-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing An Zhiyuan was taken aback, the empress-like ship girl put down her hands, and an apologetic smile appeared on the side of her face, "I'm sorry, my child, I was too reckless, let me introduce myself, the German Navy Fate Battleship Lie Dadi, one of the products of Project H, my child, if you suffer from insomnia, let me sing you a lullaby."

A product of Project H?

An Zhiyuan came to his senses, it means the blueprint ship?

An Zhiyuan is not a stranger to Project H. He used to have girls from Project H, such as his close bodyguard Hu Teng, and Hindenburg who used to suffer from secondary illness and became a fashionista...

Is the Frederick the Great in front of you also the ship girl of Project H?

"Welcome, I am your admiral, An Zhiyuan, welcome to join our tutelary mansion." For some reason, An Zhiyuan was a little restrained or a little nervous in front of Emperor Frederick the Great.

An Zhiyuan didn't know why this happened, maybe the oppressive feeling the other party gave him was too strong, even if he looked at him with a smile, he still couldn't relieve the oppressive feeling.

An Zhiyuan is a confident person, but in front of her, it seems a little... not so confident... This is too bad... If you are submissive, you don't look like an admiral of the Lord of the Rings...

"Are you a little nervous? My child?" Seeing An Zhiyuan's slightly uneasy look, Emperor Frederick came over and gently pressed An Zhiyuan's shoulder, and asked softly.

"Ah?...No...not..." An Zhiyuan found himself biting his tongue when he spoke, he was indeed a little nervous, but why should he be nervous... There is no need to be nervous...

"You don't need to be nervous about my child, did my outfit scare you? I'll take off my clothes..." Seeing An Zhiyuan's words, Emperor Frederick started biting his tongue, thinking that he had frightened him , said hastily.

When An Zhiyuan heard this, his expression became weird. You can't relieve my nervousness even if you take off your clothes... But once we talked about this topic... An Zhiyuan is not so nervous anymore...

"No need...cough cough, I'm just a little surprised." An Zhiyuan shook his head in embarrassment.

How long hasn't he been like this... It's like he can't walk and his tongue is tied up when he sees a beautiful woman...

Of course, it must not be that serious, but it is indeed a sense of tension that I haven't experienced for a long time.

An Zhiyuan has been a top student with excellent grades since he was a child. He is used to being looked up to by others. He has developed a confident personality for a long time. However, due to his failure in the college entrance examination, he was hit hard. A lot of people stare at themselves...but the confident attitude is there all the time.

You won't be timid when facing women. After all, if you are timid and trembling when you speak, the other party probably doesn't like your attitude when you get along with her. But there are not many things that can be done. When you really meet someone you like, you will feel a little palpitation, and An Zhiyuan is a person who can hide the palpitation very well.

In addition to the pressure Frederick the Great put on him, it was more because he felt that she was arrogant and not profane.

When did you have such an idea?This is not necessary, there is no such thing as inviolability, even if a ship girl like Frederick the Great cultivated a good relationship and gave her a wedding ring, isn't that still a wife?

Since it's my wife, why are you nervous?Sooner or later, he will be pressed under him or let her ride on him. He is not a three-second man, so he doesn't need to be nervous in front of his wife.

Looking back now, how could the other party be so arrogant and inviolable?Mingming is very gentle, taking my child one bite at a time. Although An Zhiyuan is not lacking in maternal love, this way of playing is not bad...

In the past, my wife often played the role of mother. To be honest, it was very...ahem.

But it only happens during role-playing, after all, a wife is a wife, she is just a matriarch, not a real matriarchal role.

Obviously, the oppressive-looking Frederick the Great in front of him is the real matrilineal ship girl.

She has a mature charm all over her body, whether it is appearance, figure or posture charm, she is very mature. In this era where every woman who has a milk is a mother, it is not bad to have such a "mother".

"Would you like to hug me? Maybe this will relieve your tension. I don't mean anything malicious, child." Emperor Frederick said softly. She didn't want her child to alienate her, because her child was still her admiral. Not to mention the role of mother and child, even if it's just the ship's mother and the admiral, they shouldn't be alienated, not to mention, the admiral is still her own child, although he was not born by her, but this does not affect her. My own child, dote on him, love him, look at his nervous appearance... Frederick the Great's heart is soft, and he really wants to hold her child in his arms to comfort him, but...if you do this now , maybe it will scare him again... wait for him to hug him.

The company looked on the side with a weird expression... Admiral's new ship wife is a matriarch... Really tall, even if you take off the boots, it is 179 or 180, just like a lion... But I don't know why, the admiral and the one named Philip Emperor Terre's ship girls feel a little restrained...

An Zhiyuan's restraint, because Frederick the Great made him feel different from any previous ship girl, and the reason why Frederick the Great was restrained was because he felt that if he did something rashly, he might scare his children again, So control yourself too..

Is it because of the presence of an outsider like myself?The enterprise thought about it, and finally sneaked away, vacating the place to leave enough space for An Zhiyuan and Frederick the Great.

An Zhiyuan finally hugged Frederick the Great, because he saw her expression was a little disturbed... It seemed that it was caused by his hesitant attitude... Forget it, let her mother be her mother... If she likes it Well, having such a "mother" is not bad...

Only then did Emperor Frederick heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that his child didn't hate him, but just didn't know how to get along with him, right?Hehe, it’s okay, we still have a long time to get along slowly... Frederick the Great stroked An Zhiyuan’s hair gently with his hands, hugged his head, let him bury him in his chest, and enjoyed the friendship with An Zhiyuan. The sweet feeling of getting along with your child warmly when they meet for the first time.

"Emperor's mother...I'm going to suffocate to death..." After a while... An Zhiyuan couldn't help but said, it was very fragrant, really fragrant, and the texture under the tulle was clearly transmitted to the skin on his face , But, bury your head in it, a little bit suffocated...

But when he shouted out, An Zhiyuan blushed immediately, his face as thick as the corner of a city wall turned red, wow...it's too shameful, calling his ship's mother mother or something... grass, grass...

Mother?Do your own children call themselves the emperor's mother?Frederick the Great was elated, and suddenly felt that he was about to faint with happiness... Great, great, it's great to be built by his own children!I must give him...what I ~have~love!

"Oh..." Emperor Frederick let go of An Zhiyuan a little, and looked at An Zhiyuan with a flushed face, his eyes were full of excitement and doting, "My good boy..."

PS: Refresh to see the picture

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Frederick the Great was a battleship...

To be honest, it’s weird to add Great Emperor to the name. You can either call her Mother Great Emperor, anyway, you’re not ashamed to call her once, or you can call her directly Frederick...

In short... let's take Frederick to greet everyone first.

An Zhiyuan and Frederick walked around the tutelary mansion, and took her to meet the other ship girls in the tutelary mansion.

Everyone's first impression of Frederick is...tall...really tall, her chest may not be the biggest, but she is definitely the tallest...

She is about seven centimeters taller than An Zhiyuan. Of course, this is because she is wearing high-heeled boots, but even if she doesn't wear them, she is still a little taller than him.

And just like An Zhiyuan saw her for the first time, many girls' first impression when they saw her... was that she was full of oppression, and her temperament was like this, not just a matter of dressing up.

For example, when Jian Xiaozhai and Master Su Odin and the others were scared, the three little guys didn't dare to breathe... It's like Frederick is some kind of evil witch who catches little girls to refine medicine...

This made Frederick a little hurt, but after hearing An Zhiyuan's introduction that Xiaozhai was a German ship girl, trumpet Tirpitz, Frederick's eyes lit up, and she walked forward and gently put her hand on the ship. He stroked Xiao Zhai's head, "Tirpitz... Xiao Zhai... so cute."

Frederick's voice was very gentle, and Xiao Zhai, who was so frightened, couldn't help but look at her secretly. Seeing her soft expression, she didn't feel so nervous.

However, Xiao Zhai still feels a lot of pressure... Sister Enterprise doesn't have such pressure when she is angry... Obviously Sister Frederick didn't lose her temper, and she still had a gentle smile on her face...

However, when Frederick officially met with the company, the company behaved normally.

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