"The previous incident, what incident are you referring to?" An Zhiyuan asked curiously.

It's not that he has a bad memory and can't remember that incident clearly, but that many things happened between them, big and small, and An Zhiyuan doesn't remember which incident she was referring to.

"Of course it refers to the things that we, the deep-sea flagships, were caught by you before joining your tutelary mansion..." Fortress Ji glanced at An Zhiyuan and said angrily.

That word was too indescribable, so Saiji didn't say it, but she had said it to this point, of course An Zhiyuan could understand what she was talking about...

An Zhiyuan smiled mischievously, "Isn't that what happened before you joined my tutelary mansion..."

"That's already been done... You guys are too much... And that Yubari... Missouri, you guys are all perverts..." Saiji couldn't help but say.

"But later... when you educated your sister Savoy, didn't you also enjoy it?" An Zhiyuan said.

"That's not what you threatened me!" Said Sai Ji quickly, her face flushed slightly.

An Zhiyuan laughed, "But I see you are very happy, seeing your sister begging for mercy, you are very excited, I remember it very clearly."

"You must have misremembered!!!" Fortress Ji said with an emphasis.

"Really?" An Zhiyuan blinked, with a rippling smile.

"Of course..." Fortress Ji was a little unashamed...

Speaking of those times... An Zhiyuan felt a little nostalgic, but he was really happy, which greatly satisfied An Zhiyuan's desire to conquer.

"Do you regret doing that to us?" Sergeant asked after a pause.

"Why do you regret it? At that time, you were not my deep-sea flagship. It is very normal to educate you." An Zhiyuan smiled strangely, "Do you think the time before was a bit difficult to talk about, and you don't want to recall it? It makes you feel very sad. shame?"

Fortress Ji blushed when she heard the words, and said softly, "It's...it's not that shameful..."

"Let's talk..." An Zhiyuan's smile gradually deepened, "You actually like the feeling of being 'educated'?"

"No... Absolutely not..." Fortress Ji said with a rosy face, but her legs felt weak when she thought about the time when she was "educated".

An Zhiyuan laughed, not only did the girls understand him very well, he also understood his own girls very well.

"Speaking of which, Gascogne also came to you to ask the meaning of love, right? How did you answer her? Didn't you teach her something weird?" An Zhiyuan suddenly remembered his lovely girl with three nos. , asked.

"Huh? How can I teach her something weird? You have to worry about Belfast, right? And Dido and Sirius...they will teach Gascony to write weird things Idea, right?" Fortress Ji said with some dissatisfaction.

An Zhiyuan thought about it carefully, and frowned, "Indeed, Dido and Sirius will definitely give Gascony some weird ideas, but what do you think the head maid will teach her? No way? Belfa Sturt is a decent maid."

"Is she a decent maid?" Saiji was a little confused, "Where is there a decent maid who solves the master's physical problems?"

"Ah? These days, if you don't help your master with his physical problems, can you still be called a qualified maid?" An Zhiyuan looked at Fortress Ji, like an alien.

PS: The February episode "X Pattern Church" has been released~

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, An Zhiyuan found Gascogne.

Because these days, Gascogne has already come into contact with Dido and Sirius, and I don’t know if she has been taught badly by these two maids who are competent in some aspects and incompetent in some aspects...

If you are influenced by their three views, that would be really... great.

An Zhiyuan was a little helpless, he really wanted to be affected, although he didn't mind, but he always felt that something had changed...

Dido was okay, but she was just worried about being abandoned, so she tried everything to please her. Sirius was a typical slut, and she was the kind of slut who didn't care about the consequences and only wanted to dedicate everything to him.

Not bad indeed, but Sirius is Sirius and Gascogne is Gascogne.

An Zhiyuan still hopes... Gascogne is purer, and wants to wait until she understands the meaning of love before picking this sweet fruit instead of being polluted.

"Gascogne, have you ever asked Dido and Sirius what they think of love?" An Zhiyuan and Gascogne were walking in the square of the tutelary mansion, and An Zhiyuan asked.

Gascogne nodded, "I asked, but Dido and Sirius' answers made Gascogne unable to understand."

An Zhiyuan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it was a good thing that he couldn't help Miss Li... He was really worried that Gascogne would be dragged out of the bed after being taught by Dido and Sirius to have a bad relationship...

"What did they say?" An Zhiyuan thought for a while, then asked curiously.

What would Dido and Sirius say?

"Diduo said that love is to hope that the master's eyes will stay on him all the time. If he leaves the master at a distance, he will start to miss him. He doesn't want to be abandoned by him. As long as the master shows a little disgusted expression, he will feel sad. If I also have this kind of thinking, I am love. Master." Gascogne spoke without pause.

Which normal couple would worry all day long about their significant other abandoning them...

To be honest, Dido's view of feelings is not much better than Sirius, the latter is a slut, the former is a dog licker, love is too humble... An Zhiyuan was silent for a while, then smiled, you can't let them down, Yes, do everything possible to make them happy.

"What did Sirius say?" An Zhiyuan asked again, Dido's answer was actually quite normal, after all, if he didn't really like it, who would want to be a licking dog?Fortunately, the person she licks also wants to lick her, and every inch of skin on her body.

"Sirius said that love is to hope that the master will insert..." An Zhiyuan immediately covered her mouth, and said seriously: "No matter what Sirius told you, forget about it, did you hear me? Gascogne."

Gascogne nodded upon hearing the words. Although she still couldn't understand the meaning of love, even if she was simply a ship girl, she should listen to the admiral's words.

Only then did An Zhiyuan heave a sigh of relief. Let Sirius be farther away from Gascogne in the future. It's too dangerous. If his pure Gascogne is approached by Sirius, the one who is close to vermilion and the one who is close to ink will become black. Become a dirty woman.

"Master... Can Gascogne ask a question?"

Gascogne's tone, except for a pause, she seemed to hesitate, it was very rare for Gascogne to show some emotion.

But maybe she didn't notice it herself.

"Well, you ask." An Zhiyuan nodded and said.

"Does Gascogne have to understand what love means?" Gascogne was asking, but although there were some mood swings just now, they are gone now, and his tone sounded very calm.

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