It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced this kind of feeling... It’s because my feet are weak when I go out against the wall, but the back pain is after excessive exercise, and it’s really annoying to be active in the sea...

Speaking of which, a third party finally appeared in the day when I was alone with the head maid yesterday. Of course, the head maid didn't seem to dislike that third party, and even liked it. Because of being very tired, An Zhiyuan lay down the whole time. enjoying it, with her back against Belfast, her head on her chest, and Led Zeppelin...

But I should really exercise my body. After coming here, I haven't exercised much, and I feel that my body is going to rust.

Just like yesterday's behavior, although I would feel a little tired before, but I will definitely not be so tired...

The supervision of Bismarck and Hutten is still missing... Let Maohe Zhai come over next time.

Hu Teng stayed with him for too long, and it would not be appropriate to let her come over too soon.

Near noon, Enterprise and his team came back. Enterprise had an obvious smile, which made An Zhiyuan, who was chatting with Tashkent, a little bit concerned. He patted Tashkent's little butt with a smile, and watched her leave with a smile. Only then did he turn his head to look at the group of people who came back.

"Thanks for your hard work." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "You must be tired. I'll reward you with a hug."

Saying that, An Zhiyuan opened his hands, Enterprise came up and hugged An Zhiyuan, then got up and rolled his eyes, and said, "Is this a reward for yourself?"


The body is very honest, but the mouth is very hard?

But An Zhiyuan didn't care, the company's hard-talking would be tough in front of everyone, and in front of him alone, she was too soft, even if she was very shy, she would do whatever An Zhiyuan asked her to do.

In this attack, besides the flagship Hood, there are also Enterprise, Tangyu, Duke of York, Dido and Sirius. Even An Zhiyuan was worried about Weiyu accompanying them out alone, after all Tangyu couldn't do it as comprehensively as the enterprise.

He Hood, the Duke of York, Tang Yu, and Dido Sirius Xili hugged each other in turn, and An Zhiyuan looked at everyone with a smile.

Hood was smiling, he was an old couple, and of course there was nothing wrong with hugging them, not to mention the Enterprise and the Duke of York, the kind where the front is one set, and the back is no condom.

The corners of Tang's mouth turned up slightly, and she looked at An Zhiyuan with a hint of happiness in her eyes. Tang was crazy when fighting, but when he was in the guardian mansion, he was a very quiet child who was even a little out of place.

Dido and Sirius looked intoxicated, alas, An Zhiyuan didn't blame them, it was a good thing that these two scumbag maids didn't hug her.

"You look very happy, did you gain anything?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

Enterprise nodded and said with a smile: "We have sunk another Siren, this time an aircraft carrier-type Siren."

An Zhiyuan touched his chin when he heard the words, "Did you take a picture?"

"Of course." The enterprise nodded, and then said with a smile: "It's another step to strengthen the construction core, admiral."

The corners of An Zhiyuan's mouth turned up, and he couldn't help laughing, then hugged Enterprise again, slapped her hard on the face, and then hugged the next one... Oh, this won't work, this is Xili, mua guessed It will make Xili blush and dodge in anger.

"You don't want to kiss everyone, do you?" Enterprise couldn't help but say.

"Well... I just want to reward you a bit more." An Zhiyuan said with a cheeky smile.

"Master, master...I want a reward..." Sirius came over, pulled An Zhiyuan's hand, and asked softly.

The company gave Sirius a blank look, and it was embarrassing for the ship's mother. Although there is no need to hide anything in front of the admiral, this kind of behavior should be done in private...

Hmm... But she was the first to be kissed, so it seems that she is not qualified to say this... The company is a little entangled.

In short, after rewarding everyone, the company sent the photos to An Zhiyuan, and An Zhiyuan took a look...

An aircraft carrier-type siren... This siren seems to have a headset on its ear, which is quite similar to Tirpitz in the deep sea... An Zhiyuan touched his chin, "Well, I will send it to the Shangri-La Institute Long, I don’t know if they still provide enhanced construction cores.”

Now the resources of the tutelary government are increasing every day, because the resources consumed by the enterprises and their attacks are lower than the resources distributed, so the resources are always going up.

The resources distributed by Bilan Academy to the headquarters are all based on the consumption of the ships in the headquarters. If your fleet consumes more, the more supplies will be available. Although the consumption of the Anzhiyuan Guarding Mansion is not high among all the headquarters. The tallest, but I heard it. After all, there are so many battleships, although they won't attack all the time.

If the enterprise does not use missiles, it still has very little to eat. The main body is nuclear power, but the carrier-based aircraft needs to consume resources. Tangling fish simply don’t eat resources. Nuclear power, if it really lacks power, just go with Xi Zhang said that it is enough to bring fuel rods. The nuclear power plant installed on their ship is much easier to replace than in reality.

Therefore, it should be affordable to build.

An Zhiyuan quickly told Shangri about this matter.

Shangri-la was very decisive, and directly asked An Zhiyuan to go to the dean of the company to pick it up. As the dean of the company, the company was the dean of Bilan College. Although she didn't care about the administration before, it's no problem if she really wants to manage it. Now the college in Yala Town The office is the responsibility of the enterprise.

An Zhiyuan quickly talked about this matter with the company.

The company also quickly responded to the message, "Wait a minute, I will bring it to you later, and drop by."

An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, he definitely couldn't pick it up in person, although the outside seemed to be relaxed and not so strict now, but the girls probably wouldn't let him go out, they would go to the college office to pick up things instead of him, but, business It would be great if you bring it yourself.

"Then I will trouble you, the director of the company." An Zhiyuan wished that the director of the company would come a few more times.

"It's not troublesome, it was sunk by the company, right?" said the director of the company.

"Hmm..." An Zhiyuan nodded.

"That's right, I want to ask some questions. In addition, I want to ask, next time if you don't go to war directly, but if you find the siren in advance, I hope you can inform me. I want to observe them at a close distance. " said the dean of the enterprise.

"That's okay." An Zhiyuan said, he wasn't worried about the head of the company, K, the head, had he ever snatched the missile?

Two hundred and seventy-fifth Zhang mother ship

In the afternoon, the director of the company came, holding the reinforced construction core that An Zhiyuan had been dreaming of.

The director of the company handed over the reinforced construction core to An Zhiyuan, and said, "What about the company, can I talk to her?"

An Zhiyuan nodded, and called his company over, and then the two companies... Gold and Silver began to chat.

An Zhiyuan took the construction core and prepared to build.

It was built successfully, and it was a special ship in the true sense, not the girls of the ship R in his guard house. They were pseudo-special ships. After all, strictly speaking, they were not considered ship girls in this world.

Brushed the reinforced construction core with his commander certificate, registered it into the certificate, and then invested resources to start construction.

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