An Zhiyuan thought about it seriously, should he confirm with the dean of Shangri-La first?But after thinking about it, An Zhiyuan felt that it might be a chaser's account, which is more likely...

So after hesitating for a while, An Zhiyuan decided to add this friend.

However, after adding this friend, it did not pass immediately, and it was not until the evening that the friend verification was passed.

Different from the account number of the other party, the other party did not fill in all the information, but An Zhiyuan is the commander, and needs to post everything about his personal information. This includes the staff of Bilan Academy, and only those ship girls who live in ordinary life No need to do that because they don't need a public identity.

Therefore, although An Zhiyuan didn't know whether the other party was the proprietress of the chaser, the other party knew very well that she was An Zhiyuan.

The other party didn't seem to have the intention to speak actively, after all, she added it by herself...

An Zhiyuan asked, "Is it the lady boss of the Chaser?"

After a while, the other party replied, "Well, it's me."


He said that he would not help me find him, but he was very honest physically... Haha, this line seems a little bit wrong.

But it's easy to get in touch.

An Zhiyuan thought for a while and asked, "I heard that you intend to open a branch now, right?"

The matter of opening a branch was what An Zhiyuan told the chaser. However, we can't mention the matter at that time now. If the chaser was shy for a while and then stopped coming or opened a branch, it would be bad.

After a while, the chaser replied, she probably typed very slowly.

"Well... that's right, but it hasn't been decided yet. Whether or not to open a branch is still under consideration..." said the chaser.

Don't think about it, come to me and open a branch in my tutelary mansion. We eat your desserts every day, and I also eat your... desserts.

"Actually, we have a good store here for sale. I asked my wife to ask about it, and the price is quite favorable." An Zhiyuan said, "There are a lot of tourists here in the Solomon Islands every year, and the resident population is It’s also much more than Bilan Academy, and there are only two dessert shops in Yala Town.”

An Zhiyuan talked about the situation he had investigated, which he investigated after he came back, not cramming, after talking to his pursuers about opening a branch, An Zhiyuan started to investigate, fortunately, he didn't have nothing at all Prepare.

In addition, this time An Zhiyuan sent a voice message, because the chaser typed too slowly, he hoped that he would use the voice message, and the chaser would also use the voice message with him when he saw this. The voice message answered An Zhiyuan.

She asked about the situation of the store, and An Zhiyuan had investigated it in detail, so she knew about it, and informed the pursuers of her situation one by one.

After speaking, the chaser replied: "I'll think about it..."

What are you thinking about... Come on, I promise you won't be able to go home...

No, you can't think that way, it's a bit like a ship girl dealer, you should say: "Come on, come and let you go home with a big belly..."

It's not right, firstly, Jianniang will not be pregnant without taking medicine, and secondly, if she is really going to be pregnant, how could An Zhiyuan let her go home?It's okay to go home, this is her home...

However, the words have been said to this point, and it is meaningless to say more.

An Zhiyuan shook his head, put away his phone, and walked towards the beach.

It's getting late now, but everyone is on the beach, because today is a beach party, BBQ on the beach.

Although the temperature here in the Solomon Islands is not low during the day, it is quite comfortable with the sea breeze blowing in the evening.

"Admiral, Admiral! Ah~~~" Master Su handed over a skewer of roast beef, motioning for An Zhiyuan to squat down and open his mouth, and she wanted to feed it to An Zhiyuan herself.

"Be careful, don't poke the admiral!" Xiao Zhai watched from the side and reminded.

Because the beef skewers are made of stainless steel, the front end is a bit sharp. If you are not careful, you will poke the admiral's mouth. If you poke your mouth, you can pierce the admiral's mouth...

Of course, An Zhiyuan believed that Mr. Su would not be sloppy in this kind of matter.

"Hmph, no, I'm not that careless." Master Su frowned upon hearing this, pouted, then turned his head to look at An Zhiyuan, "Admiral, ah~~"

Master Su is so obedient, An Zhiyuan opened his mouth, and took a bite of the beef that Master Su fed, um, it's very tender, it should be high-grade beef.

Although An Zhiyuan didn't know much about this kind of thing, he knew it was very expensive, and even the academy couldn't afford it. If every commander lived on this kind of thing, it would be too expensive just to pay for it. Although beef is provided, it will be limited to one month, and the grade is not so high. If you want to eat, you can buy it yourself. An Zhiyuan can’t go out, and you can’t tell the grade when you go out. These are Belfast and Fusang. bought.

"Is it delicious? Admiral?" Lord Su asked with a smile.

An Zhiyuan nodded, and said with a smile, "It's delicious."

"Hee hee, this is my reward for Sister Fusang." After finishing speaking, Master Su slapped An Zhiyuan on the face, little girl, can this still reward Sister Fusang?I reckon your sister Fusang might not be very happy for you to reward her...

Hee hee, but it doesn't matter, when the time comes, I'll go to your sister Fusang and ask for a reward, and I'll ask for double rewards.

"Admiral Admiral, Sister Enterprise told you to come over." Xiao Zhai acted as a messenger and stood in front and shouted to An Zhiyuan. An Zhiyuan nodded when he saw this, then stood up, rubbed Mr. Su's head, and finally walked towards the enterprise.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What's the matter? Enterprise?" An Zhiyuan walked to the side of the enterprise, Wen Dao.

Business is sitting on a picnic cloth, looking up at the night sky, smiling.

Because the sky had gradually darkened, Enterprise's blond hair became less eye-catching. Hearing An Zhiyuan's voice, Enterprise turned to look at the admiral, then pouted, "What's the matter? I can't find you if I have nothing to do? Fortunately, you are still my admiral and my husband."

"Of course I can, anytime." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, he sat down and sat shoulder to shoulder with Enterprise, then looked at the stars with her, listened to the laughter of other girls together, felt There is peace in my heart, and the night sky and sea can always calm people down.

Enterprise gently rested his head on An Zhiyuan's shoulder, and breathed gently. Although the two of them didn't speak at this time, they both felt a strange sense of coquettishness. Although such an action could be regarded as intimacy, but Compared with their exciting actions, it's nothing, but it's not difficult for the admiral and the ship's wife to understand that they can feel happy just by being together.

"How about we go on a trip after the Sirens are eliminated?" An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand to hold Enterprise's hand, interlocking her fingers, and asked softly.

"Okay, I'll listen to your arrangement." Enterprise said with a smile: "However, don't forget what I said before, if Bilan College..."

"Stop talking about it now, spoil the atmosphere, if you know what I should do, I will do it." An Zhiyuan interrupted her with a smile.

The company paused, and knew that what he said now was really disrupting the atmosphere.

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