Fortunately, the enterprise did not continue to ask, she seemed to know that An Zhiyuan's background was a little mysterious, and after chatting with An Zhiyuan for a few words, she resigned.

After feeling that his body's energy had almost recovered, An Zhiyuan moved his limbs a bit, hehe, no matter how hard he tried, if you give me a day, he will be a good man again.

"My proud master, so you are here." Sirius' voice came from behind, and An Zhiyuan felt a numbness in his waist... Damn, men can't back down!

An Zhiyuan turned his head to look, and found that Sirius was standing behind alone, looking at him with a smile. When outsiders were present, she would not show that kind of idiot-like flushing expression, probably because she didn't want other people See it, but it's not out of shame, but because I don't want others to see the appearance that belongs to my master alone.

Sirius is very clear that if he satisfies the machismo of a man, when An Zhiyuan is with her, he always feels very swollen, his heart is swollen, and somewhere is also swollen.

Of course, for Sirius to be so serious, he also has the flavor of a goddess.

Goddess in front of people, slut in back, this kind of setting is also very fragrant.

"My proud master, are you looking at the sea?" Sirius walked to An Zhiyuan's side, looked up at An Zhiyuan, and asked softly.

It's also an expression of infatuation, but what is revealed in Sirius' eyes now is more like infatuation, and usually more like an idiot. Of course, there is no doubt about Sirius' feelings for him.

Before leaving Bilan Academy, An Zhiyuan had already bought real platinum rings and put them on for Dido and Sirius. After receiving the oath ring, they are married ships. The favorability must have been enough, even An Zhiyuan I suspect that they have actually reached the point of full affection.

"That's right, the director of the company was still here just now and chatted with her for a while." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"The president of the enterprise..." Sirius thought for a while after hearing the words, and then smiled sweetly: "Is the master trying to salvage the boat?"

An Zhiyuan nodded, he would not hide these thoughts from his girls, and told Sirius frankly.

"We already have Miss Enterprises in our tutelary mansion, right? What will the master call them after they catch them?" Sirius asked a very interesting question.

An Zhiyuan thought about it, two companies, his own company is blonde, and the president of this company is silver hair...

Did you lose the gold company or the silver company? .jpg

Of course, you need both. How do you call them... They don’t seem to be as easy to distinguish as Dedejiang and Hood. After all, they can be clearly distinguished from the amount of milk, but the body of the two companies is more convenient. Similar, maybe the silver-haired company should be bigger, your own golden-haired company D, and then the silver-haired company may be D+ or even E?

After much deliberation, An Zhiyuan couldn't think of a suitable title, "We'll talk about it later when we get it, I'm too impatient to call it now..."

Speaking of which, I have another Sirius, but you two can easily distinguish one is Sirius and the other is Licking Wolf.

I like them all, after all, looking northwest, shooting Sirius, I like shooting Sirius the most.

Chapter 16 Chapter [-] Going Home

After more than forty days, An Zhiyuan and his party finally returned to the Solomon Islands.

Forty days!Do you know how he got here in these forty days?Except for a few hours of rest during the day, when you can chat with the business on deck, the rest of the time is either eating or in bed.

And just like what An Zhiyuan thought, he broke down the beds on other people's boats...

Anyway, when the staff on the ship, that is, the ship girl from Bilan College came to check, except for An Zhiyuan, the Duke of York and Sirius, their faces were all red, and Dido's face was also red. After all, Dido is not such an idiot like Sirius It's just because I don't want An Zhiyuan to abandon her, so I have been doing my best to make An Zhiyuan, the master, like her, think that she is useful and can satisfy him, so that he will not abandon her. Thinking, Dido just gave up being shy when she was in front of An Zhiyuan, not to say that Dido didn't know how to be shy anymore.

Rao An Zhiyuan, he couldn't stand the strange eyes of those ship girls who came to check...

Damn, what are you looking at?It's not because your beds are not strong enough, look at the beds in the hotel in your college, it's fine after tossing...

Later, when he was leaving, those ship girls kindly persuaded him not to toss with so many people... Otherwise, no matter how strong he is, he won't be able to withstand their tossing...

This remark made all the girls except Sirius and the Duke of York blush again.

An Zhiyuan didn't know if his reputation would get worse because of this, for example, it was rumored in the ship's own circle that a certain commander broke the bed when he was fooling around with his ship's wife, and so on. , If you want to get a boat in the future, those ship girls who have heard the rumors, don't they see that they are hiding away?

An Zhiyuan thought in a mess.

After disembarking with Jiang Wanqiu and the others, An Zhiyuan, Jiang Wanqiu and the others brought the company to the local academy office, and then Guanghui and the others also entered the office to pack their things and prepare to go to An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion.

The ship girl in the office had a slightly weird expression when she saw this, but it was actually what they expected, but they didn't expect it to be so soon.

After Jiang Wanqiu delivered the business, she greeted her and prepared to leave. She missed her girl very much and couldn't wait.

"I'll go over to visit you after the arrangement here, Commander Jiang Wanqiu." Enterprise smiled at her. "It's time to interrupt."

"Huh? It's not an interruption, do you want to have dinner with me?" Jiang Wanqiu asked after hearing the words.

The enterprise thought for a while, then shook his head, and looked at An Zhiyuan, "I have to go to An Zhiyuan's headquarters later, so I can't, thank you."

Jiang Wanqiu nodded, then turned and left.

An Zhiyuan heard that Guanghui and the others hadn't come out anyway, so he said, "Then shall I wait for you to come together, or go back first?"

The company heard the words and said: "There is no need to wait for me, you must miss your ship girl very much, right? Go back and see your ship girl first. After visiting Jiang Wanqiu, I will come back to visit you and let the company in your headquarters Get ready, although from all aspects, I don't seem to be the company's opponent, but I still have to give it a try."

An Zhiyuan nodded with a smile when he heard the words. The personality of the company is somewhat similar to him. They are both the type who will not die until the Great Wall. Speaking of which, can people of the same type get along well, or are they easy to breed? What about contradictions?An Zhiyuan thought for a while, then shook his head.

After the three Guanghui sisters packed their things, An Zhiyuan and the others greeted each other and left.

Sitting on the speedboat docked at the port of Yala Town, the group returned to the tutelary mansion.

Knowing that An Zhiyuan came in and wanted to come back, everyone was waiting at the port.

Enterprise, Hood, Belfast, Kotaku, Yudachi, Tangyu, Gascogne, Fuso, Fortress Ji, Master Su and Odin, everyone is standing at the port, and they can be seen from afar While waving, when the yacht approached the port, the voices of Mr. Su and Xiao Zhai could be heard.

Before the speedboat docked, Xiao Zhai and Mr. Su jumped on the boat. Xiao Zhai hugged An Zhiyuan's waist, and Mr. Su jumped onto An Zhiyuan's back and hugged An Zhiyuan's neck.

"Ai ai ai..." An Zhiyuan was nearly lost his focus by the two little fellows, he was a little dumbfounded.

"Admiral! I miss you!" Xiao Zhai hugged An Zhiyuan's waist, shook his arms, and said coquettishly.

The little guy usually treats him lukewarm when he has playmates, and it's okay when he's alone, but now after seeing her after such a long time, has he become quite enthusiastic?

An Zhiyuan rubbed Xiao Zhai's head, and said softly: "I miss you too, Xiao Zhai."

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