North Carolina chatted with Shangri-La again, and finally left with the documents.

"Let's go, don't you want to build?" Shangri-La tidied up the office, and then led An Zhiyuan towards the construction room.

"Have you seen my Duke of York?" An Zhiyuan asked on the way.

"Hmm... have you seen it before? What's the matter?" Shangri-La turned her head and looked at An Zhiyuan after hearing the words, not knowing what he wanted to say.

When she went to the Solomon Islands, she had of course met the Duke of York. After all, she had attacked together, and it was also a special ship, which was different from the Duke of York registered in the Blue Academy.

Then again, this guy has more special ships than regular ships...

"Don't you think, the Dean of North Carolina is very similar to my Duke of York?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"'re saying that a bit...what's the matter? You don't have any interest in North Carolina, do you? You guys really love each other..." Shangri-la rolled his eyes and said.

An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "I'm interested in both the ship girl I don't have and the ship girl who doesn't have a commander. As a commander, isn't it strange?"

"That's what it says..." Shangri-La said.

The ship girl I got is slightly different from the ship girl I built myself. The ship girl built by myself is born with 50 favorability, and after getting along with time, it will gradually reach 100 favorability, which is the so-called full favorability and can be married. It's too far, but because some command ships have a special relationship with the commander, such as something like a subordinate or something, so when you reach 100 favorability, you may not get married or something.

But the boats that are fished have no favorability at the beginning. After reaching 100 favorability, they will definitely join your tutelary mansion. There is no way to impress the ship girl.

So, generally speaking, if you want to catch someone, you will only catch the boat if you like the other person, so An Zhiyuan sees that one loves the other is completely fine...

With so many boats, each one is a wedding boat, can this guy be physically strong?

And this guy is really playful and calm...

But that's good too, generally speaking, you won't be able to get a boat if you shy in front of the ship's mother.

Moreover, An Zhiyuan has also done a good job in grasping the speed, just like now, even if she knows that An Zhiyuan has thoughts about her, but she does not join Commander An Zhiyuan's thoughts, she is not too resistant to chatting with him. Chat and talk, get along like friends.

Because if An Zhiyuan is fine, he seldom comes to her. If he is looking for something, he will let you understand his thoughts in some half-joking and half-truthful way. Even if he expresses his thoughts, it will not make you too Embarrassed.

Belongs to the kind of person you know what he thinks, but still don't hate him.

"The construction room is in front." Shangri-La brought An Zhiyuan to the construction room of the Executive Yuan, and pouted at An Zhiyuan, indicating that he could start.

Before the construction, An Zhiyuan asked about the situation, "By the way, is there any ship girl as rare as Hood?"

"It's as rare as Hood..." Shangri-La pondered for a while, and then said: "I remember that most of the British cruisers are relatively rare, right? There are a few very few, and many of the ones registered by the Blue Academy are destroyers and the like." Yes, there are still many battleships, if there are fewer... Dido class?"

"Diduo class?" An Zhiyuan thought of the ship's wife who was guarding the mansion. There was also a Dido class, all of whom were "disabled". He had a total of three Dido class light cruisers, Dido, Sirius, and Yargu.

Among them, Dido's hands are "disabled", Sirius' left eye is "blind", Argu's right hand and two calves are "disabled"...

Of course, it's not really disabled, it's just a ship's outfit. What looks disabled is the effect of the mechanical arm. Sirius' left eye is not blind either. The reason why she wears an eye patch is because of the heterochromatic pupil.

"Yes, there are currently three registered Dido-class ship girls, namely Dido, Sirius and Black Prince. The Black Prince is alright, and there are more of them. The assault team has a full-fledged Black Prince, but Dai Duo and Sirius, it seems that there is only one of them at present, and they live in Bilan College, but neither of them has any training." Shangri-La said.

"There's only one of them?" An Zhiyuan asked curiously after hearing that, "Then what about other than these two?"

"Just count the girls who have appeared before? There are a lot of girls who are not registered." Shangri-La said.

"Well, we only count those who have appeared." An Zhiyuan nodded, the ship girls who did not appear are probably the same as the ship girls who did not appear in the game, so those are not counted.

"The two sisters who have appeared are the rarest ones, and the second one is Hood." Shangri-La said, "But why do you ask this? Could it be that you still want to build it directly? You can't choose to build it. what."

Also... not like in games, where there are pools or building thresholds or something.


"Who's to say? Maybe I just built it?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Heh, I still don't believe it today. You can't follow what you say? Do you think your words are eloquent?" Shangri-La laughed after hearing the words.

"If you don't believe me, then I have to say that, ahem, I'm going to build Dido and Sirius today." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"I really don't believe it. If you build it, I'll give you one yuan." Shangri stretched out his index finger, shook it, and said with a smile.

"Just one piece? Are you too timid?" An Zhiyuan said upon hearing this.

"Don't bet big, you are very weird, although I don't believe you, but who knows if you will actually build it by chance?" Shangri-La said guardedly.

"Strange? It hurts to say that..." An Zhiyuan said with a hurt expression.

"Come on, if you get hit easily, you won't be called An Zhiyuan, hurry up and build it, why are you hesitating, let me see if you really can't follow what you say." Shangri-La rolled her eyes , said.

"All right, all right..." An Zhiyuan took out his commander certificate, the maximum number of constructions at one time was two, before An Zhiyuan would build one at a time, this was the first time he planned to build two at the same time.

Seeing that resources and construction cores have been deducted, the waiting time has entered, and it will not be known whether the summoning is successful until the waiting time is completed...

After waiting for a while, the waiting time is over, showing that the summoning was successful...

"Successful, let's see what kind of ship girl it is." An Zhiyuan said softly.

Made it again?Shangri-La couldn't help but want to complain, the success rate of other people's construction is less than 10%, but you are lucky, every time you succeed, [-]%... That sentence is indeed true, Jiang Wanqiu may not be a human, but you must be a dog.

Insert the certificate into the card slot outside the building, and the building room lights up white, and then slowly turns to golden...

Hey this out again?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Are these two coming out together?" An Zhiyuan couldn't help asking.

"If the two are built at the same time, they will be separated." Shangri-La said: "The first one is Jinguang, your luck is too good..."

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