Bismarck was really angry and funny when he saw his sister's appearance as a little girl who was backed by the admiral...

Yes, I will not deal with you in front of the admiral, I will deal with you when we get back to the dormitory...

Bei Zhai turned his head, looked at An Zhiyuan, and then pursed his lips, "I really miss you...not just the kind of missing the prototype of the hero in this book, admiral..."

In Beizhai's notebooks, the male protagonists are all An Zhiyuan, and they are basically the subjects that Beizhai thinks of. An Zhiyuan usually gives her a live demonstration. For example, if she wants to draw An Zhiyuan and CV16's notebooks, then she will commission An Zhiyuan went to CV16 to give her a live demonstration. As her material and then draw the book, An Zhiyuan would usually accompany her to mess around. Anyway, he was the one who took advantage of it. However, every time he mentioned the heroine of the book, it was other When it comes to girls, it takes a lot of effort... I don't know why some girls would rather sleep with Bei Zhai than have sex with the admiral in front of Bei Zhai... Of course, most of the time An Zhiyuan is still persuasive.

"Well...I know..." An Zhiyuan rubbed her long pink hair and said with a smile.

Bei Zhai smiled, then stood on tiptoe and kissed An Zhiyuan on the mouth, "Okay, you can go kiss your sister..."

Hearing Bei Zhai's words, Bismarck blushed slightly. Although he was always a docile cat in front of An Zhiyuan, that was because there was no one other than them, but now whether it was the very tall ship girl he didn't know, or his own family, My sister is watching from the side... She really can't do the soft cat look she showed alone in front of the admiral...

But seeing the admiral approaching, Bismarck still put down the things she was carrying on her back, and then she felt the admiral hugging him. She pursed her lips, put her chin on the admiral's shoulder, and enjoyed it. This faint joy of reunion.

"Miss me?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"Yes." Bismarck said softly.

"How much do you think?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"...I really want to..." Bismarck blushed slightly, looked at Tirpitz who was giggling over there, and glared at her, but Tirpitz was not only not afraid, he even smiled more happily. ..

An Zhiyuan didn't molest Bismarck too much. He introduced Frederick to Bismarck and Tirpitz, and then introduced Bismarck and Tirpitz to Frederick.

Bismarck was a little surprised to hear that the other party was a product of Project H. She thought of Hindenburg and Hutten...

They didn't say hello like "Hello" that is unfamiliar, they are all the maids of a tutelary mansion, and they might lie on the same bed in the future, so why are they unfamiliar.

An Zhiyuan suddenly thought of something, then leaned close to Bismarck and whispered something in Bismarck's ear, Bismarck picked up a suitcase beside him, "This suitcase is all..."

"One box??" An Zhiyuan's eyes widened, "It won't take so much..."

The main thing is to eat it once, and it can last for about a week. There are estimated to be several thousand pieces in this box. When will it be eaten...

"Yubari said it's enough..." Bismarck's face was a little rosy, of course she knew what these things were, she had eaten them, and then fed the admiral and drank them...

An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, looked at Dadi Mama...

Frederick smiled slightly, she heard the whispers between the two, she is the ship's mother, of course she could hear, "My child, if you like, I can eat it, for you, my child, what is it? Willing to do it all."

An Zhiyuan sucked in a breath of air, saying it was very obscene, he bokied.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The reason why An Zhiyuan called Bismarck and Tirpitz is simple.

Now the girls here dote on him too much, really dote on him too much, An Zhiyuan feels that his body is going to rust.

In the past, although he was spoiled and squeezed hard, he exercised every day under the supervision of Bismarck and Huteng... Well, it should be said that he was under the supervision of Bismarck. Huteng was not a supervisor, but simply accompanied him. As the pervert admiral Personal bodyguards, of course, have to be by the admiral's side all the time, at a positive distance, sometimes at zero distance, and sometimes at a negative distance.

The purpose of calling Bismarck here is to prevent his body from rusting to the point where only his waist can move. As for the North Residence, it is just an accessory.

Just joking, An Zhiyuan misses them very much, whether it's Bismarck or Bei Zhai, who doesn't like Bismarck the soft cat?Who doesn't like the plump house girl Tirpitz who likes the book?What's more, in order to study how to draw the book well and have more fun, Bei Zhai is willing to explore new ways of playing with An Zhiyuan.

For example, hang his legs upside down on a tree branch, let An Zhiyuan practice target shooting, practice what is penetrated below the waterline, what is destroyed, and other nickname skills.

There are so many ways to play that it is difficult for An Zhiyuan to give examples, because they all look good...

Of course, besides studying posture knowledge deeply, Beizhai itself is also very cute. Although she is a nerd girl, if the nerd girl is good-looking and smells good, she can do anything. Such a nerd girl?Who doesn't like it?

However, the two of them were robbed of some of the limelight by the words of Emperor Mama. There is no way, the matriarchal role, and then said that he would take that kind of medicine. Who can stand it? At least An Zhiyuan can't stand it. Something blinds the eyes...

Soon it will be dinner time.

For An Zhiyuan’s former shipmates, Bismarck and Tirpitz are of course acquaintances, and there is no need for much self-introduction, but for the newly built shipgirls, they still need to introduce some Bismarck and Tirpitz .

Only Dedechan looked at Bismarck with a grin, and stared at Bismarck fiercely, hehe, forget it, don't say that your eyes can't kill, even if they can kill, do you have such murderous eyes?I think it’s the same look in the eyes of the enemy. An Zhiyuan thought in his heart that there is a deep "friendship" between Dedechan and Bismarck. Dedechan, who has always been gentle, will always lose his composure in front of Bismarck. The Hood expression is also easily irritated.

Of course, compared to Hood's gaffe, Bismarck should appear calmer.

Therefore, every time Dede-chan has a "battle" with Bismarck, as long as An Zhiyuan does not intervene, Dede-chan will always lose. But if you want to compare who is smaller, who has more cats than who, there is no need to compare, Bismarck is sure Can't beat Dede sauce.

After Tirpitz saw Dido and Sirius, his eyes glowed, my God, what did she see?The two girls who knew at a glance that they were very suitable to be the heroines of the book, she quickly moved forward and invited each other to be her model of the book. If Bismarck and Dede-chan were not staring at each other there, most of the North House would be like this. To be beaten by Bismarck.

Dido didn't know how to refuse, she looked at An Zhiyuan with some embarrassment, but Sirius refused directly, she only had the master in her heart

"Oh...why do you refuse? I just want to watch you and the admiral have sex with each other according to my ideas, and then draw a book." Bei Zhai said disappointedly.

The company on the side frowned. There are still children here, and they can't help but want to deal with them.

When Dido and Sirius heard the words, their eyes lit up immediately. When they heard that it was that kind of model, they immediately agreed, making Hood on the side a little dumbfounded... It seems that the Admiral's former ship girl is not so... Uh. to say.

The Duke of York smiled. She used to be a model, and she was one of the long-term models of the North Mansion. It was basically related to the knights. From time to time, Bei Zhai, who is the artist of the book, will also personally participate in and experience it carefully.

Xiao Zhai is an old senior, so he pretended he didn't hear it with a naive face, because if he heard what he said, he might be scolded by the admiral if he found out that he had secretly read the book drawn by that dead house, while Master Su and Odin She couldn't understand at all, and Xi Li was also very confused. An Zhiyuan hadn't had time to ask the company or himself to teach her some physiological knowledge, so it's normal to not understand.

Fusang shook her head and smiled lightly. She didn't say anything about the strange ethos of the tutelary mansion. With such an admiral, it is impossible to reverse the atmosphere. What's more, the first and second in command of the tutelary mansion, Lexington and Missouri, let alone Forget it, they are pampering him, or even condoning him to do this...

There are also the sisters of the discipline committee members of the tutelary mansion, who have long been hugged by the admiral to play with the sisters on the bed, to correct the atmosphere?What is being corrected is the ethos that taking a wedding ring is not as good as having sex with the admiral, right?

Of course, no one would sit upright with a wedding boat, everyone had the same idea, if the admiral likes it, that's what they like.

Fortress Ji is expressionless. She should not be too familiar with these behaviors. Which of these deep-sea flagships has not been given some "cruel and inhuman" education by An Zhiyuan before joining the tutelary mansion?

It can't be said that it is inhumane. During that period, that guy did not miss these roads, such as the Yangguan Avenue, and the winding path... he is old and abnormal.

Gascogne wondered whether Bei Zhai's words could help her determine the meaning of love...

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