence to get things , planning to move to the temporary residence arranged by Bilan College for An Zhiyuan, and planning to live together, the main reason is that the temporary residence arranged is more luxurious than their previous residence...

And now, as An Zhiyuan's wife, of course she can't live apart, does that make sense?

An Zhiyuan asked Dedechan and the Duke of York to go to Guanghui to help, and later took the three Guanghui sisters to the new residence, but the Duke of York was still worried and asked Dedechan to go with An Zhiyuan. They just go to work.

There is nothing to worry about... This is Bilan College, the safest place in the world.

Well, it doesn't matter.

It was the first time for Dedejiang to come here, and the other Hood had lived here with An Zhiyuan for a while before.

Because Dede-chan came here for the first time, she looked around and said, "It's really similar to the ship girl headquarters in our previous world..."

"Do you remember that time before?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"Yeah, the days when the admiral was not around were very hard." Hood nodded, and then said with a smile, "But it's all over, admiral, don't say sorry or anything like that."

An Zhiyuan smiled, and closed his mouth just now.

"I hope that this place won't be disbanded after the Siren disappears. After all, compared with the headquarters of the ship girls, this place can accommodate more ship girls than the headquarters of the ship girls. If they are disbanded, these ship girls will have nowhere to go. Right?" Hood said softly.

An Zhiyuan remembered what Enterprise had said to him, telling him that after dealing with the sirens, he must gather the ship girl and other commanders together to avoid what happened in their world.

An Zhiyuan thought for a while, then blinked.

"Let's go, let's go to Shangri-La." An Zhiyuan raised his head and said.

Dedejiang nodded, then followed An Zhiyuan on the bus all the way to the government affairs area, and found Shangri-La.

When he came to the door of Shangri-La's office, An Zhiyuan knocked lightly on the door.

"Please come in." Shangri-La's voice came from inside, and An Zhiyuan vaguely heard another voice. Is it another commander?

An Zhiyuan pushed the door and walked in with Dedejiang, only to find that Shangri-La was standing at the desk, demonstrating what this was with another person.

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