"This is not a power obtained through normal means." The company saw that the silver-haired company was a little disappointed, and said: "But it is true that you cannot tell outsiders, but if you are interested, I can lend you my carrier-based aircraft. Of course, I advise you not to carry it on the ship, you can’t fly it, and even if you can fly it, it will burn your deck.”

When the silver-haired enterprise heard this, they were a little curious: "Why? Is it because the performance is too advanced?"

"You can put it this way." Blonde Enterprise opened up its ship, took off the carrier-based aircraft prototype mounted on the ship, and handed it to Silver Enterprise, "You can take a look at this carrier-based aircraft."

Yinfa Enterprise took over the carrier-based aircraft, felt the various data of this carrier-based aircraft, and was a little surprised. This aircraft is different from all the carrier-based aircraft she has come into contact with, and its performance is too advanced...

As far as the engine is concerned, it is not at the same technological level as her carrier-based aircraft. She was silent for a while, and then asked, "May I ask where this carrier-based aircraft came from?"

"Secret." Blonde Enterprise said with a smile, this was made by Yubari. Of course, Yubari has no obligation to wholesale this thing, nor does he have the ability. To manufacture such a prototype machine, it takes more time for Yubari. It's been a long time, not to mention that Yubari doesn't have time to do these things at all, and repairing the time travel machine takes up almost all of her time.

The silver-haired enterprise was silent for a while, then returned the carrier-based aircraft to the golden-haired enterprise, and said, "I must join your command headquarters... the tutelary mansion, in order to obtain this power?"

"This is just a precondition. I hope you don't think it's easy for Jianniang to have such a powerful power." Blonde Enterprise said: "It will take a long time."

"Also, if you are eager to get this power by destroying the Sirens, you don't have to worry at all."

It's only a matter of time before her sisters come and kill those sirens.

The silver-haired enterprise didn't say much in the end, An Zhiyuan was the admiral, and the blonde enterprise was the ship's mother. If they didn't take these things out, there must be their reasons for doing so. The ship's mother doesn't have the strong desire to control that humans have. That feeling of having everything in your hands.Moreover, the silver-haired company decided to believe the words of the golden-haired company.

An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion is indeed very special, with so many fully trained ship girls, maybe they really have a way to eliminate the sirens.

It's just...how much longer?

Even though I've been waiting for so many years...

Would you like to join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion... The silver-haired company thought about this possibility seriously, and then rejected the idea.

First, if she joined here out of utilitarianism, I am afraid that An Zhiyuan would not want her. Second, she has no intention of joining the headquarters. Going in... something doesn't seem quite right.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It took more than two hours to take a bath, and it wasn't An Zhiyuan's dawdling. If An Zhiyuan took a bath alone, it only took ten minutes. When his wife accompanied him or served him in the bath, the time became very long. .

Taking a bath alone is a bath, but the admiral and the ship's wife take a bath, it's not just a bath.

After taking a shower, he feels refreshed, two hours is nothing to An Zhiyuan now, and he almost recovered after dinner.

When he came down from upstairs and walked towards the restaurant, An Zhiyuan saw two companies.

The two are about the same height, and they are both considered tall. One has blond hair and the other has silver hair. Both of them are enterprises. From now on, I will call you Gold Industry and Silver Industry.

Belfast and Hood also went downstairs quickly. They were changing clothes just now. They walked quickly to An Zhiyuan's side and saw two companies.

Belfast said softly: "It seems that Miss Enterprise has left another enterprise for dinner. Was it arranged by the master?"

An Zhiyuan nodded, "I told the company before that it would be a good thing for her to get acquainted with the port area. The first time she is a freshman, the second time she is acquainted."

Belfast smiled slightly when he heard the words, but said nothing more.

But in fact, during dinner, the silver-haired company didn't talk much, and it could even be said that it was basically silent. After dinner, they said hello and left.

After the company left, Shengli couldn't help but said: "Is it really okay for you to choose such a difficult one? I have never heard of such a thing as the dean of Bilan Academy being successfully salvaged."

An Zhiyuan smiled, "Why don't I start the conversation?"

Shengli rolled his eyes, "He hasn't been taken away for decades, I don't believe you can take away with this little time you have."

An Zhiyuan said, "Why don't we make a bet?"

Enterprise heard the words and looked at Shengli, and said with a smile: "I advise you not to bet with him, or you will definitely suffer in the end. The admiral has never lost a lot of bets."

Shengli pursed his lips when he heard the words, "I don't believe it, I'm going to make a bet with my brother-in-law, tell me, what to bet."

The company shrugged its shoulders when it heard the words, and if it doesn't listen to good people, there is nothing it can do if it suffers.

An Zhiyuan snickered in his heart, "Then I'll study about the business. If I get the business, you just agree to one condition. No matter what the condition is, you must agree."

Hearing the words, Shengli thought about the so-called "no matter what the conditions", stared, and said: "That's fine, I am the same as you, if you lose, you will agree to one condition, and you cannot go back on your word."

"Of course, I mean what I say." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Shengli thought about it carefully, and always felt a little uneasy, and then said: "No, there must be a time, otherwise you wait for twenty or thirty years to get someone, maybe you really grind the other party, within two years, If you don’t catch it, you will lose it directly.”

An Zhiyuan thought about it after hearing the words, two years...

"Okay." After hesitating for a while, An Zhiyuan nodded. Two years is two years. If you can't get it in two years, you should give up. An Zhiyuan is sincere, but if you get along for two years, you still can't If you have made too much progress, it means that the girl is definitely not interested in you, and she will not give you any possibility, so she is still pestering her, which is harassment. The ship girl will not hang people up, if you don’t like it, you just don’t like it. If you like it, you like it. Of course, it’s normal for you to hit a wall when fishing for a boat at the beginning. You can’t say that as soon as you fish for a boat, others will show good feelings for you. In a dream, it seems that Pan An is useless. Value doesn't matter at all.

What's more, An Zhiyuan is not afraid of losing at all, if he loses, he loses. Will victory make him do something excessive?Shengli is not such a person, she is An Zhiyuan's wife, even if An Zhiyuan loses, An Zhiyuan can guess the conditions she put forward, most likely it is related to her sister, for example, let An Zhiyuan cooperate with him to stun her Sister, then tie Guanghui to the bench, and let herself and her be in front of her sister Guanghui....

As for what An Zhiyuan wants Shengli to do, it's actually not something to worry about, um... there's no need to say it now, let's talk about it after winning.

"If you haven't caught it in two years, then the admiral is too stupid. He used to fish for boats, and usually solved it in a few months or even a month." Dedechan said.

"...Even if you say that, I don't believe that brother-in-law can get the director of the company within two years." Shengli said.

"Obviously I have suffered..." Guanghui smiled helplessly: "I see you will only get deeper and deeper..."

Shengli curled his lips, and got deeper and deeper, anyway, she will be here for the rest of her life, and this will be her forever home. If she really wants to lose, it's just to take advantage of her brother-in-law and let him play some shameful games.

After dinner, I came to the rooftop, looked at the bright starry sky, and thought of the girls...

"Brother, why did you run up alone?" At this moment, a voice disturbed An Zhiyuan's thoughts, it was terrifying, An Zhiyuan turned his head to look at scary, smiled and waved at her, letting her come to him come around.

Kewei obediently came to An Zhiyuan's side, leaned gently on An Zhiyuan's shoulder, and watched the starry sky with him.

"Is it beautiful?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile, "The night sky by the seaside is extra bright. I used to live in the city, so I couldn't see such a bright sky full of stars."

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