Hood nodded.

After Hood said hello, he hung up the phone.

Hood handed the mobile phone to the enterprise, "The admiral is really good, I have already got the three glorious sisters."

The enterprise laughed when he heard the words, "Isn't this a matter of course? The admiral has known the three Guanghui sisters and has been fishing for a long time. In the past, he would have been laughed at."

"Is it so good to supervise the fishing boat before?" Hood asked.

If you say that, then the admiral must have caught the boat very quickly before.

"Well, although it is indeed much faster than now, there are many other factors, such as the environment and so on. Well, let's not talk about these, let's get ready to attack." The enterprise shook his head and said.

Hood nodded.

An Zhiyuan put away his phone and asked, "Where are your sisters?"

"I'm fiddling with those luggage." Kewei lay lazily on An Zhiyuan's back, the plumpness made An Zhiyuan a little...excited.

"Ah, I forgot to tell the company about that." An Zhiyuan remembered one thing.

"What's the matter?" Kewei asked.

"The director of the company will go to the Solomon Islands in the future, and it seems that he plans to practice with our family's company." An Zhiyuan said.

Kewei laughed when he heard the words, "Isn't that a lost...?"

Both companies are very strong for Kewei. The three glorious sisters are high-skilled aircraft carriers, about 110 or so, but both companies are full-skilled, that is, 110. Increase the full practice level a little bit, but it hasn't been raised yet. After all, there are very few people who can reach 110 practice, so the full practice level is still [-].

But the director of the company must not be able to beat the company they guard the mansion...

Although both companies are very strong, their own is definitely stronger, obviously stronger.

I can't beat my own company at all, but it seems that I may not be able to beat the director of the company after I'm fully trained...

To a certain extent, there are also certain reasons for the strength of the ship girls and their past record of the prototypes of warships in the old world. As a legendary aircraft carrier, the glory of the American fleet, it is understandable that the strength is stronger than other aircraft carriers. This is related to performance data irrelevant.

"Yes. And if we get to the Solomon Islands." An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, "How long will he stay there?"

Kewei raised his brows when he heard this, "You still want to win over the director of the company... He is also the director after all, so it is unlikely that he will join your tutelary mansion, right?"

Up to now, it has not been heard of a dean leaving the academy to join the tutelary mansion.

An Zhiyuan laughed, "Haven't you never thought about joining my tutelary mansion before?"

Before the start, everyone thought it was impossible, but who knows, will Kewei get up in the same bed with the company in the future?

PS: There are two more updates today.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I rested all night... no, strictly speaking, I only rested for half the night, after all... being an admiral is very busy...

Everyone lives together, you can't comfort one, can you?If you comfort one, if you don’t comfort others, others will have an idea, right?

When he woke up in the morning, An Zhiyuan was thinking, besides himself, which commander could withstand such a high-intensity "combat" every day, except for his status and position, the physical fitness of a commander is no different from that of ordinary people...

But it seems that apart from An Zhiyuan, there is no such super Lord of the Rings anymore, and almost all the ship girls in the tutelary mansion are married...

Ordinary commanders like An Zhiyuan marry all the girls in the town guard's mansion, so they probably squeezed them all out...

Well, just kidding, of course it still depends on how the commander and the ship's wife get along.

The meeting will be held tomorrow, and there is still one day left today. After having breakfast with the girls, An Zhiyuan is going to go out for a stroll, to see if Shangri-La is free.

Since An Zhiyuan went out this time to salvage a boat, no one followed him. After all, this is Bilan Academy, and it was impossible for the Siren to come to his door.

An Zhiyuan sent a message in advance asking if Shangri-la was free today, Shangri-la said it was not too busy, so An Zhiyuan went out slowly to find Shangri-la.

As one of the deans of the Executive Yuan, Shangri-La seems to be very busy, but it is not. She only does things herself when there are really many things that involve An Zhiyuan. In most cases, she let her subordinates do it. Only her.

In fact, as long as they are the deans, they are basically idle, especially those deans of the Academy of Academic Affairs, who can’t attend a few classes a week, and the deans of the Executive Yuan are relatively busy. For example, Shangri-La, she is in charge of managing The headquarters, so An Zhiyuan had more contact with her, and she was also busy, after all, there were indeed a lot of people to manage.

But that's only in relative terms. In fact, the only times that are really busy are during the sweep and the commander review season.

Everyone was busy during the sweep, and the Commander review season was indeed quite busy, but Shangri-La had already made the preparations.

An Zhiyuan came to Shangri-La's office, the office door was open, Shangri-La was sitting on a chair looking at the map on the desktop or something.

An Zhiyuan knocked on the door to remind Shangri-La that she was here. She seemed to be a little fascinated, or maybe she was thinking about something, so she didn't respond when he came.

Shangri-la heard the knock on the door, looked up at the door, saw An Zhiyuan, then smiled and said: "Are you here? What's the matter? What can I do for you?"

"It's nothing." An Zhiyuan said, then walked in, dragged the stool in front of Shangri-La's desk, and sat down by himself.

"Come to see me for nothing? Do you know that I'm at work now?" Shangri-la gave An Zhiyuan a blank look, and said amusedly.

"Didn't I ask? You're not busy." An Zhiyuan said innocently.

"This is called dereliction of duty." Shangri-La said, "Well...but it's actually nothing."

After all, Bilan Academy is not a company or a political system. The purpose of Bilan Academy at the beginning was to teach, to teach those ship girls, so that they have qualified combat effectiveness. The reason is that there are more and more ship girls later. It is convenient for management, so there is a management organization. The ship girl can barely be regarded as an employee, but there are not so many constraints. There is no restriction on going to work and not being able to do this or that, but as long as the work is arranged, the ship girl will complete it. It's not because of rules or restrictions, but because they, as ship girls, are more responsible for their own work. You can steal if you are lazy, but the work must be done.

After the work is done, no one will take care of you no matter how you play. Bilan Academy has always been very relaxed about this. Of course, this kind of management method will only breed a bunch of moths on humans, and it will not do well. It can also corrupt entire corporations or regimes.

"Tell me, what do you want from me? You must have something to ask me, you guy, you will go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything." Shangri-La thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Is it a thing to try to get you?" An Zhiyuan asked seriously.

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