After boarding the ship, after putting away the luggage, An Zhiyuan took Dido to find the director of the company who had just boarded the ship. Many people saw An Zhiyuan and Dido beside him with strange expressions. After reading the illustrated book, I knew who the ship girl who was following An Zhiyuan was, and it was precisely because of the acquaintance that I realized how rare she was.

An Zhiyuan didn't have the intention of drying the boat. Although he said he planned to do it before, but deliberately went to the boat to feel a little low. An Zhiyuan planned to wait for a brave man to come up and ask. The casual drying of the boat is the most lethal.

"Dean of the company." An Zhiyuan shouted when he saw the company who had already boarded the ship and was looking at Bilan Academy from the deck.

Enterprise turned his head and saw An Zhiyuan and Dido beside him, a little surprised, "It's you, Commander An Zhiyuan, huh? Did you build Dido?"

"Ah, it was built yesterday." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, and introduced the company to Dido by the way, and Dido said hello to the company politely.

"You are really lucky. I heard from Shangri-La before that your luck is outrageous. I still don't quite believe it." Enterprise said with a smile. Pressing his hat, he said, "How long will it take from here to the Solomon Islands?"

"About forty days." An Zhiyuan said, "Is this the first time for the director of the company to go there?"

"It's not the first time, I went there a long time ago." The company showed some nostalgic expressions.

A long time ago...does it mean before the establishment of Bilan Academy?

I heard that the scene at that time was much more chaotic than it is now... A lot of dark stories have been handed down. All the deans are ship girls from that era, including the newly promoted dean, who is also a ship girl from that era. Of course, the company in front of me is also the ship girl of that era.

Do the math...the ship girls have a long history...then their ages...cough cough, of course, for the ship girls, age is irrelevant, they will not die of old age or If they die of illness, they will only die in battle.

Enterprise is the God of War of Bilan College. There is no doubt about it. She is the strongest aircraft carrier. Of course, it is not good in front of another CVN enterprise. After all, the other one is a large nuclear-powered electric bomb tablet. The World War II enterprise.

Although both of them are of the Yorktown class, the ship outfits can be said to be different from each other.

"Speaking of which, can you arrange for the company in your headquarters to have a drill with me?" The company came back to its senses, looked at An Zhiyuan, and asked softly.

An Zhiyuan nodded, "No problem."

Although the ending is doomed, it is clear that the company is not so easy to give up. She has mentioned more than once that she will practice with his family's company.

"It's really troublesome for you." The director of the enterprise said softly.

She is not a competitive person, but she wants to know how strong the power Shangri-La mentioned is.

Enterprise has been pursuing the other side of power, the pursuit of power that can bring peace to the world, end all these disputes, and regain control of the sea, but although she is already the strongest aircraft carrier, she is still far from her goal .

If the other company is stronger, then she should be able to do the same.

Or, can it be stronger?Strong enough to destroy the Sirens?

"Do you think there will be a day when we can eliminate the sirens?" Enterprise looked at An Zhiyuan and asked softly.

"Of course there is." An Zhiyuan said, when his destroying fleet arrives, I will show you what crushing is.

Custody is stronger than all the ship girls in your headquarters and the ship girls in Bilan Academy combined. There are more than [-] fully trained ship girls of various types, such as aircraft carriers, battle cruisers, heavy cruisers and light cruisers, and destroyers. , heavy artillery, submarines, guided missile destroyers, and guided missile battleships, it is really impossible to let Yubari transform several nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, nuclear-powered submarines, nuclear-powered guided missile cruisers and the like.

Siren can withstand?

In less than a year, all of them will be arrested and trained in the tutelary mansion.

All turned into wives, all "eliminated".

Seeing the confident expression on An Zhiyuan's face, the enterprise chuckled, "Actually, I thought it was too far away before. After all, apart from Bilan Academy, there are very few full-fledged ship girls, but your appearance, let us see When it comes to hope, as time goes on, there will be more and more fully trained ship girls, and by then, we can really destroy the Sirens."

"Speaking of which, I want to ask you a question, the president of the company." An Zhiyuan thought for a while and asked, "Do you hate Sirens?"

Since they plan to make money in the business and also train the Sirens to be wives, they should give priority to the conflicts between them. They should not allow conflicts to arise in the tutelary mansion, and finally resolve them beforehand.

"Do you hate the siren..." The enterprise heard this question, and was silent for a while and said: "Some of my comrades are in the hands of the siren armor, even if it is a humanoid siren, it is also a siren, you have to say It's impossible to have no thoughts at all, their enemies, it doesn't matter whether you hate them or not, they will be wiped out sooner or later."

An Zhiyuan smiled when he heard this, but didn't speak.

After all, she doesn't know if the sirens, like the deep-sea flagship, are less hostile to humans. If they are very hostile to humans, An Zhiyuan will not arrest them and discipline them. If they have the potential to be whitewashed For example, if there is no hostility towards humans and ship girls who don't take the initiative to provoke them, then they can be arrested.

After all, it is well known that the siren soldiers had sunk some ship girls at the beginning. If the sirens were the same as the humanoid sirens, and if they had sunk the ship girls during this period, An Zhiyuan would not have said Thinking about the idea of ​​capturing the Siren to the guard house, the first premise is that the Siren, like the deep sea flagship, will not attack those who do not actively provoke them.

But now it seems... There seems to be a phenomenon of active attack. Of course, a few things are not enough to explain it. Let's see how the situation develops.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After chatting with the company, An Zhiyuan took Dido to their room.

On the way, An Zhiyuan asked Dido what she was good at.

Dido thought about it carefully, and then shook her head with a rosy face, "Sorry, master, Dido is stupid, Dido... only knows how to fight, and she is a little clumsy about housework..."

Battle Maid?An Zhiyuan wanted to blink.

"But...but Dido went back to study hard, please don't abandon Dido because of these things." Dido said with a pleading expression.

An Zhiyuan couldn't laugh or cry, I told you I wouldn't leave you...

Alas, I forgot, I forgot to let Dido experience the feeling of the backbone... next time for sure.

Clumsy maid, An Zhiyuan remembered a very interesting thing. He had seen such a story before, and An Zhiyuan told Dido this story.

"Diduo, let me tell you a story, will you listen?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

Dido nodded.

An Zhiyuan told this story.

"Once upon a time, there was a big landlord who was very rich, but his reputation was not good, because the residents living around said that the landlord was very lecherous. On this day, the landlord posted a message in the town to recruit a maid. .”

An Zhiyuan told the story slowly.

"As for Xiaoduo, I saw this news. She is very beautiful, quite beautiful, and she is like a town flower, so when she went to apply for the job, when the lecherous landlord saw Xiaoduo, she didn't apply at all. , let her be his maid."

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