An Zhiyuan said: "Even if you haven't seen it for a long time, you should restrain yourself a bit, although... I don't really mind it."

Of course I know you don't mind, Zeppelin thought, you, my admiral, my master, do I still not understand your thoughts?

"Okay, I've eaten the candy too, come with me to meet the new sister." An Zhiyuan held Qi Berlin's hand and said with a smile.

Being touched by An Zhiyuan's hand, Qi Bailin was shocked all over, and then his face flushed immediately. Seeing this, An Zhiyuan's expression became subtle.

Zeppelin blushed, "It's too... because I haven't seen you for a long time, I underestimated the influence of the master on my body. My body is still so humble. It's because I'm too overwhelmed... I thought Hold on for a while...forgive my arrogance, master...."

Maybe people who don't know don't understand what happened, and they will feel inexplicable when they hear Zeppelin's words...

Zeppelin is a serious M, and physical stimulation is not her hobby, although it can also bring her good sensory stimulation, but she enjoys An Zhiyuan humiliating her more, making her feel that An Zhiyuan has her It looks cheap, it feels like a dispensable item...

However, Zeppelin has now reached the point where An Zhiyuan would...

Only her own admiral, she would not do this in front of her own sisters, even when serving the admiral with other sisters, she would not show it, but when she was the only one in front of An Zhiyuan, When she called him master, she would fully reveal her hobbies.

Of course, he didn't really abandon her, otherwise she wouldn't be able to bear it, she just enjoyed the pleasure of being on the edge, she didn't really want An Zhiyuan to abandon her.

Zeppelin's hobby is indeed a little perverted... Even An Zhiyuan has to admit it, but she doesn't want people who are surprised by An Zhiyuan to know that this is a little secret between the two of them, so when it's just the two of them, nothing more...

Missouri is considered an accidental insider, but because Zeppelin has already agreed to not reveal the reason, this is still just a little secret between her and the admiral. Although Missouri knows, it can be treated as not knowing.

"Can you still walk? How about I carry you?" An Zhiyuan looked at Qi Bailin's trembling legs, raised his brows, and asked.

"I'm really sorry, Master... Let Master hug me..." Qi Bailin seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan hugged Zeppelin in the way of a princess, and said with a smile: "Will you be surprised if other people see it? He is a serious and serious Zeppelin in front of them, but I hug him like a princess or something... .”

On the surface, Zeppelin is indeed a serious and rigid teacher who seems to have no interest. When doing that kind of thing, in front of other people, he also shows a puzzled side, but who knows, in private... . When there was only An Zhiyuan alone, did Zeppelin really show such an unspeakable look?

"So please let me down when the master wants to see other people..." Zeppelin pleaded softly.

"I know..." An Zhiyuan nodded, smelling the faint fragrance of Zeppelin's body, and sighed helplessly, "You need to control it a little bit, your skirt is wet, if I touch you , sooner or later you will be discovered."

Qi Bailin was mainly worried that people would look at her strangely. After all, her hobbies were indeed a little strange. An Zhiyuan respected her ideas and would not make her special hobbies public. However, sometimes they were a little obvious.

"But, this pair was born to serve the Lord..." Qi Bailin looked at An Zhiyuan, the obsession in his eyes was not concealed.

"I know what you mean, but you have to control it, or you will have to rely on wholesale for your fat times." An Zhiyuan interrupted Zeppelin and said.

"If the master doesn't touch me, I can bear it..." Zeppelin looked at An Zhiyuan with naked love in his eyes, and his pupils almost turned into a heart shape.

"Why don't we just tell you your hobbies? It's not necessary to hide them like this. They won't really discriminate against you because of this situation." An Zhiyuan said, isn't it just a little special Hobby?Everyone can definitely understand.

Zeppelin was silent for a while.

It was not the first time for the admiral to talk about this issue. In the past, Zeppelin also passed it in silence. The master would not talk about it without his own consent, and Zeppelin knew it.

But it's true, it's hard work, just like just now, when Tashkent threw herself into An Zhiyuan's arms and kissed coquettishly, she also wanted to get intimate with the master, but in order not to be exposed by the admiral's touch or even close to the admiral, she would appear She had to hold back the physical reaction.

If you don't hide it, although it is true that the sisters look at her a little strangely, at least you don't have to endure so hard, right?

What's more, now that she's here, there are very few sisters in the guardian mansion, and now they are exposed, and few people know about it. After slowly accepting it, the newcomers will think it's not a big deal. In this way, there After sending someone over, you won't be too surprised, right...?

An Zhiyuan was used to Zeppelin's silence after he brought up this idea, and he didn't rush her, because he knew that Zeppelin might have chosen not to answer this question again.

But this time, Zeppelin spoke up, "Master... I, listen to you."

An Zhiyuan paused for a moment, a little surprised, "You really decided?"

"Well, before they come over..." Zeppelin nodded with a rosy face and said.

An Zhiyuan laughed when he heard that, and kissed Zeppelin on the face, "This is my clever hot weapon."

When Qi Bailin was in front of An Zhiyuan, he liked to call himself the owner's exclusive...well, those names that sounded very seductive.

However, if the former destroyers of Zeppelin and Yuyu students knew that Zeppelin was actually such a teacher, I don't know what expression they would have. An Zhiyuan thought about the scene, and his expression wavered.

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Six

Because of the discussion, An Zhiyuan simply hugged Qi Bolin, who couldn't walk properly with him, and greeted everyone who was still in the guard house one by one. The new sisters who hugged and greeted everyone have a deep memory. Only a few observant girls noticed that Zeppelin’s skirt was a little wet. They all know people, so naturally they won't expose them.

Dedejiang could see it, but she didn't say it. Although she didn't have a good relationship with Bismarck, she had a good relationship with other German families. After all, we are all sisters, but she was still a little strange, because according to her previous impression Looking at it, Zeppelin should be a more rigid, serious and reserved person, right... huh?Did she remember wrongly?No, the memory of the ship's mother is very good, there is no such thing as a wrong memory...

However, she didn't say it.

Fortress Ji also noticed it, her expression was subtle, of course she understood, because these deep-sea flagships all had some unbearable memories with Admiral An Zhiyuan...

At that time they were locked up, and then experienced in various ways, and even after falling in love with An Zhiyuan and recognizing An Zhiyuan, their bodies developed a sense of attachment to the previous feeling...

Fortress Ji sighed. She was not like this before. When she heard what the admiral was like, the ship's mother would be affected and become what the admiral wanted. Therefore, their deep-sea flagships should also be influenced by the admiral. That big pervert.

In short, after meeting everyone with Zeppelin and saying hello, An Zhiyuan took Zeppelin back to his own room first.

Now Zeppelin has not changed his clothes. When he met Belfast just now, he entrusted the head maid to help him buy clothes...

Although the naked eye observation was accurate enough, Belfast still took a measurement, and then naturally felt the wetness on Zeppelin's skirt, her expression was a little weird, she looked at An Zhiyuan, her eyes were no different from looking at a pervert , However, there is still a hint of charm in the eyes, as if saying that if you are really dissatisfied with your desires, you can go to her or something...

Ah?As if I didn't satisfy you, An Zhiyuan told Belfast at the time to come to his room wearing a maid outfit at night, no bra and fat times.

Come to 1v1solo, master-servant game, of course, no matter who loses, Belfast will be the maid, no matter who wins, An Zhiyuan will be the master, I heard Zeppelin on the side thinking, you are just simple It's just to find a reason for doing this kind of thing, and it doesn't matter whether the reason is reasonable or not.

But she is obviously not qualified to speak of Belfast.

An Zhiyuan asked Zeppelin to take a bath first, after all it was sticky and uncomfortable, and then went to Tashkent. Zeppelin and Tashkent's room was ready yesterday, of course An Zhiyuan took Tashkent to see her room.

Tashken was chatting with them in the small house, An Zhiyuan called Tashken over and took her to her room.

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