An Zhiyuan turned his head and was about to introduce Dido and Sirius, but found that Dido's expression was not quite right, and asked worriedly: "What's wrong with you? Dido...?"

"Hmm...? No, it's nothing..." Hearing An Zhiyuan's voice, Dido quickly lowered her head, not wanting her master to see her embarrassed appearance.

Sirius whispered: "Sister Dido is worried that there are so many people here, and you will neglect her in the future, so she is very scared."

When An Zhiyuan heard the words, he didn't know whether to be amused or angry.

Are you overly inferior?Still don't trust your admiral?

An Zhiyuan said: "Why do you think I will abandon you? Dido? I said, I will never abandon you. No matter what happens, don't you believe me?"

"No...not..." Dido said quickly, her face hesitated, "I just..."

"Just what?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

Seeing that An Zhiyuan was talking to Dido, the girls who were curious about the two new sisters all looked at them without saying a word.

"I'm just worried that if I'm clumsy, I'll make... Master hate..." Dido said faintly, "I'm scared when I think that Master might abandon me in the future."

I think you owe shit.

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, you just lack a backbone, and you need a Dinghaishen needle that is stable enough and thick enough to pin you down in order to stabilize your mind.

An Zhiyuan thought for a while, then let go of Sirius and Dido's hands, and hugged them.

Feeling that the master let go of her hand, Dido felt relieved when she felt that she was abandoned and helpless, and then felt that she was hugged by the master.

An Zhiyuan leaned over and kissed Dido's lips.

To be honest, it’s not unheard of for girls to overthrow him on the first day when they transmigrated to him before, but that’s after all a full favorability degree, and you can do anything.

On the first day it was built, she held her head and gnawed her lips, which was the first time.

For this low self-esteem maid, An Zhiyuan hoped that she could feel that he liked her, and hoped that she could understand that he would not abandon her or abandon her.

An Zhiyuan believes in love at first sight. Generally speaking, love at first sight is love at first sight. An Zhiyuan is like this. After he built Dido and Sirius, he fell in love at first sight. Of course, his original plan was to make love at first sight into a kind of Solid love, and then let Dido and Sirius flow slowly.

But now it seems that Dido still doesn't understand the attraction of her beautiful face and erotic body to An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan wants her to understand that she is very attractive to him, so that She should not be so inferior.

After being stunned for a moment, Dido began to respond enthusiastically to An Zhiyuan. Everything about her belongs to the master. If the master has no interest in her and wants to discard her, she can only let herself disappear in despair. Yes, but if the master is interested in and needs her, it will make her very happy and excited. Even if it is such a useless maid, the master will give him alms. The master is really kind to her...

Fortunately, An Zhiyuan didn't know the thoughts in Dido's mind that obviously did not belong to the way of thinking of normal people, otherwise, Dido would have to be rectified on the spot, so that she could understand that she didn't need to feel inferior at all, and gave her the backbone to let her Knowing how much her Master needs her...

Of course, An Zhiyuan didn't know how to read minds. Although he felt that doing so seemed to be effective, he hadn't thought of such an excessive thing.

On the side, Sirius looked at his master and his sister kissing passionately, pursed his lips, his face was a little rosy, his sister kissed, so can he leave his sister alone?right?Owner?It must be rained and dewed well...

The three Guanghui sisters and Dedechan had strange expressions on their faces, but only the Duke of York looked normal.

" were like this when you were built by your brother-in-law?" Shengli came to Dedechan and asked in a low voice.

"That's not it..." Dedejiang blushed when she heard the words. When she was built by the admiral, the admiral was not like this. On the contrary, he was cold and had a bad temper. No one was willing to talk to him. Then they went In the admiral's world, the admiral became gentle.

"Then what about them...?" Shengli pouted at An Zhiyuan and Dido, and asked.

"I don't know..." Dede-chan spread his hands, not knowing what's going on, why he started kissing passionately just after it was built...

The point is that the admiral's rogue is fine, but the new wife still looks very happy... Are you a slut?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When An Zhiyuan raised his head, Dido lay flushed in An Zhiyuan's arms, feeling that his heart was full of happiness and joy.

Before An Zhiyuan took a few breaths, Sirius came over again. She looked at An Zhiyuan with moist eyes. An Zhiyuan had seen this look before, and it was so familiar. Every time the Duke of York used this kind of look, it was a healthy man. Looking at myself with eyes that are easy to refuse, why should I refuse?isn't it?

An Zhiyuan said that if the other party is proactive enough, he will never refuse anyone...

But... wait a minute, wait can't give me a breath...

Sirius didn't care that his elder sister Dido was still lying in his master's arms with a flushed face, hugging him like a baby or something, and pressed her plump chest on her elder sister's back, making her elder sister stick tightly against An Zhiyuan...


Then she sandwiched her sister like this, and slowly approached An Zhiyuan's face. She was waiting for the master's reaction. If the master didn't want to, even if she would be sad, she wouldn't force it...

Because if the master doesn't need her as a maid, she should go far away... She just needs to appear in front of the master when he needs her.

But obviously she thinks her master is too noble, An Zhiyuan is just a mortal, although his lifespan is already infinite, but generally speaking he is still a mortal.

reject?I'm sorry, when the other party was his wife, An Zhiyuan didn't have these two words in his dictionary, he only had the words acceptance and initiative.

Therefore, feeling that Sirius' movements were too slow, An Zhiyuan had no choice but to take the initiative to let himself, this humble servant, understand that he had no intention of refusing at all.

Just like that, Dido lay on An Zhiyuan's chest with a satisfied and happy face, and Sirius lay on Dido's body, continuing what her sister had just done with her master...

The Duke of York smiled slightly when he saw this scene.

But Dede-chan couldn't bear to look directly at it, which reminded her of those ridiculous times in the tutelary mansion, and the three Guanghui sisters were shocked. For the first time, they knew that they could play tongue kisses just after they were built. ..

In the final analysis, it’s been a short time since the third level of glory did not join the tutelary mansion. Although I have experienced 6P, there are still many interesting things that I haven’t experienced yet. Isn’t it just kissing my sister and continuing to kiss my sister over her shoulder?It's really cool, but it's obviously not the most exciting thing.

Kissing this kind of thing, even a tongue kiss will not be hypoxic, the ones in TV dramas are all fake, after all, you don't need a nose to kiss, but a tongue kiss will indeed make your tongue soft and sore.

After wantonly tasting the flavors of the two sisters' fragrant tongues, and comparing them in his heart, An Zhiyuan let go of Sirius, and he felt his tongue was a little numb... If the kiss continued, An Zhiyuan felt that the two sisters would really be separated later. The sisters pressed the ground and did it...

An Zhiyuan just wanted them to understand that they were very attractive to him, so there was no need to feel inferior at all, and he didn't really want to deal with them.

When An Zhiyuan exhaled, he heard someone applauding.

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