An Zhiyuan turned over, pressed Belfast under him, and said viciously: "It's not the tide, it has to be the tide."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After tossing and turning in the shallow water with the head maid for several hours, the two finally landed...

After landing on the shore, An Zhiyuan took a few deep breaths, "I'm even more tired than I imagined..."

Although his physical fitness is much better than that of normal people, high-intensity and high-speed sports in the water are indeed exhausting.

This... The kidneys can withstand it, but the physical strength can't withstand it. It's really troublesome. Sure enough, I'd better not come in the sea again...

Belfast gently supported An Zhiyuan, her face flushed slightly, after all, she was the culprit who made the master so tired.

"Master... let's sit like this for a while." Belfast said softly.

"Let's go back to the room and take a shower..." An Zhiyuan shook his head, lying on Belfast's body, and said weakly.

"Master, do you want me to carry you?" Belfast asked softly.

"No, just support me like this." An Zhiyuan took a deep breath and said.

He was indeed a little tired, but not to the point where he couldn't walk, he just felt heavier than usual.

"Okay, master..." Belfast supported An Zhiyuan and walked all the way to the master's office and also the master's room.

Passers-by, the two met Zeppelin.

"Admiral, what's wrong with you?" Zeppelin asked with some concern.

"It's okay...just a little tired." An Zhiyuan said weakly.

Zeppelin was a little surprised, it was the first time she saw the admiral so tired... After all, the admiral was always alive and kicking in front of her, he could play every day and she was not tired all night, and the one-on-one counseling was not stressful at all. , Thinking of this, Zeppelin took a deep look at Belfast, apparently looking at the serious head maid, but in fact she was also an oppressive...

Zeppelin walked over, held An Zhiyuan's other arm, and said, "Let me and Belfast send you to the room."

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, it's not good, I'm so tired, unless you move yourself.

In the end, An Zhiyuan didn't refuse. If An Zhiyuan didn't refuse, Belfast certainly wouldn't refuse.

She doesn't mind one more person serving her master, although, in my impression, Earl Zeppelin doesn't seem to be good at serving people...

But soon, Belfast realized that he was wrong. Miss Zeppelin served her master submissively, and her movements were quite skillful. Obviously, she had already had the experience of serving her master before, and not once or twice, but once or twice But there is no way to be so proficient.

"Miss Zeppelin is very skilled." Belfast finally couldn't help but said.

Zeppelin's movements froze for a moment, and then immediately returned to normal, because the admiral said that it's okay to tell her hobbies... Everyone won't look at her with strange eyes...

So, just listen to the admiral and speak out your hobbies.

"Because... I used to serve the admiral often." Qi Bolin said softly. She helped An Zhiyuan rub his back. She was wearing a thin white shirt, which was splashed by water droplets, which removed a few wet marks on her clothes , It looks very tempting, but compared with Belfast's whole body wet now, the temptation is still worse.

The head maid's clothes are still translucent now. Although I have been exercising in the shallow water with the head maid for a while, who would think too much of this kind of thing? The feeling of doing what one loves to do.

Of course, if it's not the one you love, that's another matter.

"As far as I know, Miss Zeppelin is not a maid, isn't she? The master told me about his former maid, the prestigious head maid, counterattack, and Shropshire, but Miss Zeppelin didn't seem to be mentioned." Belfast said somewhat asked curiously.

If you say that, is it out of interest between the two of you?

Because Zeppelin didn't seem to keep his mouth shut, so out of curiosity, Belfast asked.

Coincidentally, Zeppelin also wanted to find someone to talk about, everything is always difficult at the beginning, so he shouldn't be laughed at...

"I'm not a maid, but this doesn't prevent me from treating the admiral as my master?" Zeppelin said softly, rubbing her hands gently on An Zhiyuan's back.

Belfast nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Of course, so it's between you and the master?"

"That's right... I like how humble I am in front of the admiral, that is, my master. I like how he looks at me with contempt and contempt. I like how he treats me as a worthless thing." The feeling of the item..." Kneeling behind An Zhiyuan, Qi Bailin's body began to tremble slightly, her eyes became moist, and even her voice seemed to become soft.

Belfast raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the words, this is... really an incredible hobby...

An Zhiyuan enjoyed Zeppelin's slight movements, and when he heard her tell her preferences, his expression was a little weird.

Not to laugh at Zeppelin, but Zeppelin's hobbies are indeed a little special....

"Do you think I'm perverted?" Zeppelin stretched his hands from under An Zhiyuan's arms from behind An Zhiyuan's, and hugged the admiral's body tightly, with some fascination in his eyes.

Although she hopes that her master will treat her as a contempt, she always regards her master as her only one. Of course, a normal ship girl regards her admiral as her only and most important thing, but she is even more so. Of.

She enjoys this sense of gap, pouring all her love into her master, and she is just a toy that the master can throw away at will... Zeppelin's face flushes, as this toy, Zeppelin always feels very excited .

"It's not a pervert, it's not surprising that there is any interest in being with the master." Belfast said with a smile: "The main thing is that both parties are happy."

An Zhiyuan chuckled, and asked Zeppelin to lie down in front of him, gently stroked Zeppelin's pretty face, and said with a smile: "Look, I said they won't look down on you, but you still don't believe me."

"Yes, everyone will understand me." Zeppelin stuck out his tongue, licking An Zhiyuan's palm lightly, his face was a little flushed, "Master, do you still have the strength to punish me, Zeppelin, who doesn't trust you? "

When An Zhiyuan heard this, he immediately frowned. Look at what you said, isn't it the same as asking if I can do it?

man?How can you say no?

An Zhiyuan's face sank, and he said, "A mere Zeppelin dares to talk to me like this. Come up to me and move yourself."

Hearing the master's haughty tone, even though she knew he was faking it, Zeppelin still fell in love with her so much, she stood up with eyes full of admiration...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, An Zhiyuan felt a little backache...

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