"Comrade Zhiyuan, I thought you attacked Xiaozhai and the others." Tashkent said with a smile, putting his hands behind his back.

Hearing the familiar title, the corners of An Zhiyuan's mouth just rose, and then the corners of An Zhiyuan's mouth collapsed again when he heard her words behind him, "I think I'm someone..."

"After all, we can do it. It's not impossible for you to do it to Xiao Zhai and the others. You gave the ring anyway." Tashkent smiled brightly.

"Are you encouraging me to do this?" An Zhiyuan had a weird expression when he heard that, he looked at Tashkent and asked.

"No, but Xiao Zhai will definitely not care about it. I'm sure, Comrade Zhiyuan, don't worry, I will definitely not shoot you. I am your ship's wife." Tashkent said with a smile.

What the hell are you encouraging me to do?Or are you threatening me not to do it?An Zhiyuan fell into deep thought, and then said: "I won't attack Xiao Zhai, she's too young."

This is what he thinks in his heart. Tashkent and Utopia are both girly after all, so it doesn’t matter if you really want to push them, but Xiao Zhai looks like he is nine or ten years old, it’s a crime... Even if it's the limit, it's only twelve years old, which is still a crime. An Zhiyuan doesn't care about that bit of ethics, but he can't bear it himself.

People can be thick-skinned and perverted, but they must not have a lower limit.

On this kind of matter, An Zhiyuan would not joke, his attitude was very serious.

Tashkent nodded, "Well...I see..."

"Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?" An Zhiyuan asked, he had stated his position before, unless it was a destroyer traitor or a fish traitor, otherwise he would not touch it.

Speaking of which, I saw Tashkent and Kotaku chatting before... Well, a red flag.

"It's nothing..." Tashkent shook his head, then said with a smile, "Comrade Zhiyuan, where is Sister Zeppelin?"

"She went to take a shower." An Zhiyuan said.

"Taking a bath?" Tashkent was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted, and said with a smile: "It is really necessary to wash well."

She had seen it just now, it was very wet, and she knew that if she was allowed to go first, nothing would happen to Comrade Admiral and Sister Zeppelin.

"You're thinking wrong." An Zhiyuan saw that she was smiling deeply, and said.

"Really?" Tashkent looked at An Zhiyuan, smiling unabated, "Are you sure I'm wrong, Comrade Zhiyuan."

"Sure." An Zhiyuan said, you must have thought that Zeppelin and I were engaged in business, but in fact there was no business at all, just treat her to a candy bar, with Zeppelin's sensitive body, I haven't reached 10 yet. Well, she has done it ten times. According to her words, every part of her body is sincerely convinced by her master, so she can't help but kneel in front of him to thank him for his favor...

Make him feel good both mentally and physically.

There is one thing to say, indeed, it is worthy of being a German ship, An Zhiyuan remembered that the Germanic people were really perverted in that respect.

Seeing An Zhiyuan's affirmative expression, Tashkent wondered if he was really wrong?What are they actually doing right?But I didn't do anything, why is Zeppelin's sister's skirt wet?I can't believe it, that serious and reserved sister Zeppelin...But she didn't expect that the admiral greeted everyone with a princess hug today...When will sister Zeppelin become like this, she used to I also worked as a student under Zeppelin. In the earliest days, Zeppelin didn't attack very much in the port area, but taught them these destroyers and submarines...

Maybe it's because I haven't seen Comrade Admiral for so long.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Taking Tashkent to her room, An Zhiyuan told Tashkent that if you have any questions, please tell him. I just forgot to tell the head maid and bought some clothes for Tashkent by the way...

Fortunately, Tashkent said that Belfast had already measured her before An Zhiyuan took Zeppelin to see Belfast...

It seems that the head maid is more comprehensive than he thinks... Oh, it shouldn't be...

Afterwards, An Zhiyuan returned to his room. At this time, Zeppelin had already taken a shower, but he hadn't changed his clothes. It's okay to say that he just wore An Zhiyuan's tops, but compared to wearing boxers... An Zhiyuan touched Touching her chin, let's wear that wet skirt for now.

"Is that all?" Zeppelin asked An Zhiyuan after putting on the skirt, and asked softly.

"That's it." An Zhiyuan said softly, anyway, she also likes to play like this.

She wouldn't take the initiative to do this, even if she did, she wouldn't feel anything, but if An Zhiyuan asked her to do it, the feeling would come, which was kind of strange.

Zeppelin's face was slightly red, but it was still in the port area anyway, and there would be no outsiders here, so it didn't matter.

She nodded, and then An Zhiyuan took Zeppelin to her room together, which roughly matched Zeppelin's room in the port area before, and the room in Tashkent was similar, but why roughly?Because of the rush of time, it is impossible to make it exactly the same as her previous room. This is also impossible. After all, the room types are different. In the past, each of their bedrooms was more than [-] square meters, but now this one is at most five. Ten square meters, but it's enough, after all, it's just accommodation.

The reason why the rooms were so big in the past is that those places are empty anyway, so it’s better to change them into rooms, the rooms are bigger, and the place to play games is also more spacious.

On the way, Zeppelin said: "A little itchy..."

Because An Zhiyuan didn't let her hold down her skirt, and the sea breeze is constant here, so naturally...

"I'll relieve your itching when the time comes." An Zhiyuan walked behind Zeppelin, and he let Zeppelin walk in front, slowly admiring...

Fortunately, I didn't meet any other ship girls, otherwise, seeing this situation, I would have scolded An Zhiyuan for being a pervert...

Of course, I usually don't scold directly, but think in my heart...

However, Zeppelin's room was not far from An Zhiyuan's room, and An Zhiyuan couldn't appreciate it for too long, so he went to Zeppelin's room.

Then before Belfast came back, An Zhiyuan calmed Zeppelin's itch first.


At night, An Zhiyuan wanted to go to Tashkent's room, but before he got there, he was dragged into another room on the way.

"Fortress Ji?" An Zhiyuan was a little surprised, and then laughed, "Do you want to go with me?"

"Why are you looking for Tash? Why are you looking for her?" Saiji asked with a strange expression.


Of course it was to find Tashgan, what else could he do?Could it be that a man and a woman are talking about chatting in bed?Play marbles?

"Chat with me." Fortress Ji said softly.

An Zhiyuan nodded when he heard the words, "What's the matter? You want to chat with me suddenly? Are you unhappy?"

"Unhappy? You can't be unhappy... I just saw you holding Zeppelin, and Zeppelin's skirt was wet again, reminding me of the past." Said Saiji softly.

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