Shangri-la paused, it was really hard for An Zhiyuan to say it so bluntly.

"You know it's impossible." Shangri-la looked at An Zhiyuan and said softly.

The way of answering was quite serious, which surprised An Zhiyuan, he thought Shangri-la would say it in that joking tone...

It hurts to be so serious... because it means that Shangri-La officially rejected An Zhiyuan, although he didn't say it in a joking tone, it was half a joke, generally speaking the truth.

For a ship girl like Shangri-la, it's not suitable for her like she was for Guanghui, An Zhiyuan smiled, although he was a little concerned, but don't show it.

"Who can decide what will happen in the future?" An Zhiyuan said in a joking tone.

Shangri-la paused, she looked at An Zhiyuan, and after a while, the corners of her mouth raised, and said with a smile: "You didn't find me for this matter, did you?"

"Indeed..." An Zhiyuan nodded, but there is actually a part of the reason... well, his Shangri-La's reaction was also within his expectation, after all, she is one of the 21 deans who formed Bilan Academy, For her, the academy itself has this special meaning, which is completely different from Guanghui and the others.

There seem to be 22 deans now, and there is a new dean of Bilan College, which was mentioned by the company and Shangri-La yesterday, Bunker Hill, who seems to be taking over from the company as the dean of the aircraft carrier academy.

"Actually, I also want to ask about the company." An Zhiyuan said.

also?Hearing this word, Shangri-La shifted her eyes subconsciously, then raised her eyes again, and said, "You just want to fish for a boat. I can't make decisions about the business, but she must be the same as me. She planned to join the assault team after returning from the Solomon Islands. I advise you to stop thinking about it. Those of us who are members of the Blue Academy are unlikely to leave here... Although we don't have a commander, we also have our own belonged."

This is where they belong.

"Of course, I don't want to say it so deadly. After all, I am me, and the company is the company. Maybe the company will really like you and join your command, but this possibility is relatively small. "Shangri-la said: "Anyway, isn't the company going to the Solomon Islands? It may take a year or so. If you don't give up, you can try it, but if you want to get some information about the company from me, it's feasible. No way."

Shangri-La said with a smile: "Who will tell someone who digs his own corner where it is easier to dig?"

Grass, this sounds strange.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It seems that Shangri-La doesn't intend to help anymore, An Zhiyuan is a little sad, but after arriving in the Solomon Islands, there will be opportunities to find companies, and there are many ways to find boats.

Speaking of which, let's go buy a gift, as a thank you to the boss's wife, the chaser. After all, the chaser did a little bit of work for him to pursue the three glorious sisters. An Zhiyuan has never been a newcomer. The bed, the matchmaker throws the person out of the wall, if the matchmaker is also the ship's wife, and there is no admiral, such as the chaser, then of course the newcomer entered the room, and the matchmaker also pulled him into the bed...cough cough.

An Zhiyuan was wandering around the college alone... I felt it when I first came here. The Bilan College is really very big. In order to prevent some human beings from breaking in without knowing their lives and doing peeping and so on, the surrounding area of ​​the Bilan College They all have very high walls, and there are patrols, which were built after the establishment of the college.

Generally, no one is mentally retarded enough to climb over the wall to come in. If they are found, they will go to jail, and they are 100% found.

However, because there are walls around the town, it feels inexplicably interesting... and the town has considered the situation of more and more ship girls at the beginning of its establishment, so a lot of areas were reserved at the beginning, but looking at it now Come on, it’s not enough, I heard that the academy has started to communicate with the human government, and plans to expand another town of similar size around the Bilan Academy.

An Zhiyuan wandered around for a while, found a gift shop, and walked in.

An Zhiyuan doesn't know what the pursuer likes, and it's not easy to ask if you want to give her a gift, so you should think about it yourself. If you give her something she doesn't like, there's nothing you can do. Just choose a gift that is more popular, and don't step on the thunder. up.

Jewelry and the like are probably not given to the chaser. Most of the jewelry has to be worn close to the body. The relationship between An Zhiyuan and the chaser is not close, so it is not suitable to give jewelry. What's more, most of the jewelry is relatively expensive Well, it's not that An Zhiyuan can't afford the money, it's that the gift is too expensive, and the pursuers probably won't want it. After all, there are still very few money lovers like his family in Leipzig.

By the way, the gift shop here does not sell that kind of precious jewelry, but there are quite a few small decorations...

After looking around, I didn't find An Zhiyuan in the right place and left here, and continued to visit the next place.

After visiting a few shops, An Zhiyuan was a little dazzled, because here are all ship girls. The clerk and owner are ship girls, and the customers are also ship girls.

Um?it's fate.

The company seemed to be picking out gifts, An Zhiyuan stepped forward and said hello, "The director of the company."

Enterprise looked up and saw An Zhiyuan, a little surprised, "It's you, Commander An Zhiyuan."

"Are you picking out gifts? The director of the company?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile and nodded.

"Well, that's right." Enterprise nodded, she pressed her navy cap, and said, "I want to give a gift to an important person."

Important person?

An Zhiyuan was stunned and blinked. Generally seems that he has never heard that Bilan College has sister ships of enterprises. According to his knowledge, among the current 22 deans, there are no sister ships of enterprises. That's right...

The other Jianniang sisters... Jianniang probably didn't describe her as an "important person", did she?

So... actually have someone you like?There is no lily between ship girls, no matter how good the relationship is, unless it is a female commander, then, it means that the company has a favorite commander?

If this is the case, An Zhiyuan will give up the company...

"Important people?" An Zhiyuan asked softly.

"'s my former student, Bunker Hill. You should have heard the conversation between me and Shangri-La yesterday, right? Bunker Hill is going to take my place as the dean of the aircraft carrier academy. I want to give Giving her a gift means that I recognize her achievements, and she has always wanted my recognition." Enterprise said, her heart moved, "Well, Commander An Zhiyuan, can I ask you for a favor? I really don't understand Can you give me some advice on what to gift Bunker Hill?"

An Zhiyuan paused when he heard this, well... After thinking about it according to the character of the company, she is indeed the kind of person who would feel troubled by this kind of problem...

"What a coincidence, I'm also choosing a gift." An Zhiyuan said, "Tell me about Bunker Hill's character, and I'll see what gift you should give her."

In fact, An Zhiyuan himself has a hard time with gifts, um... the gifts for the girls are okay, but it may also be because the girls are all his wives, even if the things they give are not what they want, they will be very happy Next?

Anyway, let's see if I can help.

"Bunker Hill's character..." Enterprise thought for a while, "Well...compared, how should I put it... more confident? At least he is very confident in front of outsiders, but he doesn't know why he shrinks in front of me Shrunken, she has already shown her strength in front of me, did I say that I approve of her? Maybe it would be better to start the gift from this aspect?"

Confidence in front of other people, comparison in front of what?

Is it because the company hasn't acknowledged her yet?

An Zhiyuan thought about it, and from the perspective of a company, give the best gift to the students of Bunker Hill... How about giving yourself a carrier-based aircraft?Of course, it is not the carrier-based aircraft released, but the prototype of the carrier-based aircraft used to be carried on the ship.

Of course, Bilan Academy has no shortage of ship outfits, and their ship outfits can be matched by themselves, after all, the equipment boxes are developed by themselves.

But for the mother of an aircraft carrier, the carrier-based aircraft will have feelings after using it for a long time, right?

I don't know if the company cares about this. If they don't care, they can indeed send one of their own carrier-based aircraft. As a teacher of Bunker Hill, sending their own carrier-based aircraft to Bunker Hill will definitely help the other party understand themselves. recognized the role of the other party.

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