Kewei looked at the sky and smiled slightly, "Pretty."

After thinking about it, Kewei asked: "Brother, have you ever thought about what we will do after we drive away the Sirens, or eliminate them?"

She is brother's daughter-in-law, and this will never change in her life. Regardless of whether there will be sirens in the future, she will always be brother's daughter-in-law.

An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Of course it is to enjoy life, chat with you, drink tea, swim at the beach together, watch the sunrise and sunset together, watch the night sky together, have sex together...then travel together, climb mountains together , Diving together, going on an adventure is also good..."

There are always many things that An Zhiyuan can think of. Anyway, with the girls, he can go anywhere and do everything happily. This kind of unfettered life is what An Zhiyuan looks forward to the most, and it is also what he has done before. Now, It's just recreating the previous situation.

Kewei was a little lost in thought, probably thinking about the scenes that An Zhiyuan said, imagining her emotions when he and An Zhiyuan were doing those things together, she looked very beautiful with a bright smile.

An Zhiyuan walked around behind her, hugged her waist, and put his chin on her forehead, well, he was just tall enough, but it would be too bad if he was a little taller.

Smelling the fragrance of her hair, An Zhiyuan was also a little dazed, there were too many things full of happiness that needed to be done by them.

"elder brother."


"I like you."

"I know."

"love you."

"I love you too..." An Zhiyuan said softly.

Meeting you is the luckiest thing in my life.

Daily fishing for two days

Needless to say.jpg

It may be two days, or it may be three days. In short, after touching it, you should get used to it.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After returning to the tutelary mansion, he did not continue to live that kind of life. Although he could barely bear it, but, to be honest, it was like this every day. When he woke up the next morning, he didn’t have much energy. Shame...

Moreover, 8P, he is always the passive one, so the one-time amount must be reduced.

Last night, he dragged Fortress Ji and Enterprise to mess around. There were only two opponents. An Zhiyuan felt refreshed, and a masculinity followed...After all, when you are on a boat, you can't stretch your masculinity. There are too many, two fists are no match for four hands, and one sea-fixing needle cannot fix the seven oceans.

And every morning, he leans against the wall and goes out, which is a ghostly masculinity.

Like last night, he killed Fortress Sai Ji and the Enterprise and discarded their armor and armor. Tonight, he will conquer Hood and Belfast to comfort his little heart that is about to be squeezed out of mental illness.

An Zhiyuan ate breakfast and was caught by Master Su and Odin. The two little guys didn't want to go fishing today, after all the admiral just came back, they wanted An Zhiyuan to play with them.

An Zhiyuan didn't refuse either, he squatted down, and with a little loli in one hand, he hugged the two little guys.

The secret base belonging to Master Su and Odin has already been set up. In a remote corner, a basement and a secret passage have even been built. The secret passage can directly lead to the rooms of Master Su and Odin. Of course, it must be locked at night. Come to the door, otherwise it would be bad if the two little guys slipped out to play in the middle of the night. Although the siren would not go to sea at night, it would be bad if they got lost on the sea.

However, if Master Su and Odin really want to pry the lock, it is still very simple. Once they break it with their hands, the lock will be broken, but after adding this lock, the two of them must not dare to break the lock easily, because They can break the lock, but they can't fix it. If the admiral finds out, they will be severely scolded and spanked.

Although An Zhiyuan is not at home these days, the company has taken on the responsibility of taking care of the children as it used to be in Lexington... and has also taken on the responsibility of Helena, criticizing and educating the children. Master Su and Odin dare not easily provoke her. Angry their business sister.

Otherwise, with how mischievous these two guys are, without An Zhiyuan at home, they could turn the guardian mansion upside down.

Because the secret base was built when An Zhiyuan was not in the tutelary mansion, An Zhiyuan didn't know where it was, so the two little guys still jumped down and pulled An Zhiyuan to show him their secret base.

The secret base is under a tree next to the tutelary mansion building, the surrounding grass is quite dense, and after the leaves on it block the sunlight, the place is very inconspicuous, and because it relies on the big tree, it is still on the tree I built a wooden house, which looks very nice. In summer, it should be quite shady.

Master Su took out the key that he got from the company... Although it is the secret base of Master Su and Odin, they can only get the key during the daytime. Master Su protested against this, but was suppressed by the company , a small supply ship, dare to play wild in front of CVN, not to mention the normal state, even if it is transformed, it can't beat the enterprise.

Now that An Zhiyuan is back, Master Su has no way to protest, the enterprise has her carrier-based aircraft, and the admiral only needs to look at her, Master Su will naturally soften.

"Dangdang!" After Master Su unlocked the door, he pushed the door open and matched his voice proudly with open hands.

The dimly lit room was illuminated, and the inside was now a little stuffy, and it seemed that there was no ventilation, but the air conditioner hanging on the side of the mouth was obvious, so it didn't matter.

The floor is covered with wooden boards, and it looks quite clean. It should be cleaned every day in Belfast, right?Then there are three sofas, one big sofa and two other small sofas, put together to form a bed, and there are several smaller beanbag sofas on it.

There are two TVs on the opposite side, about the same size, and there are PS4pro, ns, Xbox, etc. on the bottom... There are all kinds of snacks on the coffee table in front of the sofa, all of which have not been opened, and there seem to be some fruits... I don’t know The stuffy environment just now, the fruit is still not fresh, they still need to get a window, otherwise it will be too stuffy when it is closed.

There are many building block toys on the ground, as well as various figures... what?Where did these figurines come from... It seems that they are all figurines of the ship girl. On the market, it is forbidden for the birthday noodle ship girl to do it. This thing is only produced by Bilan Academy. It seems to be a reward for some tasks, but An Zhiyuan has never obtained it. After all, if he can obtain the construction core and build a real person, why do he have to do it manually?Figures are not as fun as real people. There are so many things that real people can play with. These figures are low-end rewards.

Wait a minute, there is a game console, so Xiao Zhai will also come?He will definitely come, Xiao Zhai is also a child, and he must be one of the members of the secret base. When he was there before, Xiao Zhai was the third in command of the secret base, but he had the most power, because the first and second in command were not as "treacherous" as Xiao Zhai.

Xiao Zhai seems to be tired of those arcade games now, so he will definitely come over to play.

The room is not big, but it seems to have everything. There is no toilet. After all, An Zhiyuan is the only person who needs to go to the toilet in the town guard's mansion.

Well, it is this kind of small space that gives the feeling of a secret base.

"Admiral, wait outside first..." Lord Su asked An Zhiyuan to wait outside, then went in and turned on the air conditioner, then closed the door, and then pulled An Zhiyuan to the tree, where there was a hanging ladder , Odin climbed up first and opened the door of the tree house above.

Seeing this, An Zhiyuan said with some doubts: "Is this the only way to go up to the tree house above?"

Is it inconvenient?

"No, there is also a place to go up from the secret base, but it is relatively hidden. There is also a basement, which is also well hidden. I will show it to the admiral later." Odin opened the secret door above. It's not locked, it seems that Master Su and Odin can take advantage of the loophole here.

An Zhiyuan smiled when he heard the words, "The secret base of yours is pretty good, it's very atmospheric."

Upon hearing this, Lord Su smiled and pulled An Zhiyuan, "That's right, I, Lord Su, personally directed the construction of this."

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