"Admiral, admiral! What about me?" Mr. Su hugged An Zhiyuan's neck, climbed in front of An Zhiyuan, and then hung directly on An Zhiyuan's neck like this. It's still very tiring to hang Mr. Su around his neck.

"I want to, I want to." An Zhiyuan said helplessly, "Master Su, get off my neck quickly and let me give you a good hug."

Only then did Master Su let go of An Zhiyuan, let An Zhiyuan hug him, and pulled Odin over contentedly, and hugged him. Odin was rather shy, but he really missed An Zhiyuan very much. Look at her shy face With her petite appearance, An Zhiyuan couldn't help but kiss her small face, and then put her down.

An Zhiyuan took the girls from the speedboat to the port. When he saw Enterprise and them, he smiled slightly and stretched out his hands, "Won't you come and hug me? Wives?"

Enterprise rolled his eyes, but still walked over, took the initiative to put his arms around An Zhiyuan, and said softly: "You have been away for nearly three months, and we are uncomfortable waiting in the town guard's mansion."

"I'm back. When Yubari comes, let's set up a private jet. It will be convenient to travel. It will only take a day or two, right?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Enterprise nodded, "If you come to such a trip for several months from time to time, I guess everyone will think about you crazy..."

An Zhiyuan was silent for a while, and said, "Sorry."

"Sorry for what you said to me?" Qiye lowered his head and kissed An Zhiyuan's lips, "Go get intimate with your other wives."

Saying that, Enterprise smiled and let go of An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan smiled, then winked at Belfast behind the enterprise, "Come here and give me a hug, Belfast."

"Master." Belfast heard the words and came over, put his arms around An Zhiyuan, wrapped his hands tightly around An Zhiyuan's waist, and said softly, "I miss you so much, master."

Smelling the fragrance in her hair, feeling the heavy longing in his chest, An Zhiyuan also hugged Belfast tightly, "Well, I miss you too..."

Behind An Zhiyuan, the Three Glorious Sisters, Dido, and Sirius came here as An Zhiyuan's ship wife for the first time. Seeing this scene, Shengli whispered: "It's so disgusting..."

Kewei said to her: "Maybe, brother left you for a month or two, and you acted more nasty than them. Maybe you dragged him into the room as soon as he came back..."

"What are you talking about? Do you think I'm as shameless as you?" Shengli blushed and stared fearfully.

Hugged with his own wives, Xili and Gascogne also hugged even if they were not married, Gascogne was too expected, right?

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, it must be wonderful to enjoy Gascony after she understands what love is.

Afterwards, An Zhiyuan introduced Dido and Sirius. The three Guanghui sisters did not need to be introduced. The wedding ship came, this is their future home.

Hearing that Dido and Sirius became premarital examinations just after they were built, Hood’s expression was slightly weird, and Gascogne’s expression was also a little puzzled... It seemed that she planned to ask Dido and Sirius about The definition of love...

"By the way, company, the company dean of Bilan College is going to ask you for a drill later, you should prepare, um... don't let her lose too much." An Zhiyuan thought for a while and said, after all, it is the dean, or Give her some kindness.

The enterprise nodded upon hearing the words, "Well, good."

Chapter 17 Chapter [-] Two Enterprises

When I got home, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and it took about an hour for the company to arrive at An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion.

But there was no one on the port, the president of the company stood alone at the port, looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar building, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This place is not unfamiliar, the Solomon Islands was a very important node for them at the beginning, the company and some current deans of Bilan College are stationed here, this headquarters was built at that time, and Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters, It was built later.

When she came to this familiar place, Enterprise inevitably remembered the past. She stood at the port and was dazed for a long time. When she came back to her senses, she found a ship lady walking towards her.

Like her, this ship girl also wears a navy cap, but she has blond hair, with a vague smile on her face, and a star-shaped buckle at the end of her long blond hair, but although she wears a navy cap , but did not wear a military uniform, wearing a sailor suit and skirt, and black silk boots.

Judging from Jianniang's intuition, the other party is very powerful, giving her a sense of oppression, a strong sense of oppression, this feeling has not been felt since the enterprise was fully trained.

"Welcome to our tutelary mansion, the director of the company, I heard that you want to practice with me?" Of course the blond ship girl wearing a navy cap is the company. An Zhiyuan didn't wait because he didn't know when the director of the company would come. Instead, I went to have a bath with Hood Belfast and the others.

"Well, thank you, you are the company of Commander An Zhiyuan, right? It's the first time we meet, hello." The silver-haired company nodded and said with a smile.

"Hello, let's go straight to the show. After the exercise, how about having dinner here?" Blonde Enterprise invited, she knew it, even if she didn't know, she could guess that the admiral probably wanted to win this enterprise ...

To be honest, seeing the same ship in another world still makes the company feel a little subtle. Although there are Hood and Dedejiang in the tutelary mansion, they are other people after all. Do absolutely nothing.

After hearing the words, the silver-haired company thought about it. She originally planned to meet the college office after the drill. However, since another company invited her, she did not refuse after careful consideration. After all, she asked An Zhiyuan to arrange the drill. Yes, it's impossible for her not to give An Zhiyuan any face, right?

"Then, let's start." Blonde Enterprise opened the ship suit and said with a smile.

The silver-haired enterprise also opened the ship and made preparations.

Then the two released their carrier-based aircraft...

Of course, the ending was already doomed the moment the carrier-based aircraft was released.

What the silver-haired company lost to the golden-haired company was not the training, it had nothing to do with the training, it wasn't the data, and it had nothing to do with the data. Although the data was quite poor, she lost because of the absolute gap of the carrier-based aircraft.

Taking back its carrier-based aircraft, Silver Hair Enterprise was silent for a while and said, "I lost."

Although she had been mentally prepared for a long time, but when it came to the moment of losing, she was still a little melancholy.

The company forgot how long she hadn't lost.

She has never lost in all the aircraft carrier exercises, and she has won all the actual battles. This is the first time she has tasted the taste of failure.

However, this let her know that she should still have a huge room for improvement, at least, the current level of strength of the blonde company is much higher than her.

The golden hair enterprise put away the ship suit, said with a smile: "Let's go, I'll show you around the tutelary mansion."

The silver-haired enterprise raised its head, nodded, and followed the golden-haired enterprise, "Can I ask why you are so strong? How did you reach your current level?"

The other end of the power she is pursuing, perhaps, she has touched a little clue.

The golden hair enterprise heard the words and said with a smile: "My current level has little to do with training and so on. You should be able to feel why I am so strong. My data and carrier aircraft are better than yours. Of course, this is not my fault."

"If you want to know, you need to join our tutelary mansion. This is a secret."

The silver-haired enterprise was a little disappointed upon hearing the words. If so, it might not be able to become stronger for the rest of its life...

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