Really should do these things, the admiral will never forget, he has already promised himself, and he always remembers the things he promised them very clearly and will definitely fulfill them.

The company also believes in him, hehe, he obviously believes in him so much, but he still asks this kind of question... I really...

Enterprise turned his head, put his other hand on the cloth, then lightly turned over and rode on An Zhiyuan's lap, and wrapped his arms around An Zhiyuan's neck.

"As punishment for disturbing the atmosphere by talking too much, do you want to do something to me?" Enterprise asked sweetly.

An Zhiyuan blinked, and said righteously: "This benefactor, it seems that you are going to do something to me, right? You can't do it, the poor have never had sex with women, benefactor, please respect yourself."

The company almost laughed out loud when it heard the words, have you never been a womanizer?The relationship is good, we ship girls are not women, are we?

"Master Dao, but when the little girl sees you, her heart throbs unbearably. Even if she doesn't see you for a moment, she feels uncomfortable in her heart. Master Dao, do you want to ignore the little girl's affection? Don't you Taoists pay attention to the natural way of Taoism? Since Pay attention to nature, so why avoid the hot feelings of the little girl?" Enterprise asked softly.

Not far away, Hood and Dedejiang couldn't help shaking their heads when they heard An Zhiyuan and Enterprise's words, their faces flushed slightly.

Hood blushed and said, "These two...won't they just..."

"Don't worry about this. Even if it is done, Xiaozhai and the others will not see it, and they will be sent away. Not to mention that the company will not do this, the admiral himself has his own bottom line." De After all, De Jiang has lived with An Zhiyuan longer, so of course he knows his admiral better.

The admiral would not attack loli like Xiao Zhai, as well as those destroyers and Yuyu. Of course, some traitors among them may not be necessarily, after all, they are all mature.

"'s absolutely necessary. The poor Taoist is a person who cultivates his moral character, and he absolutely cannot do such filthy things." An Zhiyuan said with a righteous face.

Come on you, that dirty thing is absolutely unacceptable, the enterprise rolled its eyes, the admiral pretended to be a decent person and he was not guilty at all, obviously he was the most perverted person, every time he dragged them to play some weird things thing.

"But, Daoist, you have already said, self-cultivation and self-cultivation, since you want to cultivate your body and self-cultivation, then let's cultivate your nature with the little girl." The enterprise said with a resentful face.

"Nursing one's character is not that kind of thing, benefactor, you have misunderstood." An Zhiyuan said hastily.

"Then Daoist, tell me why Daoist's Dinghaishenzhen..." The enterprise blushed slightly, and did not finish speaking.

An Zhiyuan was shocked when he heard the words, "How do you know that I have Dinghaishenzhen?"

"I've heard people say that the Dinghaishen needle can be big or small. I feel that Daoist's Dinghaishen needle has become bigger, and of course I understand it. Daoist, you are also interested in little girls, right?" Rubbing An Zhiyuan's neck.

"You have misunderstood the poor Taoist." An Zhiyuan said hastily, but before he could say the next words, the enterprise took An Zhiyuan's hand and put it on her chest, and said resentfully: "Master Dao, don't you feel that?" Is the little girl's heart burning hot? Can't you feel the little girl's full of love? The little girl is willing to follow the Taoist for the rest of her life and be the furnace of the Taoist..."

Damn, where did you learn the word furnace tripod?An Zhiyuan almost laughed out loud when he heard that, he quickly controlled his expression, and returned to a serious look again, he scratched, and then said: "I can't feel it, female benefactor, you are too fat, you are too fat through your clothes. I really can't feel it."

"Master're obscene." Enterprise immediately changed his clothes and looked at An Zhiyuan pitifully, as if all this was An Zhiyuan's forced glance, and An Zhiyuan, who had a sympathy with her, immediately changed his face and smiled. Dang Yang, "Female benefactor, come, let the poor Taoist have a good look at you..."

"I don't want to take advantage of the Dao Lord~" Shi Qi stood up from An Zhiyuan, walked aside with a smile, and made a face at An Zhiyuan, with long golden hair hanging down behind him, looking extremely beautiful.

Enterprise sometimes likes to play, but now the tutelary mansion depends on her for many things, so she restrains herself a bit. She knows what she should do when and when. Enterprise is a very reliable person.

It's really hard work for her... An Zhiyuan thought to himself, of course I know what you mean, very well.

An Zhiyuan looked at her smile, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. He put the hand that felt the heartbeat of the enterprise just now on the tip of his nose, and it seemed that there was a faint scent from the enterprise on it... He never felt that he was perverted, girls It's really delicious...

What is happiness?This is happiness.

An Zhiyuan stood up and walked towards everyone. Tonight's BBQ has not officially started yet. We have a great time with the girls. Every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute, Every second is full of happiness.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan drank some wine, because he was so happy, he drank some with the girls.

An Zhiyuan's drinking capacity was extremely poor. Although his physique had improved, his drinking capacity had not followed up. With just a little wine, An Zhiyuan was a little dizzy.

His drinking capacity is really bad, and he vaguely remembers lying on someone's lap and falling asleep, well, they are all wives anyway, it doesn't matter which wife it is...

My wife smells really good... An Zhiyuan leaned his head against the other's belly, and fell asleep comfortably smelling this delicate fragrance.

Gascogne looked down at his master lying on his lap, facing his lower abdomen, showing a slight expression, looking a little tangled.

What kind of expression should I show at this time?

Gascogne asked himself.

"No problem...Gascogne is not a wedding ship yet..." Seeing this, Zeppelin asked Belfast next to him, and said.

"Hehe, it's okay." Belfast smiled slightly. She seemed a little at a loss, but she didn't push away the owner's thoughts...

"But is the master really not good at drinking?" Belfast looked at Zeppelin at the side with some doubts, and asked.

Because An Zhiyuan had never drunk alcohol, and never said anything about his alcohol tolerance, even the perfect head maid of Belfast didn't know about it.

It's one thing to have a good heart, but if the master doesn't think about it, of course she can't understand the master's thoughts.

Zeppelin nodded, "In most cases, he doesn't touch alcohol, and he drinks very poorly."

"Is that so..." Belfast looked at the master lying in Gascogne's arms, and showed a slight smile.

Gascogne gently embraced his master's head... this should make the master feel better.


Seeing the master's flushed face, Gascogne was momentarily fascinated.

In my impression, after the master built himself, he never seemed to show this appearance.

The other sisters in the guard house said that the master is thick-skinned so he doesn't blush, but today he saw the master blushing.

In order to understand the meaning of love, Gascogne went to learn a lot of things. I heard that when facing the person he likes, he blushes when he feels shy in his heart, but when he sees his master, he doesn't seem to blush. Isn't it love?But the master will not blush when he sees himself.

Perhaps as they said, different people express love in different ways.

The master's breath hit her lower abdomen, it was so hot that she frowned, and she felt a little weird about her body.

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