An Zhiyuan turned his head, and was stunned for a while.

He seldom sees maids in casual clothes, so beautiful... A thin white short-sleeved T-shirt, an elegant white miniskirt, you can clearly see the lines inside... The long silver hair is just The head maid, who is draped behind her head like this, doesn't wear a maid's outfit, but such simple or even plain clothes are super beautiful.

"Does it look good? Master?" The head maid asked with a blushing face. It was also the first time she was wearing casual clothes. She hadn't worn this clothes since she bought it, because she used to wear maid clothes every day...

"It's's beautiful." An Zhiyuan said sincerely.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"That's right..." An Zhiyuan looked at Belfast's chest with a slightly weird expression.

"What's wrong? Master?" Belfast looked down at his there anything unusual?The size is still the same...don't the owner like it very much here?

"Did you buy this T-shirt a little too feels a little cramped." An Zhiyuan looked at the slightly stretched T-shirt and said.

Hmm... It's really a bit tight to say so, but only in this way can you highlight your figure and satisfy the owner's eyes.

Belfast smiled and said, "Really? I think it's very suitable, but it doesn't really matter. Master, even if you put your hand in, there is no problem at all."

An Zhiyuan paused when he heard that, and thought, if you seduce me like this, I will really do it.

He turned and bent. "Come up, Belfast."

Belfast lay on the ground this time, waiting for her master to carry her on her back.

Holding her firm, An Zhiyuan walked towards the beach with her on his back, and said with a smile, "This is a holy place for dating..."

"Because the master has dated a lot of sisters here?" Belfast said with a smile.

Although An Zhiyuan told himself that he should try not to talk about other girls when dating, but Belfast didn't think there was anything wrong with talking about other sisters. After all, before being married by the master, he already knew that the master had many, many She is married, and if she really wants to strictly follow that identity, then she is the third party. As a third party, she doesn't mind sharing the master with other sisters at all.

A perfect head maid should not only know how to serve the master, but also know how to help the master gain favor with herself and other sisters. To accomplish this, jealousy is of course not acceptable.

When An Zhiyuan heard this, he hesitated for a while, and then realized why he was hesitating... It's not that the head maid doesn't know, so since the head maid has already talked about this topic, he doesn't need to deliberately avoid it.

"Well... yes, it's a good place to cultivate relationships." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"However, if the favorability is already 100%... No, it's already 1000%, then do you still need to cultivate the favorability? Master?" Belfast said with a smile.

Already 1000%?I seem to have heard this somewhere...

"I really don't need it anymore... But, I can express it when I'm full." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "This is also a good place to express your heart."

"Then...Master, what do you think is the best way to express it? With your mouth? Or in other ways?" The head maid asked with a smile while lying on An Zhiyuan's back.

...why does this sound so wrong?Shocked, I didn't expect you to drive into my face, head maid, I've always been the only one driving, I didn't expect to ride in the head maid's car once...

An Zhiyuan paused for a moment, and then said seriously: "I think love is in the heart and in the chest, so it's better to express love with the heart."

"Really? But, master, I have heard a human song called "Love Is Like the Tide". Perhaps, love is where the tide is." Belfast continued.

The heart is full of blood, it is indeed moist.

An Zhiyuan thought about it, and nodded, "Yes, I also feel that love is like a tide, how about we just experience what is called "Love is like a tide" here?"

"..." Belfast was a little hesitant. No one would approach here, but he didn't worry about being seen. Even if the college office and Jiang Wanqiu came over, they would say hello in advance. There must be no problem...

"Hmm... ok." The head maid thought for a while and finally said.

An Zhiyuan giggled, and then said: "Are you ready? Head maid, I am ready to let you experience love like a tide."

Belfast was a little confused. If the master didn't put himself down, how could he be so in love with his clothes?

Then Belfast felt the master walked a little towards the sea, then squatted down, and she was thrown out.

An Zhiyuan's strength is quite strong, Belfast's current weight is the weight of a normal woman, An Zhiyuan threw it four or five meters away... the maid suddenly fell into the sea water.

Of course, four or five meters is also a shallow water area, but that depth is enough to wet the clothes on the head maid.

Before throwing out the head maid, An Zhiyuan had already touched the body of the head maid, checked it, and found that she was wearing nothing but the ring he gave her on her right ring finger, and she was not worried about the phone and so on are broken.

The head maid sat up, slightly astonished... because she really didn't expect her master to throw herself into the sea...

Then she saw An Zhiyuan pounced on her, and the sea water wet the master's clothes...

The two rolled around in the sea water, then sat up, An Zhiyuan smiled and put his arms around the waist of the head maid, and said, "Is this the story of 'Love Like the Tide'?"

The head maid is a bit dumbfounded...Master...I really like to play...

"Indeed..." Belfast smiled and looked at the master, with a bright smile on his face...

The sea is indeed a tide, love is like a tide... Feeling the waves gently lapping on his body, Belfast's smile became more and more intense.

The ship girl actually likes sea water very much, but right now most of the sea areas are in the hands of sirens...

Just soaking in the sea water, the feeling of leaning against the owner is really good...

Although this love like a tide is also a distorted meaning, it seems to be really good... Belfast propped up his hands, turned around, sat in An Zhiyuan's arms, and kissed his master.

She wants to use passionate kisses to let the master understand that her love is surging like an endless tide.

Enough kisses, enough kisses, the two of them lay in the sea with their clothes on, looking at the sun in the sky, this feeling of freedom is so good.

An Zhiyuan helped the head maid on his body, looked at her clothes and shorts that had already been wet and turned translucent, and his smile gradually wavered.

"Belfast, it's time for us to really experience what it's like to be in love like a tide."

Belfast raised the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, and smiled charmingly, "The master has to experience it himself, whether, love is really like the tide."

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