But it's pretty good, anyway, this brothel has only one client.

An Zhiyuan withdrew his hand, looked at Dido and Sirius, and fell into a brief silence. This short silence made Dido and Sirius carefully observe An Zhiyuan's expression...

Seeing how cautious they were... afraid of getting angry, An Zhiyuan was a little funny, how could he be angry, did you think me too noble, or did you think your own charm is too low?

"Welcome to join the tutelary mansion. I am your admiral, An Zhiyuan. From now on, please give me your advice." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Both Dido and Sirius breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that their reckless behavior would make their admiral angry.

Dido blushed slightly, "That...master...thank you for forgiving my reckless behavior..."

Sirius also said: "My proud master, please don't be angry because of my behavior just now... Yes... Sirius is too impatient..."

One bite at a time, my proud master... my humble servant, can you stop speaking in this tone, it sounds a bit weird...but it's true, it's really cool in my heart.

"Why are you angry? I'm not that stingy." An Zhiyuan said, to be honest, I am very grateful to you, especially my hands, my right hand thanks Sirius, my left hand thanks Dido...

However, it was very uncomfortable to be seen by others when wearing this clothes. An Zhiyuan took off his uniform jacket and handed it to Dido, asking her to put it on first, but what about Sirius... the maid who Dido wore The dress is backless, and it’s fine to wear clothes, but An Zhiyuan only has a thin shirt, let’s not talk about whether this shirt can be worn by Sirius...I’m afraid it will be blown out, after all, Sirius is real. Big... Even if it is possible, if you wear it for Sirius, will An Zhiyuan be naked?If you do this in Bilan Academy, you will be arrested...

An Zhiyuan asked Dido and Sirius to stay here first, and went to find a dress for them by himself. If someone comes, ask Dido to block Sirius... An Zhiyuan is very possessive, so strong that if it is a human girlfriend If it was, she might not be able to accept it... But wouldn't she be able to accept it... Hehe... An Zhiyuan shook his head, and then went to help them find clothes.

Fortunately, the administrative area was not far from where they lived, An Zhiyuan ran home, borrowed a glorious coat, and hurried back again.

Dido, who was waiting at the same spot, looked uncomfortable, and Sirius' expression was also a little strange. After seeing An Zhiyuan's return, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

An Zhiyuan noticed their expressions, what's wrong?

An Zhiyuan handed the glorious coat to Sirius, Sirius took the coat, and put it on lightly, "Thank you, my proud master."

"From now on, we will be a family, needless to say thank you." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "I think you two seemed a little...what's wrong?"

Dido heard the words and said softly: "I thought the master didn't want me anymore..."

Having said that, she was a little depressed.

Depend on?Who do you take me for?An Zhiyuan couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, Sirius seemed to be moved by Dido, after all, the negative energy on his face is still Sirius' sister, so he is really easy to be moved...

Could it be that when Dido was built just now, her hesitant look was not because she couldn't be sure if she was her admiral, but because she was worried that she didn't like her or something?An Zhiyuan thought about it, a little funny, so beautiful, with such a good figure, why doesn't he like you?But it’s definitely good to play some idle games in the future... An Zhiyuan’s heart is swayed, oh... it’s you two maids, I’m wronged... I’ll punish you when I go home...

An Zhiyuan took Dido's hand with one hand, and Sirius' hand with the other, "I won't let you go, absolutely not, I can't say absolutely about other things, but there are three things, I can be sure that the first one is that I will never abandon you..."

Dido felt the heat from her admiral's palm, her face flushed, she looked at An Zhiyuan with eyes full of admiration...and Sirius looked at An Zhiyuan with admiration and nakedness love.

Indeed, different ship girls have different ways of expressing the same favorability... Some of them have reached 50 degrees of favorability, maybe because they are shy or dare not confess, but the favorability has indeed arrived, and there is also such a [-] favorability degree for the first time. Just showing the passionate love for the admiral...

However, this is not a game after all, and you can't see the value of the favorability. Maybe the favorability has soared from 50 to 100 the first time you see it?

An Zhiyuan couldn't tell if it was just the way they expressed their affection, or if their affection was already full...

Well, but even if it is really full, An Zhiyuan needs some time, not because the girls need time, but because he needs time to get to know them, he is not hypocritical, he is not hypocritical, although they do let him see I fell in love with it, but I still have to create some ambiguous and wonderful memories, and then give it a ring, right?

However, if they are proactive enough, An Zhiyuan will always come to them. After all, it is not necessary to fall in love first and then go to bed. The same is true after going to bed first and then falling in love.

To put it bluntly, if they are not so active, then the story will be warm, pure and romantic with a bit of sex, if they are active enough, then the story will be different, it will be exciting and very sex.

"My proud master, what about the other two points?" Sirius asked softly.

Dido also looked at the back of An Zhiyuan's head curiously, wanting to know the answer.

"The last two o'clock..." An Zhiyuan smiled, and said: "You will know later, there is no rush now."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Along the way, Dido and Sirius each held An Zhiyuan's left and right hands with one hand, and their own clothes with the other, so as not to lose their clothes, but in fact, they won't lose their clothes when they are well dressed.

However, it's not the first time An Zhiyuan knows that Jianniang is very concerned about this, but it fits well with his possessiveness...

An Zhiyuan brought Dido and Sirius to their current residence. They will have a morning meeting tomorrow, and they can leave after the meeting, so today is their last day living here...

It is unrealistic to want to catch the chaser in such a short time...

It’s okay for the company to go to the Solomon Islands in the future, and so is Shangri-La. She seems to be a little resistant to herself, and it is impossible to break the barriers in her heart in a short time.

Now it seems that the fishing boat still needs a long time to prepare.

An Zhiyuan took Dido and Sirius back to his residence. Everyone is at home now, and no one went out for tea in the afternoon.

Then again, with Dido and Sirius, is it possible to return to the life in the tutelary mansion where clothes come from hand to mouth?

Pushing open the door, An Zhiyuan walked into the room with Dido and Sirius.

The five people in the room looked over in unison...

Dedechan is chatting with Guanghui, the two of them are sitting on the sofa now, and looked over after hearing the door opening...

Victory is awesome and the Duke of York is drinking tea and chatting, and they also looked over when they heard the door opening...

Just now An Zhiyuan came back to pick up the clothes, and he already said that he had built two new ship girls, so everyone didn't seem particularly surprised when they saw the new ship girls, but they were still very curious about these two new sisters ...

Seeing the girls in the room, Dido and Sirius were silent for a while, then held hands with An Zhiyuan tightly.

Dido even felt a little dizzy, what should I do...the master has so many girls, what if he neglected himself in the future? !What if he doesn't like himself?What should I do if I abandon myself? !Thinking of those scenes, Dido's expression changed.

Sirius noticed Dido's face, stretched out his hand and pulled her gently.

The two are sisters now, they are sister ships, and now they are built by the same admiral, they are natural sisters.

Dido looked at Sirius, her complexion improved a little, but she was still very worried that the admiral would abandon her...

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