Dede-chan is okay, after all, this kind of thing used to happen in the tutelary mansion, and the Duke of York seems to be considering whether to open the door and join in.

"Where do we sleep at night? Don't we sleep with brother-in-law?" Shengli couldn't help asking again.

Dede-chan said: "Isn't there a bed next to it..."

"I'll sleep with the admiral later," said the Duke of York.

After saying this, everyone looked at her in unison, indeed... the five of them have been sleeping in the same bed with the admiral since the beginning of the boat, and suddenly they couldn't sleep in the same bed with the admiral, and they were not very happy.. .

But no one is willing to say this sentence... because it seems a little too shameless... It's not that you can't sleep without the admiral...

But now there is a beginning...everyone's mind is active...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan walked out of the room holding the door, he touched his waist with one hand, and propped the other hand against the door, a little depressed...

He even forgot how long he hadn't experienced this feeling of leaning against the wall to get out...

For the first time, when I was a virgin, I was squeezed by Missouri, who was also a virgin, so weak that I leaned on the wall to go out... Now, I experience this feeling of powerlessness again...

Mainly Dido and Sirius, as well as Belfast and the fearsome victories who seem to have a competitive mentality...

"Master..." Seeing An Zhiyuan's weak face, Dido quickly walked over to support An Zhiyuan, "Are you alright?"

If I have something to do, it was also caused by your scum... An Zhiyuan rolled his eyes. When he woke up, he looked at the time and found that he had missed the meeting time... He wasn't there, but there were no missed calls on his phone. ..

Of course, this is his own problem, although he didn't expect that the five of them would join the fierce battle midway...

Hey guys, you guys love playing this kind of multiplayer game, right?uh-huh?Why do you like to come in piles... This makes An Zhiyuan, who is generally 1V2, a little overwhelmed, especially when there are five juice girls among them, who can stand it...

"It's okay..." It's strange...

Of course, the girls in my family will be squeezed if they are squeezed. There is no way, when the time comes, I will ask Yubari to get some narcotics for the ship girl, and I will squeeze you well.

But what I missed at the meeting...

An Zhiyuan still called Shangri-La to inquire about the situation.

"What's the matter with you? Why didn't you come to the meeting? Could it be that you were detained by Wenrouxiang?" Seeing that it was An Zhiyuan's call, Shangri-la asked, her tone was a little strange.

In fact, it's true... But it's a bit weird to say this, after all, it's his own private matter, An Zhiyuan could only selectively ignore her words, and asked, "What did you say today?"

"It's not very important to you. It's mainly about the discussion of joint operations in different regions. You and Jiang Wanqiu are one region, and there is no need to refine the division of labor between the two of you. Jiang Wanqiu's commander The headquarters is already a fairly high-ranking headquarters, let alone yours, so I didn't call you when I found out that you didn't come." Shangri-La said: "You, you, you should pay more attention in the future, you are now a member of the public. characters."

"Sorry...I will pay attention to it in the future." An Zhiyuan said apologetically.

"Well, remember to be on time next time." Shangri-La was not angry because of An Zhiyuan's absence, "Tomorrow, we will arrange for the boat to go back tomorrow. In addition, we separated the masks and remember to go back with them. There are many people on the boat, although no one is with those people. Ordinary people have come into contact with it, but it’s better to be careful. In addition, the company will go with you. This time, she is the only one. Don’t you want to get her? You can try.”

An Zhiyuan smiled when he heard the words, "Didn't you say I was wishful thinking?"

"If you don't run into a wall, you won't give up. We've known each other for so long, and I'm still very clear about you." Shangri-La said with a smile: "I still hold the old view that you can't win a business. "

"Why don't we take a gamble?" An Zhiyuan paused, then said with a smile.

"What are you gambling?"

"If I win the company..." An Zhiyuan was interrupted by Shangri-La who reacted before An Zhiyuan could finish, "Oh, I don't bet, I won't bet myself for others, who knows if the company will win or not?" Will really join your headquarters in a moment of heat, I can't suffer with the head, right?"

"It's too much, will you suffer disaster if you join my tutelary mansion?" An Zhiyuan said, these words are a bit hurtful.

"It's not that joining your tutelary mansion means suffering." Shangri-La said, "Well...forget it, let me tell you this, if it is possible for me to join someone's command or tutelary mansion, yours is the most likely , At that time, it was impossible for me to join any tutelary fort and headquarters, understand what I mean?"

It was not the first time that Shangri-la had heard of An Zhiyuan's self-proclaimed tutelary mansion, and had no opinion on it.

Although it does sound a little better, but what you say is so resolute, it still hurts people... But what An Zhiyuan is most afraid of is being hit. The future is long. One day, all the deans of your Bilan College... .Well, except for the two Hoods I have, they all have to join my tutelary mansion, and everyone can dominate the industry. No one can stop me.

After hanging up the phone, An Zhiyuan looked at the other people in the room, rubbed his still sore and numb waist, and fell silent for a while.

Shengli knelt on the sofa, with her whole body pressed against the back of the sofa. She looked at An Zhiyuan with a smile, "Brother-in-law, why don't you... have some supplements? Your body is weak."

"?" An Zhiyuan heard her and looked at her, am I still weak?If this is a normal person, he would have died long ago.

But... It's too irrational to compare physical strength with Jianniang, An Zhiyuan admitted that in terms of duration, he is indeed not as strong as Jianniang... Human bodies have limits, and Yubari's medicine can only Let him achieve almost this level. After all, his lifespan is already unlimited, and his recovery power is still outrageous. Although he is a little weak now, he will be able to recover after a few hours. I really need to continue to strengthen... That's it, wives!I am no longer a man!

Seeing An Zhiyuan's silence, Shengli blinked, thinking that An Zhiyuan had hurt his self-esteem because of this matter, he hurriedly ran over from the sofa, hugged An Zhiyuan's waist, squatted in front of An Zhiyuan, raised his head Looking at An Zhiyuan's lowered face, "Brother-in-law...are you angry?"

"Huh? I'm not angry." Of course An Zhiyuan would not be angry because of this kind of thing, but there should be no need to make up for it, as his physical fitness is already very good.

"Then why is your face so gloomy?" Shengli pouted, she let go of An Zhiyuan's waist, held An Zhiyuan's face with both hands, hooked the corners of An Zhiyuan's mouth with two index fingers, and pulled gently, so that An Zhiyuan made a smile.

"What are you doing..." An Zhiyuan laughed because of her actions...

"Don't be gloomy." Shengli said coquettishly, she really looks like a very ordinary sister-in-law at the moment, and all sister-in-laws are her brother-in-law's little padded jacket.

Then Shengli put the two fingers with An Zhiyuan's saliva on the corners of An Zhiyuan's mouth just now, and put them into his own mouth, with a flattering look on his face...

Well, she is no ordinary sister-in-law, she is brother-in-law's personal lover.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the third day after arriving at Bilan Academy, everyone packed up their things and prepared to leave.

An Zhiyuan and his group are definitely counted as the largest number of people in it.

Including An Zhiyuan, there are a total of 8 people in the group. Think about it, the bed in the room of Bilan College is also solid, and there is no problem for 8 people to rock on it. When you go back, you must call Shangri-La and ask where the bed is I bought it, and in the future, everyone's room in the tutelary mansion will be equipped with one.

Counting the enterprise later, there must be 9 people, but obviously the director of the enterprise will not live with them.

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