But if the company is very concerned about its carrier-based aircraft, saying it may make the company's impression of itself worse...

The ship girl in his family doesn't care too much, and all sisters in ship clothes can use it.

An Zhiyuan thought for a while, but still spoke out his thoughts.

"Send me the carrier-based aircraft I carried?" The enterprise thought for a while, then smiled slightly, "Yeah, why didn't I think of this, although I'm a bit reluctant to part with these good boys, but if you give it to Bang Bunker Hill, it's okay. Don't waste it."

It seems that companies don't care too much.

"Thank you for your suggestion, Commander An Zhiyuan." Enterprise said with a smile after thinking about it.

An Zhiyuan shook his head, said with a smile: "You're welcome, as long as I can help you."

"Well, I don't have anything as a thank you gift, so let's do it, if you need my help in the future, please feel free to come to me." The enterprise said: "In this case, I will leave first."

An Zhiyuan nodded.

I need you to come to my tutelary mansion, is this a kind of help?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the afternoon, An Zhiyuan and the girls came to the dessert shop again. After ordering the meal, he greeted the girls. An Zhiyuan got up and went up with the gift he had chosen for his pursuers.

After the company left, An Zhiyuan chose for a while, and finally thought of their traditional gift for matchmakers.

For example, in rural areas, it is very traditional to give pig legs to matchmakers, but to be honest... it is definitely not appropriate to give pig legs to chasers.

Another thing is to just stuff the red envelopes directly. If the stuffing is too small, you can't express your heart. If it's too big, the pursuers probably won't want it, so An Zhiyuan still gave up the plan of giving red envelopes, but chose the last item, giving shoes.

Shoes are a homonym, shoes and thank you, to express your gratitude, of course, you can express your gratitude with any gift, it doesn’t have to be shoes, but since you can’t choose a gift that An Zhiyuan thinks is very suitable, let’s just leave it at that.

It's a pair of high-heeled sandals. It's not too expensive to say that it's expensive, and of course it's not cheap. The price is quite satisfactory.

Seeing An Zhiyuan approaching with a big gift box, the chaser quickly reacted, "What is this thing? It's so big? It's not like you want to send me a matchmaker's thank you gift?"

"Well, that's right." An Zhiyuan smiled and nodded.

"...Huh?" The chaser couldn't guess what kind of gift it was. "Let me say yes first, I don't want valuables."

"It's not any valuables, you'll be done with it later." An Zhiyuan said: "Don't worry, it won't be any underwear or anything like that."

The chaser blushed when he heard the words, "Don't talk yellow in front of me... hooligans..."

An Zhiyuan smiled, but didn't speak.

The chaser hesitated, but took the gift box anyway.

There were also many commanders who came here to drink afternoon tea. Seeing the pursuers accepting An Zhiyuan's gift, they couldn't help but widen their eyes. Generally speaking, the ship's wife would not easily accept other people's gifts. Therefore, everyone was very surprised and wondered if the proprietress of the chaser had already been picked up by An Zhiyuan.

The chaser put the gift under the table. Although An Zhiyuan himself said that it was not personal clothing, the chaser was still worried that there were some more private gifts inside, and it would not be good to put it on the table and be seen by others...

After she unpacked the gift, she found out that it was a shoe box. She opened the shoe box, saw the pair of high-heeled sandals inside, and was slightly taken aback.

She really didn't expect that An Zhiyuan would give this gift...



It seems to be of good quality and quite exquisite, but the chasers can't guess the price...

The chasers thought that An Zhiyuan would give some small ornaments or something...

Seeing the complicated expression on the pursuer, An Zhiyuan patted the back of his head, "Don't you like it?"

"No...it's just a little accident." The chaser raised his head upon hearing this, and smiled at An Zhiyuan, "Thank you for the gift...I like it very much."

"It's fine if you like it." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "You helped me a lot back then, of course I have to thank you as a matchmaker."

The chaser smiled and shook his head, "Don't, don't, I didn't help you much."

An Zhiyuan smiled, but didn't speak.

"I will accept this gift, thank you." The chaser closed the shoe box and said.

An Zhiyuan smiled and shook his head, then returned to his seat.

"Did she accept the gift? Brother." Seeing An Zhiyuan's return, Kewei asked.

An Zhiyuan nodded.

"It looks like she doesn't hate you either." Shengli said with his hand on his chin.

Dedechan turned his head to look at the pursuer, then turned around and said, "Admiral, do you think there's something going on?"

"At the moment, it seems that there is nothing to do. There will be a meeting tomorrow. It will take a day or two at most, and it is estimated that the meeting will take a long time. I don't have much time to come and cultivate relationships. Alas..." An Zhiyuan was also a little helpless, Now he is not as free as before. He can stay here as long as he likes. After the meeting, he will go home immediately. There is really not much time to stay here, so it is indeed a bit whimsical to want to fish the boat up.

"Come out with the momentum to catch us." Shengli stared at An Zhiyuan, and said, "Didn't you have great perseverance when you chased us? Running here every day and waiting made us all annoyed."

"Then we must have time." An Zhiyuan shrugged, and then said: "It's not impossible if you don't have enough time. Speaking of which, I still have one thing to do. Let's talk about it after the meeting tomorrow."

"What is it?" asked the Duke of York.

"Construction, I took two construction cores when I went out, and I'm going to build them directly at Bilan College." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Everyone has come to realize that this is going to dry the boat in front of all the commanders...

Speaking of which, if you build and ship in front of so many commanders, will you really not be beaten?

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