Then there is a long wait... It takes a long time, and you will not know whether the construction is successful until it is reset to zero. An Zhiyuan put the certificate in his pocket, and then saw that the two companies were still chatting, hesitated, and walked up .

As soon as he approached, he heard the two talking about some technical terms, which made An Zhiyuan's brain dizzy... because it was the same as listening to the scriptures, although he knew how to write and pronounce every word, but when put together I just don't understand what they mean...

Although he is a commander and an admiral, he doesn't know how to fight, so he doesn't know much about these things.

Fortunately, his company quickly discovered An Zhiyuan's existence, "Admiral? When did you come?"

"It's been a while, and I'm confused when I listen to you chatting." An Zhiyuan rubbed the back of his head and said.

"It's normal." The president of the company said with a smile: "After all, you are the commander, not the ship's mother. Then again, it seems that they all call you Admiral? What kind of nickname is this?"

"My mother-in-law calls me Admiral, which means the same thing as Commander." An Zhiyuan said.

"Before I came, Shangri-La told me that your commanders have some weird titles. Rather, they like to call the headquarters the tutelary fort, and your ship wife likes to call their commanders the admirals. I'm actually quite curious. , There should be some reason for calling it that way, right? I don’t know if I’ll offend you if I ask why it’s called.” The president of the company asked with a smile.

"Because my girls called me that before, if you ask me later, I can't tell you. It's a secret." An Zhiyuan chuckled, unless you join my tutelary mansion.

The company didn't feel An Zhiyuan's thoughts, Jian Niang generally respected other people's privacy, and only went back to try to spy on the other party's heart unless there were some special circumstances, not to mention, she couldn't directly read Heart, just can vaguely feel what the other party seems to be thinking.

The dean of the company didn't ask, she smiled, and then said: "Then I should go back, next time if you find any clues about the Siren, please let me know, I will fight with you, and the reward will be yours." Yes, I want to observe the siren up close, and it would be even better if I could capture the siren alive."

"It's not that easy. I really wanted to capture the Siren alive this time, but unfortunately, after defeating her, she sank immediately." Jin Ye said.

The president of the company nodded upon hearing the words, "No matter what, I'll leave it to you."

After saying hello, the director of the company left.

"Think about keeping her?" The enterprise said with a smile when the director of the enterprise walked away.

"I want to, of course I want to." An Zhiyuan put his arms around the shoulders of the company, and then said with a smile: "But this kind of thing can't be rushed, go, go to the construction room with me, and prepare to see what kind of ship is built. .”

"Are you sure, can it be shipped?" The company asked softly.

"Of course, you don't see who is building it." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Haha, self-confidence is a good thing, I hope the admiral won't be slapped in the face." Enterprise smiled and leaned over to kiss An Zhiyuan's face, "If it doesn't build it, this will be your comfort."

"Then what if it is built?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"Then this is your reward," said the enterprise.

"Isn't this reward and comfort too little? That's not going to work..." An Zhiyuan just wanted to continue, but was planned by the company. She rolled her eyes, "We've stayed together long enough, I always Can't monopolize you?"

An Zhiyuan's smile softened, "It's fine even if it's just a simple chat."

It doesn't have to be that kind of thing.

"You say that every time, and then actually..." Enterprise rolled his eyes again.

An Zhiyuan raised his head when he heard the words, "I...I obeyed at least a few times, okay?"

"It has been complied with a few times, but it has not been complied with at other times, okay?" the company said.

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, that's's not that I'm not a human being, even though I'm not, I'm an ancient god...No, the topic is off topic.

The two came to the construction room together to see what kind of ship they could build.

When the number on the commander's certificate returned to zero and the actual summoning was successful, An Zhiyuan heaved a sigh of relief, then smiled and kissed the company beside him, "Look, I said it can be built successfully, right?"

"Yes, yes, quickly insert it into the card slot." The enterprise blushed slightly, and then said.

When An Zhiyuan inserted the ID card into the card slot, a familiar light suddenly bloomed in the construction room, from the white light at the beginning to gradually changing color...

Blue, purple... finally turned into gold, and finally turned into a color that An Zhiyuan had never seen before.


An Zhiyuan was a little confused, "Are there any colored ones? I don't think I've mentioned Shangri-La before..."

"Colorful? Our world represents the rare six-star ships, right?" the enterprise said after hearing the words, and An Zhiyuan also remembered that the six-star ships in Ship R are colored.

But this is the first time that a colorful ship girl has been built in this world, and An Zhiyuan has never heard of it...

After a while, the dazzling colored light gradually faded, and the door of the construction room was opened.

A woman with long black hair came out.

Her hair is very long, falling down to the calf, and even covering half of her cheeks. There are two red horns on her head that are similar to Gascogne, but completely different in appearance. She is wearing a tight-fitting dress The dress perfectly supports her good figure, and the amount of breasts does not lower the average level of the ship B girl beside An Zhiyuan at all. The top of the chest is made of translucent black gauze material. It looks very seductive, the skirt is very short, and the two black silks on the lower body are slightly sunken into the flesh, well, it is very civilized to entrap the flesh.

Between the black silk and the short skirt, there is an absolute white field, and below it, there are a pair of metallic boots, a pair of blood-red metal gloves on both hands, and a stick or something in the left hand. Baton stuff...

So tall... An Zhiyuan is 178, she is wearing high-heeled boots, she is at least 185... I guess she will be 180 if she doesn't wear them

And the black and red clothes gave him a heavy sense of oppression...

It's not that he doesn't have girls who are taller than him, such as Lion. Lion's net height is already [-] meters, and he has the temperament of a queen, but it doesn't give An Zhiyuan a sense of oppression. It's already, no matter what, it's all his own. Ship girl, no matter how tall you are, you should be at the bottom, and the queen has to kneel in front of me...

But this ship girl gave An Zhiyuan a strong sense of oppression. First of all, although her makeup was sexy, but because of the dark style of dress, there was a slight sense of oppression.

In addition, her expression is also very cold, and her pupils are dark gold...Combined with her dark clothing, the whole person looks like a cold and arrogant empress.

Secondly, since she just built it, the two may only have a basic affection.

An Zhiyuan guessed that she might be the cold type, An Zhiyuan walked up, and was about to introduce himself, when the eyes of the empress-like ship girl moved to An Zhiyuan's face, and then that indifferent pretty face revealed A soft smile made An Zhiyuan blink, it's so pretty...

Then she took the initiative to raise her legs and walked in front of An Zhiyuan, then took off the metal glove on her hand, put the white jade-like right hand on An Zhiyuan's head, rubbed it lightly, and said softly Said: "Welcome, my child, what do you want me to give you? Gold? Glory? Youth?"

An Zhiyuan was taken aback, no... Should I tell you this?

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