Alas, people are so European?What is there to say?right?

Soon, the first ship's wife pushed the door and came out.

Seeing this ship girl, Shangri-la opened her mouth wide, with a look of astonishment on her face, isn't it...this...?

She has long silver hair and a black headband on her head. Her face looks a little cold, her wine red eyes are beautiful, and she is wearing a maid outfit, but this maid outfit is slightly different from the orthodox maid outfit. There is an opening under the chest, and a little seam can be seen. It looks quite attractive, and it makes people think...

It seems more accurate not to add the latter two words.

Wearing a pair of white silk and black leather shoes on both legs, they are so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful...

The ship lady saw An Zhiyuan, and walked over gently. After she left the construction room, the door of the construction room closed automatically.

Seeing her slightly indifferent expression, An Zhiyuan guessed that this might be a cold-tempered ship girl.

"...Master?" The ship lady walked up to An Zhiyuan and looked at him hesitantly.

What's wrong?Some aren't quite sure they're her commander?Seeing her hesitant expression, An Zhiyuan nodded and smiled at her.

The indifferent expression on the mother's face instantly melted, and she bowed to An Zhiyuan with a sweet smile and said, "Hello, master, I am the light cruiser Dido. As a member of the royal maid team, I hope to be able to To provide you with satisfactory service.”

Royal Maids?An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin. It seemed that there were quite a few British maids. As for the service, An Zhiyuan was really satisfied, in various senses.

But it turns out that she is not a cold-tempered ship girl, she is quite enthusiastic.

Moreover, because of Dido's bow, An Zhiyuan saw that Dido was actually wearing a backless maid outfit. This... This is too obscene. From now on, she will only be allowed to wear it in the tutelary mansion, and will bow to me every day.

"Welcome, Dido." An Zhiyuan smiled at her, but Dido didn't seem to want to raise his head, so An Zhiyuan had no choice but to hold Dido's shoulders and help her up.

Dido looked at An Zhiyuan's hand in surprise, what's wrong...don't you like touching her body?

Although it is said that the built ship girl is born with 50 favorability points, but because the ship girl has many personalities, it is not surprising that she doesn't like the commander touching her body. An Zhiyuan was about to withdraw his hand, but Dido said: "Thank you. ..Owner."

An Zhiyuan paused...Huh?What are you thanking me for?He was a little confused.

There were two red clouds floating on Dai Duo's face, and the corners of her mouth were raised, looking very happy...

Shangri-La's expression was a little weird, and then he looked at the construction room, and found that the inside had changed from white light to golden light again...

She wiped her face, this...?

Immediately, the door was pushed open, and a silver-haired lady walked out. Shangri-La was silent, and then took out a coin from her pocket, "An Zhiyuan..."

An Zhiyuan was looking at another new ship girl. Hearing Shangri-La's words, he turned his head and saw a coin flying towards him from a parabola. He caught the coin and looked at it. It was just a very Ordinary coins with a denomination of one yuan. He raised his head and looked at Shangri-La, and heard her say: "Forget the fact that I lost to you... do it, say what you say..."

An Zhiyuan blinked his eyes when he heard the words, so the other ship Sirius?

"I'm leaving, so I won't disturb you getting along with your new wife..." Shangri-la sighed, maybe this is a seal, let alone those ordinary commanders, even she, the dean, can't help but Sigh, is this still human?

An Zhiyuan put away the coins, nodded with a smile, then turned to look at the other ship girl.

If she was Sirius, she would be Dido's younger sister, also a Dido-class light cruiser.

Unlike Dido, Sirius has short silver hair, shoulder length, wearing the same black headband as Dido, and the same burgundy pupils. With a deadpan face, it will make people think that she looks a little cold, not Knowing whether she is the same as Dido, in fact, she just looks indifferent.


She is also wearing a maid outfit, but it is different from Dido's maid outfit. Dido has a hole under the chest that makes people want to enter, and Sirius is in the northern hemisphere. This... These two sisters are so big... Let He couldn't help but think of his previous Helena, who was also a light cruiser, also a large... Ahem, now it seems that the average level of the girl on ship B is higher than that on ship R.

The same white silk belonged to that kind of plump body, in other words, it was good for fertility, making people look like a body in heat.

An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, okay, there are new members of the Maid Team, and the burden on Belfast is a little lighter.

Unlike Dido, Sirius stared at An Zhiyuan as soon as he came out, and then a bright smile bloomed on his face, "Gui'an, the Royal Maid Sirius, come to take up this post. From now on, I will protect the honor and faith of the master until eternity." The end proud master, it is with great joy and happiness that I can serve you from the bottom of my heart..."

Sirius took An Zhiyuan's hand, and placed it on her heart, as if to let An Zhiyuan understand how joyful and happy she is as a humble little maid...

An Zhiyuan scratched subconsciously, oh, this happiness is soft and feels good...

Wait, how can anyone touch someone's chest right after it's built?

An Zhiyuan quickly withdrew his hand, ready to seriously tell Sirius that he was not such a person...

Then Sirius smiled and asked: "My proud master, how does it feel?"

An Zhiyuan's heart fluttered suddenly, "Very good..."

Then he reacted, grass, was crooked by Sirius...

Seeing Sirius' behavior, Dido looked anxious, then took An Zhiyuan's other hand and placed it on her heart.

You know...Jianniang's strength is relatively strong, An Zhiyuan can't resist...

It's not that he didn't want to resist... well he did want to resist, but it was just like a different gesture, not because he didn't want to touch.

"Master... what do you think of Dido's hand?" Dido asked hastily as if she didn't want to be compared.

An Zhiyuan squeezed gently silently, thinking that there is something wrong with you two sisters...something is wrong, I like this kind of wrong!

PS: Refresh the picture if you don’t see it

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

You royal maids like to play this kind of "heartbeat game"?What a coincidence, I like it too.

I am a certain person, and I like to feel your heartbeat with my hands. Of course, in many cases, the fat is too thick to feel it, so you need to use some special ways, such as light kneading and slow twisting, pinching, grasping and pressing, in order to clearly feel the heartbeat...

Of course, this method is not suitable for Dido and Sirius now... Although they don't seem to mind... What's the matter, you Royal Navy?It's really like "This is the royal kiln, didn't you come to visit the navy?"

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